NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 7

meta-trader2007 wrote:

I have also tried to get people to develop clairvoyance to
identify future events that could affect the exchange rate
and stocks. I did not succeed with it - I need people but I do not have them. Although I offered
money )).

There are no people, but no fools. Those who are really open, do not play such "games" at
. They know what it entails and live by other

"It's not like picking pennies out of pockets." (c) "Meeting place

Not fools, but smart people. If you have perfect clairvoyance you can know the future course of currencies and make billions of dollars with ease. And having N amount of money you can really live other values.

It is indeed beautiful and interesting. I too have seen many things in my life - UFOs, people dispersing clouds with their hands, curing others, seeing how a hypnotist can break a person's will and turn them into an obedient robot. And up to a certain point, I thought maybe there was GOD and the Devil. (And evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good.

But my opinion has changed after a series of seminars (it was a preparation for my philosophy degree). At one of the seminars, we argued for a very long time, but did not come to a consensus in answering one single question.

Try answering it, too.

Is killing a child an EVIL?

P/S/ And the worst thing I've seen is people who predicted the future.

meta-trader2007 писал (а):
You may have a lot of experience in discussing such issues in other forums. But such predictions have not been made. These techniques have long been successfully used by the CIA and our intelligence services.
If you understood what was written in Russian, you would have understood from my post that I do not and will not do it in principle. But if you didn't understand even that, then what can we say about more? However, if you are guided by the methods of the CIA and special services, then we will never understand each other.

Try answering this question.

Is killing a child evil?

Before answering any question, it is necessary to understand what the question is about. In this case, what is Good and Evil. And what is their Source. Otherwise all these words do not make any sense.

Your question is very simple indeed. It's not difficult for me to answer it, but what's the point. If we speak different languages, how can we understand each other?


Yes indeed it is beautiful and interesting. I, too, have seen
UFOs, people dispersing clouds with their hands, healing
others, I've seen how a hypnotist can break a person's will and make them
into an obedient robot. And up to a certain point, I thought
there might be a God and a Devil. (Or what is meant by that).
And evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good.

But my opinion changed after a series of seminars (it was a preparation
for my Ph.D. in philosophy). At one of the seminars
we argued for a long time, but we didn't agree on
answer to one single question.

Try answering this question.

Is killing a child evil?

P/S/ And the worst thing I saw was people predicting
the future.

Absolutely: murder is evil. In any society it is.

And what's so scary about seeing people predicting the future?
meta-trader2007 писал (а):
You may have a lot of experience in discussing such issues in other forums. But you have not engaged in such predictions. These techniques have long been used successfully by the CIA and our intelligence services.

:-) And hedgehogs are bred on their basis.

How would one become familiar with these methods?

The moral of the story - do not try to develop while working in Forex, otherwise you may suddenly develop an ability and start using it... You'll be in trouble. ...
The moral of the story - do not try to develop while working in the Forex market, otherwise you may suddenly develop some ability, and you may accidentally start using it... That'll be a problem. ...

I totally agree!

Why can't you use what IS! (meaning other matter)

We (humans) do terrible things in this material world for a lot less money... (I won't go into the personal details of what's around) This world is complete, I'm sorry, crap... try to argue with that?

From your words(SK) it is easy to understand that the material world is based on the astral and mental world. So why not change THEM! Or use them to change the present one? And if you(SK) say, that knowing other matter I will stop being interested in the perishable nature of this world, then GIVE me the possibility to study it, to understand it... (I don't know how to put it correctly in this context, because these worlds can't be cognized by intellect as you say...). ).

What interesting methods are there? Do you have any references to read them?



"Absolutely: murder is evil. In any society it is." You may be right. But I think Yurixx is not as categorical as you are. He doubts and wants to clarify "In this case, what is Good and Evil". And the answer to that is not so simple.


You asked "What's wrong with seeing people predicting the future?". I have seen and know only one woman who can see the future. No not all the time but periodically she has this effect (if she had it all the time she would have already laid hands on herself long time ago) and she prays to God (Devil) and to Whom she has addressed that she would lose this GIFT = curse.

Back to my question again. You have a child in your arms and that child's name (Hitler, Stalin....). And you know the future. What will you do? What will you put on the scales when you stand before God (if there is one). 1 good deed that you did not kill this child and then give him a candy and a pat on the head, and put millions of other people's deaths on the other side of the scale. Or put 1 "unconditional evil" and on the other side of the scale the lives of those you have saved ?

P.S. Implex I echo SK's request. Delete this thread, it is going nowhere good. I have not discussed it on many forums like SK. And I didn't want to do it here either, and now I'm pouring oil on the fire myself.

And to your question "Is it possible to train the brain (I say exaggeratedly) on historical data for predictive purposes?" . I would like to answer as follows, I do not know, maybe it is possible, but think about whether it is necessary? To teach a machine (even a bio-robot) to predict, self-learn and also give it the levers of control. After all, a machine does not know what pain, fear and love are, it does not know how to doubt, its decisions are cold and calculating. And there are people here who do not even think about how the NS makes decisions, they are not even interested in it ('NS + indicators. Experiment.'). Just imagine what will happen if the NS starts working and begins to bring them profit. They will invest more and more money in the development of this algorithm, and trust it (the algorithm) to manage not only the finances, but also other aspects of our lives. And the time of the MATRIX will come, when we will become mere batteries.

meta-trader2007 wrote (a):
You may have plenty of experience discussing similar issues on other forums. But you haven't engaged in such predictions. These techniques have long been successfully used by the CIA and our intelligence services.

:-) And hedgehogs are bred on their basis.

How would one become familiar with these methods?

Not true, hedgehogs can be successfully bred without them. It's all about love.