NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 4

SK. писал (а):

Very crudely and roughly, human life can be divided into two big stages (and only a very few manage to go one step further).

Could you elaborate a little more on this, it's very interesting

There is no secret as to what comes next (if there is one).

Some people are so well aware of the role of consciousness in human development that for them the subject has become a subject of research for some time now. There are fractals of their own here too, which also take the breath away. But as a matter of fact, there is no qualitative difference between what is frightening and what is "terribly interesting". Whether it's the chicken that causes fear and an irresistible desire to return to the foundation of the "mother world", or the zone of catalepsy that separates the confident physical consciousness, the little-developed hazy astral consciousness and the conscious touch of the mental world...

The fractal basis of the world extends much further, beyond our knowledge. And winning (well, let's say) forex is not at all the limit of our dreams, the necessity of development (a requirement of Nature, if you like) is not cancelled out by it. The only thing that changes is the subject of interest and the qualitative basis of concepts, which describe new aspects of the world that we discover.

It means that life goes on. And tomorrow. And after...:)


Deep! And undeniably true. Nevertheless, the world is full of contradictions.

I once had the opportunity to talk to a certain Michael Laitman, he's a kabbalist, a very interesting person, he seems to be paid by Madonna herself, and he's also cursed by all the kabbalists in the world, but whatever. Laitman's kabbalah (I'll call it that) is based on understanding the fractal from outside... kind of like kabbalah is a science of the 6th part that allows you to perceive things from outside, the science of perfect comprehension. After reading Yehuda Berg's books, I didn't see much difference... In short, it all boiled down to my isolating this "seeing from the outside" into a separate type of thinking, which, by the way, is very developed among the Jews. For example, if you look at a lamp, you can easily imagine electricity, wires, a power plant, scientists, Tesla and finally Lodygin himself, sitting and thinking over all kinds of "incandescent tools". It is possible to understand this chain from the beginning to the end, as well as from the end to the beginning. Having singled out a link in the chain, again it is possible to reach both the beginning and the end, and then to understand the whole network. Now if you look at the world through this prism... To be honest, I imagine a metro map with an infinite number of lines, stations and transfers from all lines and stations to all lines and stations... And the period of "titanic catalepsy" here is just the train in which we go from station to station, gaining strength for the next step, dropping back to a pura of stations to go another way. Korche, there is exactly as much truth as there are opinions and everyone has his own truth. I am sure that knowing the signs of the goal that is beyond comprehension - a man, and not only a man by the way, can reach it and understand it... and first of all we are an example of that!

That is the idea, in short. :)

Red.Line писал (а):

For example, if you look at the light bulb, you can easily imagine electricity, wires, a power station, scientists, N. Tesla and finally Lodygin himself, sitting and thinking about all sorts of "incandescent tools". It is possible to understand this chain from the beginning to the end, as well as from the end to the beginning. Having singled out a link in the chain, again it is possible to reach both the beginning and the end, and then to understand the whole network. Now if you look at the world through this prism...

This is an intellectual way of knowing, fundamentally limited by the framework of physical consciousness.

Here's a little touch that opens up a shiny new facet of a more general fractal:
"The intellect is a tool for knowing the physical world, but it should not be overestimated when it comes to attaining mental consciousness, for being a qualitatively limited system, the intellect has as its absolute limit itself and cannot in principle know anything qualitatively higher. Therefore when the intellect tries with its own (logical) means to penetrate into the essence of the mental state or its consequences, it begins to lose the ground for moving forward just in proportion to the degree of this advance. Therefore the intellect can only asymptotically approach the cognition of the mental essence of objects, the direct perception of which with mental consciousness constitutes absolutely true cognition.
Having realized its fundamental qualitative limitation, the intellect calms itself down in its circle of duties and possibilities and stops barking at the truth not obtained intellectually, like a dog barking at a squirrel it cannot reach." (LC, Reality)


Taking time out to think and read! :)) Thanks, I'll get back to the subject.

SK. писал (а):

It is an intellectual way of knowing, fundamentally limited by the limits of physical consciousness.

SK., with all due respect... There have already been many examples here of, to put it mildly, inadequate expression of one's own (or not one's) thoughts. It is enough to remember last year usdeur. For our sheep, a load of "physical" consciousness is also quite enough. I urge you to be more careful with the framework of discussion. I have nothing against the importance of exploring different forms of consciousness, but for this, it seems to me, there are other platforms. Just - so that it is not left "on our conscience" ...
SK. wrote (a):

It is an intellectual way of knowing, fundamentally limited by the limits of physical consciousness.

SK., with all due respect... There have already been quite a few examples here of, to put it mildly, inadequate expression of his (or not his) thoughts. Suffice it to recall last year's usdeur . For our sheep, a load of "physical" consciousness is also quite enough. I urge you to be more careful with the framework of discussion. I have nothing against the importance of exploring different forms of consciousness, but for this, it seems to me, there are other platforms. Just - so as not to be left "on our conscience" ...

Yes, I agree. OK. I will not elaborate.
Red.Line писал (а):

...I honestly imagine a metro map with an infinite number of lines, stations and transfers from all lines and stations to all lines and stations...

Red.Line wrote (a): be honest, I imagine a metro map with an infinite number of lines, stations and transfers from all lines and stations to all lines and stations...


+1 :))))

However, I would classify the internet more as a model of wax catalepsy - network inhabitants can be physically assigned different positions and it will remain in place until the instinct for self-preservation in the form of going to work or eating takes over. However, this is an entirely separate topic and we have decided by common cause that it is best not to pursue it further. Unless you're having a bottle of beer in a cafe somewhere... ;)

SK., thanks for the information