Once again, it's about the eternal: trend/flat. - page 20

Andrey Dik:

What makes you think I have an oscillator in my system?

And what do you understand by the word "volatility"? And how can you tell if the volatility is suitable for trading now and not now?

And we are not talking about your system.

I am talking about the factors that affect the ability of systems to adequately react to market changes. The oscillator is simply a reversal tool, chosen rather randomly. It could be a channel or something else. The main thing is that it is the same for both variants. I.e. my experiment clearly shows that in this case the dick is not as sweet as the radish. The breakdown by time is no better than the breakdown by volatility. It's even slightly worse.

All your definitions of flatness that I understood are just variants of re-inventing the wheel. And that bicycle is volatility. It is a value which is not related to the direction of the price. It just shows the activity of fluctuations. If we simply do not even change the code and allow to change settings for different volatilities through optimization, the effect will be almost the same as if we would change the settings for different times of the day. The only difference is that the time of day is set rigidly, and the volatility state is flexible.

2. You still have not formalized your approach to a flat-trend - what it is and what actions there and there. Therefore even such an incorrect check, as on your screenshots, does not tell me anything. However, if you don't want - don't tell me. I do not critically need, rather, an excuse to check their workings-)

Youri Tarshecki:

And your system is not about your system at all.

It's about the factors that affect the ability of systems to respond adequately to market changes. The oscillator is simply a reversal tool, chosen rather randomly. It could be a channel or something else. The main thing is that it is the same for both variants. I.e. my experiment clearly shows that in this case the dick is not as sweet as the radish. The breakdown by time is no better than the breakdown by volatility. It's even slightly worse.

All your definitions of flatness that I understood are just variants of re-inventing the wheel. And that bicycle is volatility. It is a value which is not related to the direction of the price. It just shows the activity of fluctuations. If we simply do not even change the code and allow us to change settings for different volatilities through optimization, the effect will be almost the same as if we would change the settings for different times of the day. The only difference is that the time of day is set rigidly, and the volatility state is flexible.

2. You still haven't formalized your approach to a flat trend - what it is and what actions there and there. Therefore even such an incorrect check, as on your screenshots, does not tell me anything. However, if you don't want - don't tell me. I'm not critical, it's more of an excuse to check my workings-)

You're confusing the warm and the soft. Volatility is a term to describe the magnitude, size of a movement and t/f are terms to describe the shape, "nature" of a movement.
Just like volatility ignores shape t/f ignores size.
If your system specifically doesn't react to the time filter, then it's not sensitive to t/f, what else can I say, I'm not a whiz at it.... but mine is sensitive.
Yes - window - the range of bars that are involved in the calculation when searching for a flat.
from 3
Youri Tarshecki:
I have many things that react and shape and size and time and frequency and lifespan of the pattern and different types of memory for different variables (which many people do not even think about yet), but I think it is a waste of time to talk without formalization and possibility of objective testing of hypotheses.
So this branch is not useful to you.
And I can't and won't argue with anyone who disagrees with me. I am used to being in the minority a lot.

In our business, it is very important to describe complex processes in simple ways.

Some people do it the other way round and are great at it, but no one can understand such wisdom apart from them.

Uladzimir Izerski:

In our business, it is very important to describe complex processes in simple ways.

Some comrades do it the other way round and they are great at it, but no one but them can understand such wisdom.

Some have got it just fine -A downward and upward trend is tops there or thereabouts. (с).
Some people have done it perfectly well -Trending downwards and upwards is tops there or thereabouts. (с).

Dimitri , if a surgeon performing heart surgery on a patient does not know where to sew some vessel, then the patient is doomed to serve as fertilizer in the earth's crust.

It is important for gamblers to understand processes, even the smallest ones, otherwise they are fertilizer, for new sprouts.

I will also say, I am never offended by people making mistakes. If the person is aware of their mistakes, there is nothing to stop you from continuing the conversation.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Dimitri , if a surgeon performing heart surgery on a patient does not know where to sew a vessel, then the patient is doomed to serve as fertilizer in the earth's crust.

It is important for gamblers to understand processes, even the smallest ones, otherwise they are fertilizer, for new sprouts.

I will also say, I am never offended by people making mistakes. If the person is aware of their mistakes, there is nothing stopping you from continuing the conversation.

If the trend is "tops here and there", is there even a flat?

After all, tops are always "somewhere" - they don't happen on the same line to the exact point.


If the trend is "tops here and there", is there even a flat?

After all, tops are always "somewhere" - they don't happen on the same line to the exact point.

Is it ironic that I'm being ironic?
Andrey Dik:
Irony for me?


Clear and simple - the flats exist only in the imagination of the chuikonauts.