How much does it cost to write a "complex" EA? - page 30


The account has been frozen almost since the opening, I don't remember exactly on any of the parallel threads ,

I think there was a discussion about German WinWin's strategy. Ask Mathematician, I think he's been watching the trade

from the very beginning, maybe not, but the fact that the account is locked should confirm it. :)))

The first two days of 13-14.09.2007 my account was definitely not locked. During this time Alex (judging by account history) raised the deposit by about 300%. After that he posted the password to the account.

I monitored this account after 17.09.2007. During this time Alex has made 118 profitable trades and not a single loss. He managed to enter the market with profit only 8 times under supervision, and then he had some negative trades after that. And then he had only losing trades. Consequently, the result.

So my statement that Alex cannot show good results even on the demo if the account is locked, turned out to be almost correct. But he managed to impress me. Namely - the speed at which he cashed 800 000. I think it only took him two days.

Yurix, as always, you hear the bell, but you don't know where it is! :)))

We are discussing the current demo account with a 1500% profit in 3 weeks.

Логин: 573561 Пароль инвестора: rbz6jfl(только просмотр)

Alex, as usual you are twisting things around and now in front of an astonished audience. I know very well what account we are talking about and, believe me, it is not another one of your "achievements" at all. If you haven't figured that out yet, you are in trouble. And if you are writing all this nonsense to poke your account details in your eye once again (maybe some other sucker will admire you), then thank me - I did not delete those details from the quote.

Note, Alex, you have already formed a role on this forum: to brag about your "achievements". You used to shower everyone with your statements, and now you're boasting about your accounts. But it's still the same: you can't demonstrate anything except what you've done in secret. And your main problem is not even that. Get on with your strategy, and leave this kindergarten stuff alone. I understand strategy is difficult, and you want to assert yourself now. However, this way of asserting yourself will lead you to the exact opposite result. Soon even the newbies of this forum will be laughing at you. Do you think your self will like it ?


I have accepted your wager.

I suggested that you and I open one account, not 100 dung accounts, as Timbo put it, and in a locked depot

to trade for, say, a month. Whoever has a bigger deposit wins the bet.

Yuck! Now that's what you call losing. Completely changed the terms of the original bet. You bribed the Composter to say he wouldn't do a percentage on the dung technology. And Composter offered you a bet that he would, because it's a matter of technique. And now you're talking about something else entirely. Who are you after that?
Alex, you are twisting as usual, and now in front of an astonished audience. I know very well which account we are talking about and, believe me, not about another one of your "achievements" at all. If you haven't understood that yet, then your business is not good at all. And if you are writing all this nonsense to poke your account details in your eye once again (maybe some other sucker will admire you), then thank me - I did not delete those details from the quote.

Alex, you've already developed a reputation for bragging about your "achievements" on this forum. You used to shower everyone with your statements, now you are showering everyone with bills. But it's still the same: you can't demonstrate anything except what you've done in secret. And your main problem is not even that. Get on with your strategy, and leave this kindergarten stuff alone. I understand strategy is difficult, and you want to assert yourself now. However, this way of asserting yourself will lead you to the exact opposite result. Soon even the newbies of this forum will be laughing at you. Do you think your self will like it?

My dear friend Jurix, you stubbornly conceal your results from us and why haven't you ever posted your stats or invoice? Why? :)))

"If you do not know the exact meaning of the word FOREX, you may be surprised by how little you see, how many beacons you see and which ones you take,

I mean, roughly what you can count on, and in which direction to go. :)))


Yurix, as always, you hear the bell, but you don't know where it is! :)))

We are discussing a current demo account with a 1500% profit in 3 weeks.

Логин: 573561 Пароль инвестора: rbz6jfl(только просмотр) 
Uh, no... We're talking about account 556039, the password above, which was leaked at an astonishing rate.

And this new account has never been monitored and seems to be covered in such a layer of muck that it cannot be washed off.

I have accepted your wager.

I suggested that you and I open one account, not 100 dung accounts as Timbo put it, and in a locked depot

to trade for, say, a month. Who has a bigger deposit wins the bet.

Yuck! Now that's what you call a flush. Completely changed the terms of the original bet. You bribed the Composter to say he wouldn't do a percentage on the dung technology. And Composter offered you a bet that he would, because it's a matter of technique. And now you're talking about something else. Who are you after that?

If Composter still can't make 2000% a month with dung technology, then it's probably not that easy???


Yurix, as always, you hear the bell, but you don't know where it is! :)))

We are discussing the current demo account with a profit of 1500% in 3 weeks.

Логин: 573561 Пароль инвестора: rbz6jfl(только просмотр) 
Er, no... We're talking about account 556039, the password above, which was leaked at an astonishing rate.

And this new account has never been monitored and seems to be covered in such a layer of muck that it cannot be washed off.

Specially found it, this account was frozen in this 'Ideas Marketplace' thread back on 10.10.07 at 14:19
It's an account that has been frozen almost since it opened, ask Mathematician.
And Yurixx says it was frozen almost from the beginning. But before that "almost the beginning", according to him, there was already a lot there, and after the "beginning" there was a steep drop, which we are all seeing.
This account has been frozen almost from the opening, ask the Mathematician.
So does Yurixx say it has been locked almost from the beginning. But before that "almost the beginning", according to him, there was already a lot there, and after the "beginning" there was a steep drop, which we are all witnessing.

If it's so basic, why don't you post your fantastic gem?

Or are you hiding your super strategy from your enemies? Or is it a different question? I didn't get around to it either :)))


If the Composter still hasn't been able to make 2000% per month with dung technology, then it must not be that easy???

Timbo, what makes you think I made my state with dung technology anyway???

I mean you gave up the bet and he probably doesn't need the virtual pearls.

I didn't claim that. But certain circumstances suggest the possibility that he does. And all your actions only confirm such suspicions.
If it weren't true, you would easily refute it. One account, monitor trades for a month, and that's it! And no need for the hundreds of posts you write here and the dozens of stats you spam here.

I didn't say that. But certain circumstances suggest the possibility that it's true. And all your actions only confirm such suspicions. If it wasn't true, you would easily refute it. One account, monitor trades for a month, and that's it! And no need for the hundreds of posts you write here and the dozens of stats you spam here.

You can't please everyone anyway, in principle I'm not going to do that :)))

Timbo, it's much easier, open 100 accounts and increase at least one of them by 2000% in a month.

And I would love to see your results. :)))