Discussion on MQL4 documentation - page 13


This is the book I'm studying at the moment. Can you tell me how to compile the examples, please? Do you need any C compiler?

If you really don't care which compiler, you can try pulling the free Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.
You need to download web install - http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/B/B/EBB39CA3-C78B-49CD-B1BA-3CB80A8A5B09/vcsetup. exe 2.87 MB.
Then after launching it will pull the actual compiler installation, it showed me that it is 68Mb.

And then there is SP1 for it, it is an error correction package, file http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/7/3/7737290f-98e8-45bf-9075-85cc6ae34bf1/VS80sp1-KB926748-X86-INTL. exe - 43 Mb.
If you are on DSL, you can easily download it, on dial-up it would be a bit difficult. I didn't install it because I have a more complete edition of Visual Studio 2005 but you can work with this one too.
If you have a good unlim channel, you can try to pull the latest version of Visual Studio "Orcas" from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=281fcb3d-5e79-4126-b4c0-8db6332de26e&displaylang=en, it has March CTP version, but it will be 4.4 Gb on DVD, for example I find it difficult to pull it.
Thank you Valery! I have unlimited DSL, but that turned out to be of no use. I should probably look for an older version of the compiler. The one you recommend asks for the second servicepack, I have the first.
I don't know how to compile C, I've never been interested in it. You have to learn C if you want to become a C programmer or then MQL. I have never been tempted by this career. I don't need it to create indicators and Expert Advisors in MQL (this is my personal opinion). The articles already linked here plus good documentation are enough to create almost anything. No need to complicate your life.
Then you can look for MS Visual Studio 6.0, it has VC++, released in 1998. Where to download it, I don't know the exact URL, you have to search. Or look for compilers from Intel or Borland C++ Builder, but I don't know if you can just download them as free versions.
Although, honestly, C++ is unlikely to help in mastering MQl4, there is an analogy, but it's better to study examples in MQL itself, in C++ there are no trading functions, graphics are done differently, in general, their areas of application are radically different. Only the syntax is similar.
Here is the help for this feature (in English so far; the translator should have no trouble making a Russian version). Changes and additions are highlighted in green italics:
Thank you, we will do so.
By the way, last summer the second edition of the book "Forex: from simple to complex" was published, where there is a section on the language of MQL4 and the use of experts. You can order it in the online shop: Bolero (707 rubles)
By the way, last summer the second edition of the book "Forex: from simple to complex" was published, where there is a section on the language of MQL4 and the use of experts. You can order it in the online shop: Bolero (707 rubles)

Maybe, this is the printed documentation for the terminal that everyone is looking for ;)
I understand it is not just a printout of the MT4 help, but something more in content, in the "Economics" section.
By the way, last summer the second edition of the book "Forex: from simple to complex" was published, where there is a section on the language of MQL4 and the use of experts. You can order it in the online shop: Bolero (707 rubles)

Many thanks to Renat! ;)
By the way, last summer the second edition of the book "Forex: from simple to complex" was published, where there is a section on the language of MQL4 and the use of experts. You can order it in the online shop: Bolero (707 rubles)

I would like to add just in case - there is no MQL4 tutorial in it. Yesterday I just wanted to give a reference to it in ozon.ru (it seemed that it contains a section on MQL4), but having browsed it, I found only the "MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal User Guide".
I'll add just in case - there is no MQL4 tutorial in it. I just wanted to give a link to it in ozon.ru yesterday (it seemed that it has a section on MQL4), but after reading it I found only "User's Guide to MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal".
There are 50 pages of Expert Advisors and 150 pages of detailed User's Guide. Just for beginners.
Anyway, hopefully the need for a C compiler has disappeared. In principle, you can find very compact DOS distributions on the web, weighing a dozen megabytes at most.