Martingale is Evil?! - page 20


Visit Belokamennaya, you'll see what I mean ;)

Business lunch in a canteen (what restaurant there is) - 10 quid (under 300 rubles, sometimes I make it to 200.). A trip - 4 dollars (the underground + a shuttle bus in both directions). Plus, sometimes we drink beer every night at the usual (not kosher place) - 10 dollars easy, usually 20 (500 rubles). Plus want to buy something at the shop. Simple economics.

It's not much for Moscow. If you spend as much as you say.... . I bow to you.


That's not much for Moscow. If you spend as much as you say.... . ...kudos to you.

So it turns out that Muscovites on average spend more than half their wages?

That's not much for Moscow. If you spend as much as you say.... . . bow to you.

)) It's different. I spend a thousand a day.

Salaries are also different for everyone. Some get 4-5 thousand quid, they might have two or three times that per day, and some pull in a mortgage and spend half as much (carrying lunch from home, buying bus passes, etc.).


)) Everyone is different. I have a thousand a day.

Everybody's salary is different, too. Some get 4-5 thousand quid, they might have two or three times that amount per day, while others pull in a mortgage and spend half that amount (carrying lunch from home, buying bus passes, etc.).

It also depends on what kind of job. I, for example, spend $0 a day on food / travel. It's a five-minute walk to work. You write out an order, take a company car with a driver, a partner - and go for an audit at some retail outlet. In Moscow, as long as you get to work, you might not even want to work).


It depends on what kind of work you do. I, for example, spend $0 a day on food/travel. It's a five-minute walk to work. You write out an order, take a company car with a driver, a partner - and go for an audit at some retail outlet. In Moscow, as long as you get to work, you might not even want to work).

Yeah, martingale is not enough to make a decent living in Moscow:).
Yeah, martingale is not enough to live well in Moscow:).

))) +100500.

911: And in Belarus the average salary is just over $100.

What you are saying is not right. Before the crisis in Belarus it was about Russian, and now it is less, but by no means close to $100. See the year 2011.


What you are saying is not right. Before the crisis in Belarus it was around the Russian rate, and now it is less, but by no means close to $100. Here, look at the year 2011.

This is the official ideological statistics from BelStat. Unofficial ones are forbidden, but they are there.

Well, I lied a little... )))

MINSK, December 12 - PRIME-TASS. January 1, 2012 the monthly minimum wage in Belarus was set at 1 million Belarusian rubles ($ 117.371 at the rate of National Bank of Belarus)


This is the official ideological statistics from BelStat. Unofficial ones are banned, but they are there.

Well, that was a bit of a lie, wasn't it? )))

MINSK, December 12 - PRIME-TASS. Starting from January 1, 2012 the monthly minimum wage in Belarus will amount to 1 million of Belarusian rubles ($117.371 at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Belarus).

does it mean that if you open an account with 500 cu and work 0.01 lots in the lbubom direction, you'll have about 10 trades a day and earn 10 cu a day, you're already tough ? %)))))

And we only have enough for gas ? %)))))


911: МИНСК, 12 дек - ПРАЙМ-ТАСС. В Беларуси месячная минимальная заработная плата с 1 января 2012 года установлена в размере 1 миллион белорусских рублей (117,371 долларов по курсу Национального банка Беларуси)

Don't confuse the minimum with the average, the former is always several times less than the latter. You were talking about the average in the beginning. In Russia (see Wiki, "Minimum wage"):

The value of the minimum wage is established by Federal Law No. 82-FZ of 19 June 2000 "On the minimum wage" and is currently 4,611 roubles.

That is, it is slightly higher than in Belarus if the exchange rate of the quid is used (now 31.33 rubles/bucks, i.e. the minimum wage is 147.18 quid).