I teach from scratch, as well as help newcomers to join the ranks of MQL4 professionals. - page 8

Yuriy Asaulenko:
These are not mutually exclusive approaches. They are about different things.
Then I don't really understand why being able but not doing it is the sign of a good programmer? I haven't read Knut, but maybe there is some other context? Or the author's irony?
It was a strange conversation... I made an offer to help, and then they started to pick my brain and look for trivial things in a little piece of code to prove that I wasn't who I said I was...
Dmitry Sumsky:
It's been a strange conversation... I made an offer to help and they start to pick my brain and look for all sorts of trivia in a little piece of code to prove I'm not who I say I am...

No need to be offended. It's better to take it as an opportunity to improve. Whatever experience we have, there will always be room to grow. I've been given advice from the forum on how to do better or what's worth reading, I think I'll get plenty of it in the future too, I took it as help. You may not always like the manner in which it is given, but that's how one is brought up.

At least you can be commended for your courage. I think the topic will serve you well and you will find some people willing to learn. And as for the bone-washing, I read the discussion on this article a couple of weeks ago and it's a real bone-washing story).

Vasiliy Pushkaryov:

No need to be offended. Better to take it as an opportunity to improve. Whatever experience we have, there will always be room to grow. I've been given advice from the forum on how to do better or what's worth reading, I think I'll get plenty of it in the future too, I took it as a help. I may not always like the manner in which it is given, but that's how one is brought up.

At least you can be commended for your courage. I think the topic will serve you well and you will find some people willing to learn. And as for the bone washing, I read the discussion for this article a couple of weeks ago and it really got them out of hand )).

Why should I be offended? I've lived most of my life, at that age you don't get offended, at most you sympathize with attackers... )))
I wonder how you would teach a welder
The main thing is to have the desire and ambition (i.e. a result-oriented attitude) to learn. But it is difficult to teach even a programmer without desire. I've even made programs for programmers who are proficient in other languages, but not in mql... )))
Dmitry Sumsky:
The main thing is to have the desire and ambition (i.e. a result-oriented attitude) to learn. But it is difficult to teach even a programmer without desire. I've even made programs for programmers who are proficient in other languages, but not in mql... )))
And that, apart from the desire, the janitor and welder do not get drunk too often. I have had such students))
Dmitry Sumsky:

I was forced into programming because none of the freelancers, even the top ones, could do what I wanted and how I wanted (I worked with more than 70 programmers as a customer). There were many attempts, but either it didn't work correctly, or it worked correctly, but terribly slowly, or the programmers simply "bailed" from the project, after which I had to find new ones and start the project from scratch, because to complete someone else's code - is much harder than to write from scratch.

Some time ago I also started to learn a programming language and it was very difficult for me to understand simple things. I used to open help, but it was so confusing that I had to ask it on forum or via Skype from other programmers. And all this just to understand 1 function. And reading the same help, some programmers would say one thing and others another, while others would say: "Write the function and test it, and then you will understand it on your own". And all of this in order to understand what the developers wrote in the function help. I addressed Service Desk with my proposals to make the Help information better so that everyone who reads it could understand the unambiguous answer and not get a "no mercy" answer. But it's still there - it's as it was and as it is now.

I was looking for a permanent teacher to help me create my "masterpieces" and understand their functions. I was willing to pay for training, but most teachers were so expensive that I did not want to study with them right away.

I don't want to say that I will teach for free, it's simple and not logical, but my help in mastering mql4 is much more effective than various tutorials and forums. That is, I offer something that I myself was looking for at the time, but could not find. When I was programming my own Expert Advisors, I understood what many programmers were wrong about, even those with a lot of experience, but ... I want to keep silent about it - let it remain my secret, which you learn during training, and those who write as they used to, but make these mistakes - let them continue to write so ...)))

About guarantees. Guarantee that you become a professional, I can not give, because it depends only on your abilities and commitment. I have trained several students - most of them are now programming independently, but there is one who has remained an "eternal" students. At one time I learned to program independently in 2 weeks, although I had never coded and did not know any language except Russian. Time will show what kind of student you will be.

Skype: [deleted by moderator]

Dimitri, learning to program in MQL nowadays is a thankless task. There's too much material online and most people aren't willing to pay. I last led a group in December 2015, very hard to recruit. I remember one person who wanted to teach me so bluntly: "I'd rather suffer on my own for 3-4 years than pay you at least a thousand, I was taught for free at school, and you are profiting here!

But you try, maybe I am a lousy publicist and do not know how to attract people. Yes, and earnings from the training for me for a long time a trifle, on the forex for a living.

Little advice, it is better to train a group at once, do not take individuals, with them a lot of flap. And the people in the group are more fun to train. It is necessary to create a resource for communication, for example, a group on Skype.

In general, as one business coach said about training, people used to look for a teacher who would teach them how to fish. Then they started demanding fish for free. Now they demand to be given a fish and at the same time paid to take it ))


The field of finance is full of paradoxes and psychological contradictions...

Why would a person learn to program in a language that is designed to make money? - So the teacher is not successful in trading?

Why create a signal? - So it is easier to make money from signals than from trading?

Why work "for a penny" in freelancing MQL pros? - So they couldn't create a profitable robot?

Why sell a profitable robot if it is really profitable?

I.e., there is no logic and sense in sharing something for the sake of money that can make you money. Nonsense.

Andrey Dik:

The field of finance is full of paradoxes and psychological contradictions...

Why would a person learn to program in a language that is designed to make money? - So the teacher is not successful in trading?

Why create a signal? - So it is easier to make money from signals than from trading?

Why work "for a penny" in freelancing MQL pros? - So they couldn't create a profitable robot?

Why sell a profitable robot if it is really profitable?

I.e., there is no logic and sense in sharing something for the sake of money that can make you money. Nonsense.

That's right, everything is laid out correctly, except freelancing. Freelancers are programmers who may not be able to create strategies or even trade at all. But they are good programmers and are able to hammer orders day in and day out.

Dear freelancers, no offence, I dug up a couple of old pictures in the archive.