NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 63

SK. писал (а):

This needs to be clarified.

Consciousness and awareness are not the same thing.

Raising consciousness is not the same as raising awareness.

Briefly, a distinction is made between physical, astral and mental consciousness. All of us have a physical one. If somebody manages to develop the consciousness to the level of astral or mental consciousness, then he is not a hero of the Soviet Union but a superhero of all times and peoples.

What is meant here is only insignificant, from this point of view, steps of personal development - an increase of the level of awareness, i.e. the ability to adequately perceive objects and phenomena within the framework of a common physical consciousness.

Roughly speaking, the degree of awareness is a quantitative measure of consciousness. An increase in the level of consciousness is a change in quality.

Let's say it is clear what physical consciousness is)))
Astral consciousness is the world one sees through dreams.
Astral consciousness is: at a minimum, to control the parameters of sleep - e.g. duration - "wake up at 6:00",
medium - to control the content of the dream - "go to bed - think about a question" or see in a dream,
or I will sleep better in the morning - after sleep I will become smarter on the matter in question.
If there is no astral consciousness, one cannot control sleep.
Good astral consciousness is conscious action in sleep.
excellent astral consciousness is acting in the astral world without going into a dream-like state.

Mental consciousness is 'being aware of what you are thinking about'.
An example of a lack of mental consciousness since school is "cramming" = cramming - passing - forgetting.
A minimum of mental awareness is imagination, flight of fancy. Transformation of images like Disney cartoons.
Medium mental consciousness - solving problems in the mind without pencil and paper.
Good mental awareness - mental experimentation, mental training.
For example, an athlete, a pilot 6-8 times vividly and figuratively scrolls his performance, his flight before the flight.
Excellent mental consciousness - realization of thought in the outside world.
Weak realization - you are driving to overtake a car or change lanes, while other road users do not dare to make a manoeuvre that may interfere with you.
Strong - for example, you mentally support someone and your protégé is like a tram on rails.
Strong - stopping, accelerating, directing, etc.

The attainment of gradations of consciousness is available to almost everyone, not just for.
Also achieving consciousness comes solely from personal practice, not from reading books and not from following, in someone else's keel.
Now where did the maxim allegedly "astral and mental consciousness is only attainable for super heroes" come from - here's the source
According to the "table of ranks" a low-ranking "Ivan the Hundred Thousandth", a proletarian, is not supposed to dispose of himself, but only to execute commands.

Also, the astral, mental consciousness is only the "bottom of the Ocean" so to speak the micro-minimal set of a sentient being.
Then there are other consciousnesses that also have names and corresponding manifestations.

Summary: you are not cogs and not super heroes, but at the same time you have astral and mental consciousness. And there are other consciousnesses too.))



How can I put this delicately?

You don't seem to be aware of your motives at all. If you wanted to publicly ridicule me, then... well, somehow... try to understand that it's not my problem, but yours internally. Even if you are deeply convinced that I am wrong about something, you shouldn't be so zealous and derogatory in demonstrating your dislike and publicly exposing your accumulated negativity... Please don't come down on me. I'm not giving you any reason to do so.


What you have written here is nothing more than idle speculation of an uninitiated person who interprets terms arbitrarily.

To clarify my worldview a bit, I will quote from the LC Dictionary (which I made a lot of effort and spent some time in 2000-2002 in contact with the author, insisting that it be collected and published). In my opinion it is the best that exists in the known field of knowledge. I also have my own personal and some generalised experience confirming much of what is presented below:

Consciousness is the most general classifier of Reality, classifying objects as objective, subjective and non-existent. There are different forms of consciousness, differing in the volume and content of the objective, subjective and non-existent and in the way one becomes aware of oneself and the environment (with which body of manifestation one identifies oneself and how one becomes aware of the environment).

Subjective - objects of different levels of Reality whose existence is established in only one way: by means of one's own body of appearance (TA), as well as systematic errors of the apparatus of perception of this TA. The classification of objects of Reality as subjective is relative and depends on the level of development of consciousness and technology. Objects classified as subjective are classified either as objective or as non-existent during the development of consciousness and technology. Thus the classification of objects as subjective is always wrong and represents a form of Maya.

Objective - objects of different levels of Reality whose existence is established in two or more independent ways (observability principle). The classification of objects of Reality as objective is relative and depends on the level of development of consciousness and technology.

Non-existent - objects of different levels of Reality whose existence is not established by any method. The classification of objects of Reality as non-existent is relative and depends on the level of development of consciousness and technology. Scientifically non-existence cannot be established (including non-existence or impossibility of perpetual engines, UFOs, etc.), theorems and postulates about non-existence of something are unscientific.

Body of Manifestation (BT) is the body with which one identifies himself under a given reduced form of consciousness: under FS it is FT, under AS it is AT, under MC it is MT, etc.

Physical Objects (FO) are objects of the Physical Level of Reality (LLR), including physical bodies and products of physical activity of people and other beings, as well as objects of natural origin similar in their material substratum. The material substratum of FO is matter and field. Modern science, especially physics, chemistry and biology, studies the FO as objective in a variety of forms.

Physical Consciousness (PC) is a form of consciousness in which one identifies oneself with one's physical body (FT), is aware of physical objects (AO, FO) as objective (environment), but is not aware of one's astral and mental bodies (AT, MT) as well as of astral and mental objects (AO, MO). With various forms of cognition in FS, a person is aware as subjective of his AT and MT, as well as AO and MO. FS for man is the form of consciousness corresponding to the lowest point of the circle of Sansara, in which there is a transition from the descending to the ascending branch, the 5th layer of the Pearl (Monad). In FS one acts on the FO through one's FT, localised in space-time.

Physical Body (PB)
is a physical classical macroscopic object providing support to man's FS due to:
- ability of self-reproduction;
- adaptive support of homeostasis (internal environment) and autonomous energy based on common resources of the physical level of Reality;
- ability to perceive superweak telekinetic influences from astral level of Reality (through etheric) and transform them into appropriate macroscopic movements of the PB; xml-ph-0003@deepl.interna

Astral Objects (AOs) are objects of the Astral Level of Reality (ALR), including astral bodies, emotions and feelings of people and other beings, as well as objects of natural origin similar in material substrate. Modern science (as of 2002) has not yet started to investigate AO as objective but is moving in this direction investigating fields, probability density flows, structure of physical vacuum, virtual objects, "objective-logical connections", etc.

Astral Consciousness (AC) is a form of consciousness in which a person identifies himself with his astral body (AT), as objective (environment) is aware of astral and physical objects (AO, FO), while his physical body is not aware as well as the mental body (MT) and mental objects (MO). With various forms of cognition in the AS, one is aware as subjective of one's FT, MT and MO. AS is the 1st form of consciousness for man on the ascending branch of the circle of Sansara. AS is the result of the removal of FS limitations associated with identification with FT, and the result of overcoming the illusions ("adequation") of DAS through the experience of FS. In AS a person manifests on FS not locally, but only informationally (clairvoyance). A person cannot act with his/her FT in AS. If one directly perceives one's PT in the AS (and sometimes even remembers it), there is a strong emotional instability, which is either overcome by breaking the identification with one's AT and then transitioning to MS, or not overcome, and then one identifies with one's PT and transitions to FS. The AS is the negation of the FS and the negation of the negation of DAS, i.e. the synthesis of DAS and FS.

The Astral Body (AT) is the structures of the AUR that generate and support feelings and emotions of a person, as well as these feelings and emotions themselves. AT represents the 4th layer of the Pearl, i.e. the 4th shell of the Monad.

Mental Objects (MOs) are objects of the Mental Level of Reality (MLR), including the mental bodies and thoughts of humans and other beings, as well as similar objects of natural origin in material substrate. Modern science (as of 2002) has not yet begun to investigate ME as objective in any form.

Mental Consciousness (MC) is a form of consciousness in which a person identifies himself with his mental body (MT) as objective (environment) is aware of mental, astral and physical objects (MO, AO, FO), but is not aware of his astral body. With various forms of cognition in MC, one is conscious of one's AT as subjective as well. MS is the 2nd form of consciousness for man on the ascending branch of the circle of Sansara. MS is the result of overcoming the limitations of AS at the expense of the experience of FS. MS is negation of AS and negation of negation of FS, i.e. synthesis of AS and FS. In MS the contradiction between man and environment (i.e. physical EGO) at the physical level of Reality (FSD) is completely overcome: i.e. a man in MS does not identify himself with any structure of FSD, but can non-locally influence any FS (telekinesis and psychosynthesis). In MS, "mental intuition" develops, i.e., a person in MS directly accesses intellectual truths in the process of direct perception, which in FS and AS are the asymptotically attainable limit of intellectual cognition of objects and phenomena of FSD and ASD.

The Mental Body (MT) are the structures of the mental level of Reality (MUR) that generate and support human thoughts as well as those thoughts themselves. MT represents the 3rd layer of the Pearl, i.e. the 3rd shell of the Monad.

The law of increasing the quality of the basis - the development of any system occurs by resolving contradictions between the system and the environment in the lowest qualitative level of the system, in which they have not yet been resolved. This level is called the basis (baseline).
The resolution of the contradiction in the baseline is carried out step by step, by redistributing the functions of transforming the form of information between the external and the internal. This redistribution can take two forms: 1) in the form of external alienation (development of the means of labour and technology), 2) through internal alienation (development of consciousness). Moreover, the development of technology determines the corresponding development of consciousness, while the level of consciousness determines the functional level of technology.
The alienation of each successive function of the basic level (transferring it to the means of labour or awareness of it as 'non-self') causes a quantitative change in the system. When all functions of some basic level are alienated, the system undergoes a qualitative change and moves on to development through the resolution of contradictions in the next, deeper than the previous level, which becomes basic.

Unfortunately, I have also had quite a few negative experiences in communicating on such topics. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people categorically do not accept any new knowledge. They do not agree even when the fact is obvious. Unfortunately, as a rule, in such cases people feel violated, see in such agreements a threat to their ego and (usually unconsciously) defend it. And it usually ends in a trivial squabble.

In short, I see no point in continuing the discussion. If anyone finds all this interesting and informative I recommend to turn to literature. I have given references earlier in this thread.

In conclusion I can only add: "Baron Munchausen is famous not for flying or not flying to the moon but for not lying".


to SK

Dear Sergey, I am not going to convince you and I am not going to convince.
This is not a private conversation.
This is a forum.


SK wrote(a).

Чтобы несколько прояснить свою мировоззренческую позицию, я приведу выдержку из словаря терминов LC (в своё время, в 2000-2002гг я приложил немало усилий и потратил некоторое время в общении с автором, настаивая, чтобы этот словарь был собран и опубликован). На мой взгляд это - лучшее, что существует в известной области знаний. Я имею также свой личный и некоторый обобщённый опыт, подтверждающий большую часть из представленного ниже:

So, Quote from a quote from a dictionary published by the author of LC with the help of SK (see previous post)

Non-existence - objects of different levels of Reality whose existence is not established in any way. The classification of objects of Reality as non-existent is relative and depends on the level of development of consciousness and technology. Scientifically non-existence cannot be established (including non-existence or impossibility of perpetual engines, UFOs, etc.), theorems and postulates about non-existence of anything are unscientific.

The only possible scientific comment is this: :-)))))))))

P.S. By the way, this place from the Dictionary contradicts SK's previous statement about non-existence of astral/mental consciousness in non-heroes.


Regarding the highlighted in red. I can still agree with the first part (given the incompleteness of the axiom systems of most substantive theories), but with the second,

теоремы и постулаты о несуществовании чего-либо ненаучны.

I do not agree: how it is possible to declare as unscientific that which is received by the most scientific way? It seems that no other rational way to study nature has yet been invented.


Классификация объектов Реальности, как несуществующих, относительна и зависит от уровня развития сознания и технологии

A masterpiece of thought! Classification of non-existent objects.

Quietly the slate rustles, the roof rides leisurely....


Non-existent - objects of different levels of Reality whose existence has not been established in any way. The classification of objects of Reality as non-existent is relative and depends on the level of development of consciousness and technology. Scientifically non-existence cannot be established (including non-existence or impossibility of perpetual motion machines, UFOs, etc.), theorems and postulates about non-existence of anything are unscientific.
The only possible scientific comment is this: :-)))))))))

Alexander, your comment only shows how shallow you are digging. And also how far from science you really are.

The quote you cited as an example of inconsistency (or what else ?) is a logical expression of the awareness of the scientific approach to knowledge, the recognition of the infinity of Being and the limitations of human knowledge about it and, moreover, the historical experience of mankind. Even the law of conservation of energy (one of the most fundamental laws of science, and the basis for the assertion that perpetual motors cannot exist) has an essential caveat: "in a closed system". Real science always makes such reservations, emphasizing the limited scope of applicability of the laws it formulates.

Maybe you think that mankind, although not yet fully aware of the laws of Being, has already learned all of SUCH?

Yurixx wrote (a): ALL, ALL, ALL . ..Those wishing... can google two words: amoeba grex.

Charged, read. Didn't find anything there to shake my bluntly materialistic worldview.

Biology to date remains like a blind man groping an elephant. The example shows only

underdeveloped science and lack of knowledge to help explain the phenomena described.

That's OK, that's fine. There is no purpose to sway someone's worldview and there should not be one. A man himself comes to the need to change something. And until that happens, his or her world-view deserves all respect as an expression of his or her free choice. In other situations it is difficult to speak about respecting free choice because then it expresses something else. Lazy thinking, lack of interest in cognition of the Universe, dogmatism, conservatism of a person's psychological structure or something else.

I can hardly agree with your definition of the level of development of modern biology. If it is limited in something, it is mainly limited by its fixation on the physical and chemical nature of the processes it studies. That's why it can't get over a certain bullhorn, because it considers human thought to be some set of bio-chemical reactions.

And as for the "lack of knowledge" I fully support you. Mostly it concerns those who have already decided everything for themselves at the highest philosophical level. "It can't be, because it can never be !". Such "learners" of reality really don't need knowledge. And, as the irony of Genesis is always realized in such cases, they find themselves held hostage to the absence of the very knowledge that would sooner or later lead them to a change in their perceptions and to a new understanding. And then often the impossible turns out to be possible. The task is not to radically change one's outlook, but to develop it. Only then will one have a chance to get closer to the truth over time.

Yurixx писал (а): Even the law of conservation of energy (one of the most fundamental laws of science, and a basis of statement about impossibility of existence of eternal engines) has an essential reservation: "in the closed system".

There seems to be another caveat (having read Zarechny): "in a perfectly classical, non-quantum-mechanical system". Well, in short, in such system which, maybe, does not exist at all :)

P.S. It seems that in GR too there are no laws of conservation. What the science goes...


It has been said many times before. There is no ultimate truth in principle.

The central thesis of all gurus with limited reality. Sorry.

Integer has given an exceptionally accurate definition, you could say he has introduced a new scientific term:

So: "guru with a limited reality "

+++++ to Integer