NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 70


If a similar thread appears in a year's time, we can already speak of a pattern. (Listen traders - a lawful pattern :-)) Almost one year ago a branch called "Who would say about intuitive trading?" appeared, which turned into a heated discussion of personality development and consciousness levels, and now it is June 2008. Legitimate or accidental? Trading is also attractive as a way of self-discovery, as SK repeatedly noted, so it draws us into discussion of non-trading topics.

For example, I have always been interested in where (from whom) do the conductors of esoteric teachings obtain the information they are trying to bring to the masses? Why is it (information) is different and sometimes even contradictory? Why "like this" and not like that?

SK. 06/22/2007 20:14 There are not many levels of consciousness. There are 8 of them in total, the nearest 4 can be adequately spoken about.

Why there are 8 levels of consciousness instead of, say, 10, 12, 36 or infinity? Who has counted them and by what method?
Excuse me, Sergey, for pulling your statement, but I am close to your monologues and I would like to hear your speculations on this point.


For example, I have always been interested in the question: where (from whom) do the transmitters of esoteric teachings get the information that they are trying to bring to the masses? Why is it different and sometimes even contradictory? Why "like this" and not like that?

SK. 06/22/2007 20:14 There are not many levels of consciousness. There are 8 in total, we can speak adequately about the nearest 4.

Why are there 8 levels of consciousness and not, say, 10, 12, 36 or infinity? Who has counted them and in what way?
Excuse me, Sergei, for pulling your statement, but I am close to your monologues and I would like to hear your speculations on this point.

There is a qualitative difference between the levels of Reality (and the objects and consciousnesses corresponding to those levels). A man in ordinary physical consciousness can perceive this difference only to a certain extent of adequacy.

A crude but relevant analogy can be used to explain this.

Imagine that some hypothetical beings live as dots on a line with freedom of choice only to the right and to the left. And they don't know or imagine anything else. We live in a three-dimensional world. It would be easy for us to see these poor creatures and understand their worthlessness. They would have nothing to say about us. They wouldn't have the slightest idea that we exist at all.

The fundamental point in this analogy is that the linear dimension is absorbed by the three-dimensional dimension. The linear system is internal to the three-dimensional system. Therefore it is easy to dispose of anything inside (at the level of 1-dimensionality) from the position of the common (3-dimensionality). And the opposite is not possible. Having "3-dimensional notions", with the same ease we can dispose of 2-dimensional objects (the image in the television set is not going anywhere, if you move it to the lavatory or on the balcony).

It is also easy to imagine our difficulties in trying to interact with objects that are a product and have the properties of 4-dimensional space. Nothing useful can be said about 5-dimensional space at all.

If a resident of 2-dimensional space somehow manages to become fully aware of the fact of 3-dimensional space, then somehow raises (well, let's assume) his consciousness to the 3-dimensional level, and then gradually begins to manifest at this level (act, live, create), then we, the residents of 3-dimensional world, could estimate it as an ordinary life of an ordinary person. But for him it would be truly a feat. But I emphasize, this hero has lived in the 3-dimensional world before, he just didn't know it until some time ago.


I was talking about eight levels of consciousness, meaning four pre-physical and four post-physical. A detailed explanation would take a lot of space, so briefly. The physical is the world in which we are aware of ourselves. It is the lowest point on the so-called Circle of Sansara. The CC is a conventional graphical representation of the complete cycle of human development in nature. The highest point is the (unnamed) point at which the world was born as a whole indescribable ecstatic perfection. Any movement from this point could only lead to a disintegration (differentiation of properties) of this perfection. Conventionally it is considered that the development went along the left - the Descending branch (of the circle of samsara, graphically it is a circle). On this path first appeared Nirvana, then Buddhi, then Mental, Astral, and finally, the physical world. The ascending branch is the pre-physical stages of development.

Our future will surely take us through the Ascending branch of CC through the awareness of Astral, Mental, Buddhi, etc. I said that we can only adequately talk about 4 levels of consciousness, meaning 2 prephysical (DMS and DAS) and 2 post-physical (AS and MC). Buddhi, much less Nirvana, can only be named, but not expressed in any meaningful way (just as a point cannot say anything useful about 4-dimensional space:)

The presence of spirits, mages, etc. was quite natural on the Downward branch of the CW. However, the fundamental difference between the Nysh. and Asc. branches is that on the Nysh. branch the differentiation of properties was detached, it denied the previous stage, but had no experience of the future. The Asc. branch would be marked by the synthesis of present Pseudo experience and detached properties of the higher levels of Reality. The sequence of magic-religion-science was also naturally determined by the stages of the Nikh. branch. The future is in the renunciation of religion and of science (in its present form) in favour of the raising of the awareness and eventually the levels of the consciousness.

Technocratic civilization is doomed. But not because there is a technical limit to science and technology, but because after grasping the properties of higher levels of reality, humanity will naturally reject the use of primitive technology.


As the wretched point ascends in its development, it will notice that with Astral Consciousness (AC) the very notion of time is somewhat displaced -- foresight is possible within 300-700 years, and movement in space has no impediment at all. Having risen to the level of MC she will also discover with great amazement that by consciously generating her own thoughts she is not only generating a mental object as such. She will find that the properties of this object include the properties of lower levels of reality, most of which are exhausted by the mental level, so she will be able to create physical objects of her own volition. She will find that time is now perceived spatially and she is free(!). She will realise that she is immortal because the very concept of death is connected with eternity - the one-way movement of time.

But at all the stages of its development it can only surmise the properties of the higher, not yet known to it, levels of the Reality.
In the meantime it remains a point... what useful things can it say about Buddhi and Nirvana:)?


The direct answer to your question is obvious. By whom? Someone who has tasted it and knows it. Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda, Robert Monroe, Sylvan Muldoon, Eugene Lutsenko, Uri Geller, Wolf Messing, Steven Laberge, etc. And also a lot of do-gooders who have not managed to try but have some experience - Sviyash, Boreev, Carrington, Blavatsky, Ledbiter, B. Sakharov, D. Davitashvili, Vereshchagin, etc. And such scum as Grigoriy Grabovoy has some abilities but very low goals.


SK wrote.

А также множество добровльных исследователей, не сумевших попробовать, но имеющих некоторый опыт - Свияш, Бореев, Каррингтон, Блаватская, Ледбитер, Б.Сахаров, Д.Давиташвили, Верещагин и т.д..


Vereshchagin DS!!!
A quote from

History of the system DEIR (further energy-informational development) began in 1982, when in my office, located in the administrative building of the research complex of one of the military camps near Ekaterinburg, then still Sverdlovsk, looked into a psychic Peter Keldorovsky, walking at the time in the rank of colonel, and roundabout ways began to inquire, no desire to leave the project, which was my group. I had my own reasons for thinking about it, and they were in the context of the project.

The discussion in this thread is developing along the lines of "psychics quarreling again")))

SK. писал (а): As well as many good researchers who have not been able to try, but have some experience - Sviyash, Boreev, Carrington, Blavatsky, Ledbiter, B. Sakharov, D. Davitashvili, Vereshchagin, etc.. And scum like Grigoriy Grabovoy has some abilities but very low goals.

I wonder by what criteria is Grabovoy ranked as a scumbag?

One more thing.

In my time I studied volumes 1 and 2 of "The Secret Doctrine" and especially "Isis Revealed". Well, it is visible to the naked eye not that pulling of some facts behind the ears, but the indiscriminate speculation by them, for what purposes. In general, reading such revelations, a person far from science is inclined to fall into a condition close to "illumination" or accessory to something great and secret. In fact, it is an attempt to get a lot (everything) without spending a single gram of work, which is the lot (niche) of lazybones and swindlers.

Why should a reasonable and educated person waste his time on this pseudoscientific masturbation?

P.S. But what a turn-on! -The veil of ignorance is woven with the hands of mercy ..." I can not guarantee the accuracy of the quote, it was a long time ago ... It makes me want to give up everything and come with you, holding hands towards Light, Love, Knowledge.


I wonder by what criteria is Grabovoy ranked as a scumbag?

I wonder what category Grabovoy belongs to according to your criteria?
Artist, magician, amateur psychologist.
Korey писал (а):

The discussion in this thread is developing along the lines of "psychics fighting again")))

I don't really understand your irony. Who is quarrelling with whom?

As for the Dairies, I would dare to suggest you visit a few stages, perhaps this would allow you to get rid of the aggregor(s) that succumbed to you.


to Neutron

It is very difficult to extricate the followers of Grabovoy's teachings from the sect and no less difficult to return them to adequacy.
This is an indirect proof that one is not a dilettante.


to Neutron

It is very difficult to extricate the followers of Grabovoy's teachings from the sect and equally difficult to return them to adequacy.
This is indirect proof that they are not dilettantes.

Have you had a chance to work? Any positive results?

Korey wrote:

The discussion in this thread is developing along the lines of "psychics fighting again")))

I don't really understand your irony. Who is quarrelling with whom?

As for the Dairies, I would dare to suggest you visit a few stages, perhaps it would allow you to get rid of the aggregor(s) that has stuck to you.

SK has put Internal Service Corporal Verishchagin on the list of volunteer researchers)))
There's a lot to take from the DEIR, e.g. working with entities, assembly points.... But why go through their steps.
Are we discussing or do we have an ideological struggle?)