Funny, it turns out Alexander Elder is freelancing in our Market - page 3

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Don't disturb the conversation.

Say, do you think any link leading to a seller's profile is "disguised advertising"?

Let's help an honored grandpa-trader with advertising! I've got buyers waiting in line right now.
Maxim Kuznetsov:

what does a passport have to do with it? it's not like your passport says "combinator Y" :-) Here and there he may have a passport "woon hee", but the local nickname is "Alex Elder" :-)

PS/ on a good point, it is necessary to observe rules of decency and nicknames under known fiz.persona to banish (force to change)

You don't seem to understand: sellers have name and surname checked by passport (you know very well), so it's not so easy to make clone of Elder. No, he is, not his clone. Although I don't deny that some employee of his is answering buyers' questions (hence the poor knowledge of Russian).
Vasiliy Sokolov:
You don't seem to get it: sellers have their names checked against their passports (you know very well), so it's not that easy to make a clone of Elder. No, he is, not his clone. Although I do not deny that some of his employees are answering buyers' questions (hence the poor knowledge of Russian).
so i, and you for the company, have deprived our full namesakes of the opportunity to sell anything through ?
No, he must be. The indicators in the article and on the market are the same. Just thought it was a bit small for him.
Oh, already the posts are starting to cut again...
Vasiliy Sokolov:

Today I've seen an unusual product in the indicator advertising, which is inserted between forum posts - its author was not a real person, but a certain financial company. When I clicked on the product and went to the author's page I was surprised to find a picture of Grandpa Elder:

At first I thought it was just a joke, but then I noticed that under the name really is Alexander Elder and it seems to be his trusted account.

Unfortunately, he is not a frequent visitor on our forum. The last added product was back in 2012. That's a pity. Otherwise, you could have chatted with him right here on the forum.

Well, I want to wish Alexander good luck in his sales, because freelancing is not an easy thing;)

The trading guru has already torn the market, and now he's starting to work on the market...
Nah, he probably does. The indicators in the article and in the marketplace are the same. Just thought it was too small for him.

Who is it? I really don't know. I have also heard the names of Herczyk and Williams along with this background. But I have never even had the desire to look at the talking heads.

They have no relation to algotrading, since they are popular in smartlab and other circles of enlightened public.

Right under Elder's photo on the page, in clear and understandable English, it says who works with him and who sells. Guys, learn some English:))
We had Gerchik moonlighting a couple of days ago - pushing dumb analytics
We had Gerchik moonlighting a couple of days ago - pushing dumb analytics.
I wonder if anyone has tried to code Gerchik's strategy.)