Discussion on MQL4 documentation - page 11

But I can compare, for example, Excel's formula guide with MQL4's one. Excel has a description, syntax, notes, some good examples with results, and a link to similar functions for each function. Which of these is in the MQL4 help?
Excel costs money, I hope you didn't steal your copy... Multiply the cost per copy by the number of installations worldwide. Use as an additional factor how many years the product has been on the market. Now tell me how much you personally paid for Metatrader? "But to kick those who give you information for free, instead of thanking them, to bite the hand of the giver - this is a sacred, "move it, you do not give enough and slowly".

There is no need to demonstrate that there is a demand. The absence of a textbook on the shelves is a demonstration that there is no demand. If you personally believe there is demand, then invest your money in this project, the demand is there, there is no supply, the niche is vacant - a dream, not an investment. Are you an investor or are you only good at criticism?

I already understand that the developers are not going to do this, and it is their right, but I can't help it when they claim that there is no need for a textbook or improvement of existing documentation. They compare claims about their documentation to claims about the sun in summer or other laws of the universe. A tutorial, I have already written about it, is needed to attract new users to the product. You can probably support those who are already working on the tutorial and pay them for their work, at least partially. And regarding theft, read the AC. Do you really sincerely believe that textbooks are written solely from the author's head and not on the basis of other sources?

The substantive difference between the developers and some users is that some speak responsibly and on the merits of the claims made, while others frequently and with impunity allow themselves unsubstantiated accusations.

The developers have not claimed that the textbook is unclaimed. Sorry, but that statement is just a phrase that you have for some reason decided to put on public display, but has nothing to do with reality. It is precisely after such statements that relations escalate and uncontrollable nervousness arises (especially immediately after the unequivocal: "We passionately support the idea of global (multilingual) learning").

In fact no sensible person would undertake such work without the agreement and support of the developers. At the very least, there is a need for mutual consultation in the process.

On the subject of whether textbooks are written from the author's head... I don't know what you mean.
My understanding is that the author should compose his own text based on his own idea of what the textbook should contain and why... How could it be otherwise? Of course, the primary source is the documentation.

It has already been pointed out many times here on the forum about the ulterior motives of some forum members. In a large part of cases, this is an unconscious desire of immature minds to satisfy their egos (usually at the expense of belittling the virtues of others). It's a whimsical, pretentious attitude.
I don't mean to accuse anyone personally, but I do wish to draw the attention of those present to the fact that nothing good can come out of such conversations. Let's somehow... restrain ourselves a little and show more respect to each other.

It's been said that work on the textbook is in full swing. Let's not make a big deal out of it.
Frankly, I foresee that when the textbook is published, they'll attack it - this and that, tear it to shreds. . . It's not the first day that I've had an involuntary dialogue with potential readers - and it's not an unpleasant conversation. You know, it's not stimulating.

There will be a textbook. Absolutely.
<<Is it true that Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, C, JAVA languages, when they first appeared, were also learned by means of manuals?
Worse, from the inarticulate machine documentation (about ten or so thick books on CD-ROM), uncommented foreign listings and "semi-scientific gut feeling" method with octal dumping to ADC :))) And my bosses were brutally punished for overconsumption of punched cards and scarce paper. Ah, youth...
SK. писал (а):
To be honest, I can already foresee that when the textbook is published it will be attacked - this is wrong, that is wrong, torn to shreds. It's not the first day that I've had an involuntary dialogue with potential readers - and it's not an unpleasant conversation. You know, it's not stimulating.
"Do what you can and what will be will be."
All critics go to the garden in advance. Where the critics of existing documentation already smoke.
If someone doesn't like the tutorial/documentation/indicator, let them do better.
There is no need to demonstrate that there is demand. The absence of a textbook on the shelves is a demonstration that there is no demand. If you personally believe that the demand exists, then invest your money in this project, the demand exists, there is no supply, the niche is vacant - a dream, not an investment. Are you an investor or are you only good at criticism?
  1. I stole my version of Excel, though I am a bit ashamed to admit it,
  2. I don't want to "kick" the developers! I personally have much more positive feelings towards them, but this thread is not for dithyrambs.
  3. When I talk about demand, I am not saying that publishing a textbook is likely to bring direct profit. The benefit would be indirect.
  4. I am not an investor, but a consumer.
SK. писал (а):

To be honest, I can already foresee that when the textbook is published it will be attacked - this is wrong, that is wrong, ripped to shreds. It's not the first day I've had an involuntary dialogue with potential readers - and it's not an unpleasant conversation. You know, it's not stimulating.

Don't worry, I think that many people will support you and I am one of them.
I also think that a manual is necessary, especially for beginners in programming in general.
The fact that people who don't know anything about programming are trying to start programming in mql is a fact,
and can't help it. Trying to discourage them is useless and pointless, it's still better to try to teach them if someone fails, well, .... anyway, he tried. but not his... I think he'll realise this and stop trying and just pay for what's ready. In any case, it will add popularity to mql language, and consequently to MetaTrader.
The basic questions about mql have been collected a lot on the Forum, while many of them are constantly repeated, so I suggested earlier to combine all these questions in the FAQ and make it a separate section in the Forum. Those who answer the questions, will simply in this section as necessary to add new ones.
For those who answer the questions of beginners would be easier to give answers simply by pointing to the link. But at the moment a lot of time is spent to find a link to an answer, it is often easier to make a screenshot and write a new answer. As a result, such answers, as well as questions, multiply more and more.
At least this measure will solve the "problem" before the textbook is published. IMHO
SK. писал (а):
The substantive difference between the developers and some users is that some speak responsibly and on the merits of the claims made, while others frequently and with impunity allow themselves unfounded accusations.

The developers have not claimed that the textbook is unclaimed. Sorry, but that statement is just a phrase that you have for some reason decided to put on public display, but has nothing to do with reality. It is precisely after statements like that that relationships escalate and uncontrollable nervousness arises (especially right after the unequivocal, "We passionately support global (multilingual) learning").


It has already been pointed out many times here on the forum about the ulterior motives of some forum members. In most cases, this is an unconscious desire of immature minds to satisfy their egos (usually at the expense of the dignity of others). It's a whimsical, pretentious attitude.
I don't mean to accuse anyone personally, but I do wish to draw the attention of those present to the fact that nothing good can come out of such conversations. Let's somehow... hold back a little and be more respectful of each other.

That there is no need for a textbook was written by Timbo at the beginning of the page. I'm only arguing to the contrary and defending your work. Another thing is that I am doing it, apparently, unsuccessfully, since you are reacting in such a way.
Is it true that the languages Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, C, JAVA, when they first appeared, were also learnt from the manuals?

C: came out in the early 70's, Kernighan and Ritchie's first book (= textbook) in 1978. And the ANSI C standard in 1983. Typical story: documentation (not rigorous) appears only a few years after the language appeared. And a few more years later, standardization.
Is it true that Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, C, JAVA languages, when they first appeared, were also learnt from helpbooks?

C: from the beginning of the 70's. The first book by Kernighan and Ritchie (= textbook) was published in 1978. And the ANSI C standard in 1983. Typical story: documentation (not rigorous) appears only a few years after the language appeared. And a few more years later, standardization.

So everything is not so bad with MQL4, considering its youth. It's just a matter of time before there are tutorials and more complete and understandable documentation. Perhaps the developers have reason to be proud, but is this really a basis for TABU on any criticism caused by consumers' natural desire to have an even better product?

Is it true that Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, C, JAVA languages, when they first appeared, were also learnt from helpbooks?

C: language appeared in the early 70's, the first book by Kernighan and Ritchie (= textbook) in 1978. And the ANSI C standard in 1983. Typical story: documentation (not rigorous) appears only a few years after the language appeared. And a few more years later, standardization.

So everything is not so bad with MQL4, given its youthfulness. It's just a matter of time before there are tutorials and more complete and understandable documentation. Perhaps the developers have reason to be proud, but is this really a basis for TABU on any criticism caused by the natural desire of consumers to have an even better product?

It is simply that when there is a need for a textbook, there must also be an author.
Developers have absolutely nothing to do with it. They are not obliged to make it. Although it practically already exists. Here is this forum.
Just who should systematize it from different angles. But here there are people who are enthusiastic or busy with other things and who will do it I do not know. As it is quite a lot of work. I once learned about the textbooks on programming languages, when there was already a base. Well, there were no textbooks at that time. There simply were not. And just whoever was the best at learning a language and had a normal slogan was able to write it. But again, not a textbook, but his own interpretation, because everyone has his own vision. Someone sees one thing and thinks it is important to pay attention to one thing first, the other one sees another. But in that situation it will turn out that this textbook will not satisfy anybody. We (I don't include myself in "we") blame the developers for the lack of a textbook. The developer has a different task - normal operation of the program and complete technical documentation. Many people on this forum are able to write a manual, no, more precisely, MQL4 for dummies. Mr. Klimov can do it. If of course he has time for that, or someone addresses him with this question.
But the need for books for dummies is very specific, because if you teach a person to press buttons, the result is successful only in 2-3 cases out of a thousand. The effectiveness is low. This is from my own experience. If you force a person to think, he will soon no longer need you.

So maybe it's not the book, but the unwillingness to think. But then, excuse me, why all the fuss.

I got a little carried away, I apologize.
If there is a need, there will be a result. But I do not think that the author of the textbook will distribute it for free.

So maybe it's easier to do it all in the forum, especially it is designed for this purpose.
If you have a question, ask, and you will definitely get an answer.