NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 73

Look at the real textbook, which has been out of our reach for years.
Pay attention to the exercises. At the same time, look for restrictions, caste divisions, ideology - you won't find any...
Not everything in it is justified and not everything you can agree with, but what practice! It will come in handy for trading))))
And vice versa, the price of all clever reasoning, assessments, labels, diplomas, titles, and the like, if at least some of the published exercises do not work out.
That is, this textbook gives the minimum for a first-grader.

I've seen it, for quite some time now.

I don't share your enthusiasm. I can agree with much of what it says. A lot of it looks not just "not all substantiated", but definitely "baby talk".

From the point of view of practice, one must assume, it is a very useful thing. From the point of view of the development of consciousness - pure phenomenology, unable to answer any serious question.

Looking for restrictions and caste divisions in it? Why would you suggest that to me all of a sudden? Or is your caste lower than mine ? :-)

But the ideology is really not there. Neither is there a worldview or morality. So the authors, having said a lot of interesting, enticing, tempting, so much desired by every unsatisfied Ego, in the end stick to the typical American slogan "with our exercises you can learn it all and then you can achieve any goal". Does it inspire you? For what purpose ?

Well, you've defined it quite correctly - "for the first grader". I guess it's too late for me. :-)))


С точки зрения практики, надо полагать, очень полезная вещь. С точки зрения развития сознания - чистая феноменология, неспособная ответить ни на один серьезный вопрос.

Paradoxical. It is good for practice, but not for the development of consciousness. So practice is for the development of consciousness. By developing consciousness, you can answer your own worldview questions. To grind thoughts in your head to build your worldview system is not practice and not the development of consciousness, but philosophical speculation.

Semper percutiatur leo vorans.

Et didi:

Quos Jupiter perdere vult, prius dementat.


1. there are over 150 different kinds of hypnosis and new ones are being brought in, but there is no hint of how it is done.
Mankind is inventive. What's Eriksonian? It is us who are addicted to it, historically so)))).
But in reality it is an identification with a subtle body, (let's not say which), i.e. it is assumed that the one who is identified with is
a) the weaker one b) will not notice anything c) will not answer d) will not count anything through this body e) will not pull the entire suggestible person with his giblets, etc.
In other words, if the choice of the object is not successful, the superheposer may be zombified.))

2. The magnetic field is certainly not involved in these studies, except for recording the fields of the heart at a distance. EPR, NMR is another matter.
8 years ago in Sweden for the first time in the world a defendant was convicted on the basis of NMR scanning of the brain.
Or Australians have been using EPR 'headphones' scientifically for the 2nd five years, they started with instrumentally distinguishing between Dark/Light mental commands.

3. In trading, nerves burn.
The methods of the Munich textbook allow to clearly determine the current level of self-consciousness, for example, in order to stop in time and not to drain.
In contrast to our methods Munich AT relaxes noticeably more structures of the body.
This is also the intuition given in the exercises.


If a similar thread appears in a year's time, we can already speak of a pattern. (Listen traders - a lawful pattern :-)) Almost a year ago we started a thread "Who would say about intuitive trading?", which turned into a heated discussion of personal development and levels of consciousness, and now it is June 2008. Legitimate or accidental? Trading is also attractive as a way of self-discovery, as SK has repeatedly pointed out, so it draws us into discussion of non-trading topics.

I think this is a pattern. FOREX filters people. The specifics of FOREX is that it acts against the majority. Those who have been in it for several years (with money, not on DEMO :) ), in their way of thinking they are more likely to belong to the minority. And those who think differently are always more difficult. But dissenters are either tolerant of those around them, or they break down (self-destruct).

And as for the SOMETHING, successes at FOREX intoxicate, and failures cause a desire to return the loss ("I see everything, I'll open myself up and everything will be fine"). In order not to fall under the hypnosis of the charts, you must learn to control yourself. You have to do self-awareness in order to control your emotions.

So it seems to me :)


Many times I have asked myself the question: Why does a person need dreams?

What's the use of them? The brain would rest while we sleep, "sucking up" all sorts of different juices necessary for functioning during the day. But it is not, it is worried about something, as if the day is not enough for it, and the "fast" phase of sleep, as if to judge by encyphologram data, is not different from the state of being awake!

It is good when you work with a programmed Neural Multilayer Network (NS), everything is clear, everything is deterministic. Here are neurons, and here are weights of their synapses (analog of conductivity of biological synapses). Such a network receives a set of impulses from a group of receptors and at a certain output (axon) there is a signal to action - you have to bend your arm! Everything is clear and understandable. But why does this system need dreams? A question.

And then a hypothesis occurred to me. After all, in difference from the program analogue where all weights, once attuned, will already work and work, our live NS is constantly in "motion" - something will grow somewhere, become obsolete or on the contrary - will increase in diameter ... Imagine finely tuned clockwork mechanism, in which parts, gears, though a little bit but change their size ... Right, in a day such mechanism will stop or will outright lie! In fact, our brain is the same mechanism consisting of many finely tuned connections between neurons. These connections are adjusted as a result of life experience, in the process of existence of the organism. So how to deal with this situation?

It seems that dreams play an important role in the process of preserving our memory and acquired life experience. Indeed, when we dream, we relive certain events from our life, thus making our neurons "remember" information which has, perhaps, already been forgotten... In other words, it is a process of "training" the NS on historical data in order to restore slightly altered synaptic weights due to different biological processes. And it does not matter that we sometimes see distant pictures in our dreams, it is not important, what is important is the experience we have while dreaming. It is they that make our living NS "remember" the event, not to lose the invaluable acquired experience.

If this hypothesis is at least somewhat adequate to reality, the answer to the question becomes clear: to what we owe our memory - dreams. It becomes clear what must be done for a mother, who has a child killed in an accident, to get rid of nightmares - she must not watch the dream which repeatedly returns her memory to those terrible events. If memory owes its existence to dreams, then dreams are seen by everyone! Mice and cats and us.

These thoughts came to me in answer to a question posed in this thread as to whether I am dreaming.

Almost like that. In dreams, situations come back that the person in reality was not able to react to fully and adequately (due to their emotional intensity, or maybe some other factors). Distortion in the dream - the provision of information that the person was not able to perceive in real life in an acceptable form for its perception. If these bizarre images are distorted they turn into a concrete situation from the past. As for the last point (the mother with the nightmare dream), access to such situations can be blocked, but because of this the level of consciousness is reduced.
Almost like this. In dreams, situations come back to which a person was not able to react adequately and fully in reality (due to their emotional intensity, perhaps due to some other factors). Distortion in the dream - the provision of information that the person was not able to perceive in real life in an acceptable form for its perception. If these bizarre images can be distorted, they become a concrete situation from the past. As for the last point (the mother with the nightmare dream), access to such situations can be blocked, but because of this the level of consciousness is reduced.

It's like this and not like that.

I haven't believed in dreams of lucidity since I was a child, and I haven't really seen them [lucid dreams] either. As a student I had one very strange dream (I won't describe it, although it was short and I remember it well), in which I was asked the question "Will you be our sponsor?" I hesitated with the answer (in the dream I hesitated). I was asked again (in the same dream), I said "Yes" and woke up. At lunchtime I found out that someone very close to me had died in the morning. So that begs the question, "What kind of past is it [the dream] based on?"

I am not calling anyone for mysticism, but at times in a person's life, events occur that are caused by very strange circumstances.


This is closer to the topic of Jungian synchronicity. And as mentioned by Tibetan Yoga Dreams there are dreams not only from the past (karmic) but also from lucidity of consciousness. In this situation - the direct perception of the event, but in a distorted form due to the emotional complexity of its perception. However, only the topic of dreams from the past has been more or less elaborated in science.

Red.Line wrote (a):

I have read many books on psychology in my time. The last one was dedicated to Ericksonian hypnosis and the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) technology based on it. There are many techniques for zombifying the psyche of both the individual and society.

If it is not difficult, I would listen to a couple of MP3s. :)

Would you mind uploading them somewhere?

You're wasting your time. Ericksonian hypnosis doesn't work in Russia. Or if it does, it doesn't work at all as planned.

NLP is NOT based on Eriksonian hypnosis, although they have stuffed it with everything they can. That said, its presuppositions are not experimentally and scientifically tested.

Coming to the exchange someone finds millions, and someone loses everything, although the exchange for all one ... Do not judge for me how I should spend my time, better to spend yours wisely. Knowledge of hypnosis and NLP methods is only knowledge, and who and how applies them... Here is something for you to think about.