programmer with a minimum of garantee - page 3


- In addition, the "greed" that the observant author has observed in programmers is an additional safeguard for the non-proliferation of the strategy

It is how you look at it - greed or the opposite, an attempt to save the client's money. The client once does business with a programmer, he would like to talk - in the ICQ, on the phone. And for the programmer it is a waste of personal and working time, and doubled, because after this communication it takes the same amount of time to get back into tune to work.

Since everyone here is connected to forex, the logic of the idea, if it passes through the programmer, will be perceived by him:

1) You could divide the task into subtasks and distribute them to different programmers.

2) Add a couple of false tasks/sub-tasks.

As it is to sit on the forex and not think about the money. Sooner or later the idea will most likely be implemented in code.

You can also ask the programmer, like a man, if he has a mistress. If he has one, you should not give him the idea.

This is a fallen programmer and your idea will be realized, but he will lie to you and to himself that it is not. It is like not thinking about women.


You can also ask the programmer, in a manly way, if he has a mistress. If he does, you should not give him the idea.

This is a fallen programmer and your idea he will most likely realize, though he will lie to you and to himself that he does not. It is like not thinking about women.

It has been said for sure. A good programmer is a neutered programmer. Before you give him a technical task, ask the programmer to take off his trousers and make sure that the prerogatives are completely absent. If they are still present, take a kitchen knife and circumcise the programmer.

Local authors should include this obligatory condition in their articles on the selection of programmers. Many customers won't have a clue themselves

- In addition, the "greed" that the observant author has observed in programmers is an additional guarantee of non-proliferation strategy

It's how you look at it - greed or an attempt to save the client money. The client only deals with a programmer once, he would like to talk to him - to sit in an ICQ message, to make a phone call. And the programmer spends his personal and working time twice as much, since after this conversation he needs the same amount of time to get ready to work again.

I did not think you would take my irony seriously. I've been as a customer and I agree that there is a primal desire to communicate with the programmer more deeply and not only on the subject. But over time, this passes, when you find out that the value of born in the throes of ideas is more than questionable, and at this stage you as an interlocutor are of little interest to anyone. And when one realizes that the programming elite, who have seen thousands of ideas, continue to earn their living writing by experts, the illusions are gone for good.

It does not mean that you stop using experts. Just ask to do a specific thing that you could not do yourself, and not suffer nights thinking through a scheme to protect a brilliant idea from theft.

I didn't think you'd take my irony seriously...

I only took it as an excuse to speak out)

An experienced software engineer will not go to the kitchen, he will go to the computer if he wants to.
An experienced programmer will not go to the kitchen, he will go to the computer if he wants to.

Is the programmer allowed to breathe?
Why does everyone think they are smarter (more brilliant) than everyone else? It's sad, gentlemen...
It's neither sad nor funny. It's normal! And you can use it to your advantage. Read the art of war...
Decided not to create a new thread as my suggestion/request is similar with the only difference being that the guarantee requirements are lower. I.e. take my word for it. Details of possible cooperation at goldtrader(at)

Why does everyone think they are smarter (more brilliant) than everyone else? It's sad, gentlemen...
Because normal people only recognize themselves as idiots when:
  1. I have to dodge the army draft
  2. After committing a serious crime to avoid punishment
  3. After your own wedding
Otherwise, they think they're smart or even brilliant.