Discussion on MQL4 documentation - page 12

No, there's no taboo, the branch isn't closed, just Renat offers specific suggestions, which makes sense. One of such specific suggestions about ArrayRange () was described in details by Yurixx (and later complemented by me). I also think the example is very sloppily made:

int dim_size;
double num_array[10,10,10];
dim_size=ArrayRange(num_array, 1);

I will not repeat the shortcomings after Yurixx. I don't see any mockery about equal sizes of measurements, only sloppiness here.

I propose such help for this feature (in English so far; the translator won't have any trouble with making a Russian version). Changes and additions are highlighted in green italics:

int ArrayRange( object array[], int range_index)
Returns the count of elements in the given dimension of the array. The range_index variable is zero-based, so to find out the 1st dimension size, the range_index value should be 0. Since indexes are zero-based, the count of elements in the dimension is 1 greater than the largest index in this dimension.
array[] Array to check
range_index Dimension index.
int dim_size;
double num_array[5,7,10];
dim_size=ArrayRange(num_array, 1);
// returns 7, the size of second dimension
I also think that a textbook is necessary, especially for beginners in programming in general.
The fact that people who have absolutely no idea about programming are trying to start programming in mql is a fact,

There is a tutorial :)
Donald Knuth for programming in general.
+ Specification for a specific language for coding in it :)

For me MQL is the ninth language. List of functions broken down into groups and short descriptions is quite enough :)
maveric, your humour reeks of sadism :) What kind of beginner would read Knut?! I've never read him properly, except that he's sometimes useful for reference on specific algorithms. A beginner doesn't need algorithms, but structure and syntax of the language...
maveric, your humour reeks of sadism :) What kind of beginner would read Knut?! I've never read him properly, except that he is sometimes useful as a reference for specific algorithms. A beginner doesn't need algorithms, but language structure and syntax...

I agree. To learn a new language, you have to quickly run through it (through technical documentation) and keep in mind a list of functions and its capabilities. And afterwards you can always get the actual usage of a given function from the help. But here they seem to be talking about methodology. In other words, it's about writing programs in MQL4, though the language doesn't make any difference. In most cases books for dummies don't help. The forum solves all problems.

I would advise everyone to re-read Knuth. It's already a classic.
Although a re-read of Kernighan, Ritchie would be sufficient. C language. There's nothing abstruse there. But the book will be useful to many people, although I've never learned C enough to write programs in it. But I have to have an idea about it.
Programming is not a language but the ability to express, using functions and procedures (i. e. a program), what you are thinking.

Yes, unfortunately. But I used to translate everything into Pascal, which I knew better. You just get the notion of algorithms. Although, if you want to study MQL, I advise to visit http://www.vedikhin.ru/, it's rather well described in the MQL4 programming basics. Although, it is hard to say here. You need your own one for each level. The programmer has tried to write "The Complete Guide to Programming Expert Advisors for Beginners " written by Wedihin. I'm not going to evaluate it, but I think it's pretty good. I've got some interesting ideas from his articles.


So everything is not so bad with MQL4, considering its youth. It's only a matter of time before there are tutorials and more complete and understandable documentation. The developers may have reason to be proud, but is this really a basis for TABU on any criticism caused by the natural desire of consumers to have an even better product?

Will you stop with your unsubstantiated criticism? Where is TABU? Can you take responsibility for your words, give proof? Because that's what it's called - I'm grateful, but here's a couple more times in the ribs for you to make the product even better.

You're trying to tell others how to do their business. Why would you do that? You built your own world-class product? You're not even an investor - why do you need MQL at all?
By the way, for MQ you are not a consumer, for them the target audience are dealing centres - they are the ones who pay money. Accordingly, they think about their convenience in the first place.
Although a re-read of Kernighan, Ritchie would be sufficient. C language. There is nothing abstruse there. The book will be useful to many people. I've never learned C enough to write programs in it. But I have to have an idea about it.
Programming is not a language but the ability to express, using functions and procedures (i. e. a program), what you are thinking.

This is the book I'm studying at the moment. Can you tell me how to compile the examples, please? Do you need any C compiler?


This is the book I'm studying at the moment. Can you tell me how to compile the examples, please? Do you need any C compiler?

If it really doesn't matter which compiler, you can try to pull the free Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.
You need to download web install - http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/B/B/EBB39CA3-C78B-49CD-B1BA-3CB80A8A5B09/vcsetup. exe 2,87 Mb.
Then after launching it will pull the actual compiler installation, it showed me that it took 68 MB.

And then there is SP1 for it, it is an error correction package, file http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/7/3/7737290f-98e8-45bf-9075-85cc6ae34bf1/VS80sp1-KB926748-X86-INTL. exe - 43 Mb.
If you are on DSL, you can easily download it, on dial-up it would be a bit complicated. I didn't install it because I have a more complete edition of Visual Studio 2005 but you can work with this one too.
If you have a really good unlim channel, you can try to pull the latest version of Visual Studio "Orcas" from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=281fcb3d-5e79-4126-b4c0-8db6332de26e&displaylang=en, it has March CTP version but it will be 4.4 Gb on DVD, for example I find it hard to get it.

So everything is not so bad with MQL4, given its youth. It's just a matter of time before there are tutorials and more complete and understandable documentation. Perhaps the developers have reason to be proud, but is this really a basis for TABU on any criticism caused by consumers' natural desire to have an even better product?

Can you stop in your unsubstantiated criticism? Where is TABU? Can you take responsibility for your words, give proof? Because this is what is called kicking - I say thank you, but here's a few more in the ribs so you can make the product even better.

You're trying to tell others how to do their business. Why would you do that? You built your own world-class product? You're not even an investor - why do you need MQL at all?
By the way, for MQ you are not a consumer, for them the target audience are dealing centres - they are the ones who pay money. Accordingly, they think about their convenience in the first place.

Timbo! I propose to end our argument here. If you want - let you have the last word. If the majority doesn't understand my arguments, there is something wrong with my arguments and not with the majority. Please tell me, if you know how to compile C, what compiler is needed and where to get it?