programmer with a minimum of garantee - page 6


//The inadequacy of the means to protect it is ridiculous. Do you by any chance hang cast-iron chains on your trousers or chain them to the radiator, or else they might steal them?

Funny is not funny, but there is a practice to fasten the working laptop security cable (Kingston lock), even in the building of their own firm. And it is desirable to lock the computer. Also business laptops come with hard drive encryption by default. It's practice.


For several obvious reasons, it has already been suggested that this thread be closed.
I suggest that the discussion be moved to a new thread.
Here's a new thread - 'Trustt service for programmers and their clients - gaining experience'.

If you have an opinion, post it


You asked for a quote - I gave it. Here it is, right above this line, in front of your eyes. If you don't understand it, not even medicine can help you.

The adequacy of funds is beyond your remit. And besides, everyone has the right to choose for himself the level of this adequacy. I can imagine your um... "reaction" if someone tried to impose their view on the adequacy of your means.

The inadequacy of the expressions you choose, exercising your right to a "modest" opinion of your own, only confirms your very vague ideas about what adequacy means. Believe me, you can easily be insulted for the rest of your life without using even a single questionable word. But no one aspires to that, not so easily, nor does anyone hide behind your impeachment, as you do. Why do you strive for it?

Don't you know what I mean? Oh yeah... You don't read your posts. You only write them.

In a nutshell:
- I asked for a quote where I was demanding/begging for someone else's system. Maybe you don't understand it, but I don't need someone else's, I have enough of my own. Besides everything really interesting is in the public domain.
- Expressing an opinion on adequacy is not the same as imposing it.
- It's impossible to insult me, because I don't care what people who try to insult me think - they don't exist in my world.

Funny is not funny, but there is a practice of securing a working laptop with a security cable (Kingston lock) even in your own company building. And it is advisable to lock the computer. Also business laptops come with hard drive encryption by default. It's a practice.

Protection is adequate to the value. A laptop for a few thousand dollars has a cable, not a chain, a cable can be cut in half a second with wire cutters. Locking a computer from a casual passerby will not protect against even a novice hacker. It is the inadequacy in assessing the value of an object and the means to protect it that is laughable in this and some other threads.

Would you be so kind as to tell me how a novice hacker would break into a locked computer without anyone noticing?

No offence to the girls, but nature itself created such a mechanism (a cable that can be bitten) as virgin integrity identification.

This same method is again partly adopted in the business by sticking all sorts of control tags. The cable is quite adequate to some of their tasks.

Teaching everyone peace and trust is a good thing, I was saying that practice proves to be different and the more it concerns money, the more life may surprise you.

And wearing helmets is also funny then, although it's a safety technique written by wounded heads.

The ear on the side is also kind of funny.


Would you be so kind as to tell me how a novice hacker would break into a locked computer without anyone noticing?

No offence to the girls, but nature itself created such a mechanism (a cable that can be bitten) as virgin integrity identification.

This same method is again partly adopted in the business by sticking all sorts of control tags. The cable is quite adequate to some of their tasks.

Teaching everyone peace and trust is a good thing, I was saying that practice turns out to be different and the more it concerns money, the more life can surprise you.

That's what I'm saying, the tether is adequate - it protects against the occasional passerby, or rather, it saves that occasional passerby from the temptation to walk away with the laptop - the person is weak. A tether will not protect against an intruder who is specifically aiming to steal the laptop. A chain would probably protect, but that protection is not worth it, it creates more inconvenience than it does good. Some people think you can't have too much protection, but it's business practice shows that you can't have much of that.

Do you wear a helmet all the time? Why not?

//Do you always wear a helmet? Why not?

I block the computer all the time.

I have just got a situation - I flashed the bios on my laptop from their website and that's it, it won't turn on - I have to take it to the service.

My workings are there. I somehow do not want that someone would rummage through my stuff. All my work is therefore carried out on an encrypted disk.

I`m afraid to go near trading with such mood like yours. They expect many things from the market.

Stops, MM, and nobody has a laugh.

Yeah... "The strongest breakup between lovers on the day of conversion." (deja` vu)
Yep, the madness has grown and our tanks are fast.

Anyone interested can read the article and pay attention to
the comments where you can see the dishonesty of komposter

!!!!! if anyone is still in doubt !!!!!!!

'Visualisation of testing. Account status graphs.'