Why does the price move? The answer is here!!! - page 8

I am basically telling you what I think and what I have seen myself!

I will be glad to receive any criticism !!!!
I'm just crying with helplessness... People with higher education, but they tell each other fairy tales like children. There's nothing to think about, there's nothing to think about...
Nobody is hiding anything. All these secrets of palischenel are spelled out in textbooks. The buy/sell order chart is not a revelation, it is an integral part of any normal stock trading/CFD terminal. And the fact that the current price is the price of the last trade made (regardless of volume and when it occurred) is known to anyone who has ever stepped outside of the kitchen trade.
I see that you are gods!
You guys are gods! 7 pages of the forum, but I did not find anything about the table and the example in the figures.
Even if everyone knew about it (and you also knew), why do some of the answers say that there is no "table" and that everything is different?

In many FOREX books about the price in the market it says "supply and demand - what is there to understand?" and that's it!
I've seen the "table" in books on the stock market.

The sell/buy order table is not an opening, it is an integral part of any normal terminal when trading stocks/CFDs.

This is a stock, and when exchanging currencies, there is no table with bids in the terminal (in the same MT4).

... I think people with higher education ...
I don't have a college degree. That's probably the reason why I don't understand, that's why I asked for help!
Just, the stock market is different from the FOREX market and even if there is a table with bids in FOREX, then how it is formed and how do dealing with it DCs work, that would take the price?

If you do not mind, then please write the scheme approximately as I wrote, the main thing that there are answers to the questions:

1) How the price is born in the FOREX system?
2) Who are the direct participants in the Forex market? (Direct participants are those who sit there and place or execute orders)
3) How do direct participants exchange currencies?
4) I would also like to know how paper money turns into electronic money, which is involved in transactions? In general, does the amount of electronic money = the amount of paper money?
5) How is the price "transported" from the FOREX to our terminal?
6) Do the DCs change the price? Why?
7) Why different spreads on different currency pairs?

And if this scheme will have a numerical example (not necessarily a real one), then it will be perfect!

I have not found exact answers in any book! No one writes exactly, there are only general vague phrases!
If you know where to find them, please give me a link?

Don't worry about it. It's just that there are a lot of people here with pinched egos. Thanks for your post.

1. Page 7 of this trid, I have already answered these questions there.
2. Everyone who needs a currency other than the one they already have. Exporters and importers of goods and capital.
3. Direct participants don't exchange currency, they buy or sell to a macratemaker, not to each other.
4. They don't convert in any way. They are that way. I get my salary electronically deposited into a bank account, from the same account I pay my phone bills, utility bills etc. If I need cash, I withdraw it from my ATM account... What is the question? No one is lugging around suitcases of cash.
5. Like accurate time signals on the radio - there you go, you get a message.
6. Yeah. From a little bit, to a lot.
7. Why do they give different percentages on different financial products? Because different levels of risk. The spread is the bank's salary plus risk compensation.

By the way, just because something isn't in MT4 doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all.

gravity001 писал (а):
Even if everyone knew about it (and you did too), why do some answers say otherwise, that there is no "table" and everything is different there?
Because some of the answers are given by non-scientists.
I have not found exact answers in any book! No one writes exactly, there are only general vague phrases!
If you know where to find them, please give me a link?
Выбирай тут - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_n_5/104-5935862-8037537?ie=UTF8&rs=3&keywords=financial%20markets&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Afinancial%20markets%2Ci%3Astripbooks%2Cn%3A1000%2Cn%3A3%2Cn%3A2604

Avoid books that talk about forex gambling. Forex players are like fleas on the body of an elephant, they mean nothing and solve nothing.
1. Page 7 of this trid, I have already answered these questions there.
2. Everyone who needs a currency other than the one they already have. Exporters and importers of goods and capital.
3. Direct participants do not exchange currency, they buy or sell to a macratemaker, not to each other.
4. They don't convert in any way. They are that way. I get my salary electronically deposited into a bank account, from the same account I pay my phone bills, utility bills etc. If I need cash, I withdraw it from my ATM account... What is the question? No one is lugging around suitcases of cash.
5. Like accurate time signals on the radio - there you go, you get a message.
6. Yeah. From a little bit, to a lot.
7. Why do they give different percentages on different financial products? Because different levels of risk. The spread is the bank's salary plus risk compensation.

By the way, just because something isn't in MT4 doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all.

I guess we don't understand each other(((. Most importantly I asked, answers are more accurate than they are. What you write is just general vague phrases, for me!
But thanks anyway. Maybe because I do not have higher education I do not immediately understand, I need to explain everything.

Let me comment on your answers:
1) that answer did not suit me either (it was too vague as "supply and demand")
2) I need currency, but because of this I am not a direct participant in the FOREX system?
Some textbooks say that the proportion of "Exporters and Importers of Goods and Capital" in the FOREX system is much less than the proportion of speculators!
3) Who else does the makratemaker give money to, and so on all the way to the top!
4) You gave an unfortunate example. Because your salary exists in paper money. To make it clearer then, can you explain the difference between a Webmoney wallet and a bank account?
5) "Like a time signal on the radio - there's a crow, you are informed." is a common sense, which is logically understandable. Can you be more specific?
6) Why?
7) Thanks for the answer!

You must be familiar with systems analysis or systems theory or some of that. Here, I need to explain the FOREX market from this point of view, from a system perspective!
In order to identify the system you have to:
1) identify all the links in the system
2) identify all the links between links

. In other words, I have to find out how the FOREX system is organised physically, how trading is carried out there and who organises and monitors it all.
Who invented the FOREX system, he also invented the rules by which the system works, i.e. a clear algorithm.
That there is a clear algorithm - is beyond doubt, because any computer works by a clear algorithm, and we receive information from the market through the computer!!!!

Here, I need this algorithm for the FOREX system!!!!

I think I've made it clearer what I want!

Thanks for the literature, if I find these free books, I'll certainly read them. But I don't think this algorithm is described there((((
1. I sympathise but I cannot help. Supply and demand are very concrete things, just like my explanation. Read it again, think about it. If you don't understand it, don't get upset, not everyone can play the violin.
2. you can buy currency using the services of someone who has this access. Most often it is a bank. There are more speculators in the stock market, but not enough in the forex market.
3. the market maker is the top, only God is higher. Although the latter is not certain.
4. There is no difference between electronic and paper money. My example is absolutely correct. My salary does not exist in paper, but can be exchanged for it, for they are two hypostases of the same thing. It was only in the Soviet Union that there was a difference between cash and non-cash. Webmoney is surrogate money for a country without a normal financial system. Forget about it.
5. Page 7, you cannot be more precise. The bank put up a price - all the radio stations ticked the appropriate price.
6. To make more money, naturally. You can't discuss details on this forum, but they are not always criminal, there are technical reasons too.
7. Read books, it would be hard without education.
gravity001 писал (а): Что существует четкий алгоритм - это не подлежит сомнению, так как любая ЭВМ работает по четкому алгоритму, а информацию с рынка мы получаем через ЭВМ!!!!
And if this information comes in over the phone, then what? You call the bank and say that you have signed a contract for the supply of equipment, payment is due in a month, you ask how much a million bucks it will cost in a month. You say that's how much. OK, I buy. That's it.
gravity001 wrote: That there is a clear algorithm is beyond dispute, as any computer works to a clear algorithm, and we get information from the market through the computer!!!!
And if this information comes by phone, then what? You call to the bank and say that you have signed a contract for the supply of equipment and that payment is due in a month, and you ask how much a million bucks it will cost in a month. You say that's how much. OK, I buy. That's it.
The aunt looks at the monitor, sees the price, and says! The monitor is hooked up to a computer that gets information from other computers!
Or do you think she has a piece of paper on her desk with the price written on it?

I think so, if all the transactions in the FOREX market are carried out electronically, what does the telephone have to do with it?
5. Page 7, there's nowhere more accurate than that. The bank put up a price - all radio stations ticked the appropriate price.

I have been asking you for several posts how the price is born and asking sub-questions about it, and you say "the bank has set the price"! Did he ask God for it or what? Does one bank represent the entire forex market?
I'm asking you for an algorithm!
Algorithm of price creation!
The algorithm of price transmission from the price source to our terminal!

Is that how you write programs on your computer: "There you go, you get a message"?

Of course, I'm not asking for a listing of the program that calculates the price, I'm asking for an algorithm that has clear instructions "who?, to whom?, when?"?

Maybe a harsh answer, but I think it's clearer that way!
Once again, what you write I have read in textbooks, I need something else!!!
So far I have the impression that you do not understand me(((
gravity001 писал (а): Тетя, посмотрит на монитор увидит там цену и скажет! Монитор подцеплен к компьютеру, который получает информацию от других компьютеров!
Or do you think she has a piece of paper on her desk with the price written on it?

I think that if all transactions in the FOREX market are processed electronically, then what does the phone have to do with it?
Well, what is the difference between a monitor and a piece of paper? Both are written by a person. You didn't pay attention to the details of my example. It was a forward contract, not a spot purchase - "a million in a month", not now. The price for this type of contract could have been written on a piece of paper as well, like a spreadsheet - today we sell forwards for a month at so-and-so price. The table was calculated by human hands... or perhaps with an arithmometer... That's not the point. The point is that you can't see the forest for the trees... Tired...