Discussion on MQL4 documentation - page 7


I'm particularly interested in whether any programmers are willing to take on the training in principle.

Have done this many times

Renat! I am very sorry that we have offended you!

Not at all. But you should get rid of misconceptions: nobody will magically learn any programming language for you.

Many people want to get a result easily in a few steps. That's why they claim that the documentation is disgusting, that the developers are to blame, while overlooking tons of information. But that's not the point.

The request for remote education is also from the realm of laziness "I'll lie on the couch and someone will strain themselves remotely and teach me".
Speaking of documentation, I noticed some weirdness when you press F1 on the OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS property in the documentation, something goes wrong, or rather almost nothing happens.
Yes, it seems that this property is not described in the search engine keywords. We'll fix it today.

Thanks for finding the error.
This is unrealistic without studying C++ textbooks, but only with examples?

Dmitrich, your persistence is amazing. Several people have already written to you that C is only a subset at most. Please provide me a concrete example where MQL4 has at least something really sophisticated from С++.

P.S. I myself am familiar only with a subset of C, and I did not write anything in C++ (namely, with classes, interfaces and other third-party technologies like ActiveX). It's quite enough for me to have a general orientation in MQL4.
I think maybe still developers should try to pay attention to people absolutely unprepared for programming. I don't think you can get rid of traders who want to solve their very specific tasks with the help of mql mechanism. You can hardly convince beginners to first master basics, and then to start programming.
I do not want to say that to date the support for the product is weak, in my opinion, more than decent.
I agree with Renat
  • availability of the built-in documentation on MQL4 (in two languages) in MetaEditor
  • development of the MQL4 programming community site in three languages (Russian, English and Chinese).
  • We pay for articles written by independent traders in MQL4
  • and organize the Automated Trading Championship
  • , maintain the online Codebase library with direct access from MetaEditor,
  • the technical support and constant consulting of traders by developers in our forums

But once again I repeat - there is no escape from the "newcomers in programming" :-)
In this regard, I have an idea:
To open on a forum something like - "mql programming nursery" :-) and to collect there questions and answers for beginners.
I think it will not take much effort. But it will be easier for beginners.
It is easier and clearer to enter the world of programming, especially when there is a specific task. Of course, this is my personal opinion.

With this approach you are unlikely to ever become a programmer! And it's not about who will teach you and how, and what you will read to do it.
As for the pre-reading, I can tell you right away that no one is forcing you to read all of C++. You were clearly told that MQL4 is a C-like language. All you have to do is read C programming. C++ is an extension of C by introducing classes, structures, etc., etc., that MQL4 does not have. In general, on the fingers it may look as follows:
1. Go to your nearest bookstore
2. On the programming shelf, find the thinnest (<200 pages) and cheapest book on the C language. It may be entitled as "Fundamentals of C Programming", "Introduction to C Programming" or simply "C Programming for Dummies".
3. Read it "diagonally", extracting from it just the general idea of how functions and operators are described, what data types exist etc., not focusing on the examples of C usage.
4. Start by reading the MetaEditor's help ( https://docs.mql4.com/ru/ ). After that you will understand that MQL4 in its meaning is 95% or more of C language.
5. Next, you will start carefully reading Rosh's articles http://old.alpari.org/ru/experts/articles / and try to understand what follows when building EAs, indicators and scripts.
6. Read (when reading for the first time, you may go "diagonally") articles of this website, just to get information about "where something is" and where you may need to go for further reference.
7. After all this you will begin to program and ask technical questions on this forum. People have no problem helping, especially since your questions will be the same as those that have arisen at one time with others.
8. Next, you will begin to consciously look for your trading strategy. Without programming the algorithm the search for a trading strategy is usually built on the principle of "it seemed to me that these or those indicators are profitable, and I even made 99 out of 100 successful transactions during the whole month of demo by hand". If you read this and other forums where people come almost every day who want to have something so brilliant programmed (sometimes people even agree to just pay money for this brilliant). However, judging by the reviews experienced programmers no ingenious things for money they have not had to program.

In general, a rough algorithm for becoming a programmer, I outlined. You can change the order of the steps.
I found a manual and can share it with beginners. I tend to think that you and Renat are both right.

Thank you for finding the error.
You're welcome. We're all human...
I think maybe still developers should try to pay attention to people absolutely unprepared for programming. I don't think you can get rid of traders who want to solve their very specific tasks with the help of mql mechanism. You can hardly convince beginners to first master the basics, and then to start programming.
I do not want to say that to date the support for the product is weak, in my opinion, more than decent.
I agree with Renat
  • availability of the built-in documentation on MQL4 (in two languages) in MetaEditor
  • development of the MQL4 programming community site in three languages (Russian, English and Chinese).
  • We pay for articles written by independent traders in MQL4
  • and organize the Automated Trading Championship
  • , maintain the online Codebase library with direct access from MetaEditor
  • , the technical support and constant consulting of traders by developers in our forums

But once again I repeat - there is no escape from the "newcomers in programming" :-)
In this regard, I have an idea:
To open on a forum something like - "mql programming nursery" :-) and to collect there questions and answers for beginners.
I think it will not take much effort. But it will be easier for beginners.
It is easier and clearer to enter the world of programming, especially when there is a specific task. Of course, this is my personal opinion.

In this section, you can also post all the articles on language learning, for example, Rosha, a simple tutorial on C and example Expert Advisors with extensive comments.
Everything is understandable, the documentation is there, the examples are there, Rosh has written everything.
The only thing I'm not satisfied with are the examples in the documentation. So many of these examples have already been written here on the site, and the documentation is still the same - dumb :(

Renat! I am very sorry that we have offended you!

Not at all offended. But you should get rid of misconceptions: no one will magically learn any programming language for you.

Many people want to get a result easily in a few steps. That's why they claim that the documentation is disgusting, that the developers are to blame, while overlooking tons of information. But that's not the point.

The request for remote education is also from the area of laziness "I'll lie on the sofa and someone will strain themselves remotely and teach me".

Dear Renat, could you please explain the following.

The subject of this thread concerns the quality of documentation on MQL4. Please note the existing documentation.

The fact that this documentation has many errors, defects and poor quality parts is well known to everyone and I think you will not deny it either. The fact that this documentation is a work of developers, and not of some volunteers, textbook writers or teachers of programming languages, is also clear to everyone. And in this thread a few (only a few !) specific wishes on the subject have been expressed. Implementation of these wishes would lead to a whole new quality of MQL learning opportunities for those same beginners.

However, you haven't said anything about it. Instead you actively argue about the textbook, its cost, courses for beginners, distance learning and similar fantasies, that is something that really has nothing to do with developers. And thus the emphasis is shifted, the topic of the thread is lost, and most importantly - it loses the positive impact that this discussion could give to all. Why?

Please go back to the subject of quality of documentation. You already have one ! To improve it is not a big and easy task at all!
In the end, use some of the money that was allocated to pay for the articles to pay the same people who write the articles to improve the documentation. Finally, bring it up to the level of MQ products. And for newbies, create a common section on this and a parallel site, the Frequently Asked Questions. If you fill it only from what will pop up in these forums in the future, and then in a year you will have an excellent resource for all interested and newbies. And you will finally be able to send them not to far away, but to specific and obviously useful information.

If MQ cannot solve these two pressing, MQ-specific issues - documentation and such an Internet resource - at least explain why. Or at least say straightforwardly, as you are good at it - "no and won't".