Writing code in Russian. Pros and cons of such a programme. - page 7

Реter Konow:

You're right, when I'm writing a program I somehow forget about literary style and rhyme. Unforgivable.

At some moments something comes over me and in the comments I write "I call death, I can't wait to see it, dignity begs for alms....", then I catch up, delete it and go on with "In this loop we are looking for....".

Not checked in MQ, but in PHP the longer the variable names, the longer and dumber the code works, i.e. the shorter the variable name, the faster the code works and consumes less CPU time.

If it's about variables in native language, it's disgusting to even look for an error in such code - it's unreadable outrageously.

Реter Konow:

Perhaps it is more succinct, but for whom? For example - can you easily retell your message in English? For you and me English is less concise because it is less clear. So I think...

In general, the statements about the "world language"... Russian is no worse.

I have two questions for you:

1. How many years have you been programming?

2. Have you ever tried (for yourself) to write a program in Russian?

The question is whether there is a stereotype and whether we are not hostages to it?

In the 19th century, programs would have been written in French.) But the flame is not bad, people were fooled at the weekend))).

Реter Konow:
Dear programmers, I would like to discuss with you a rather strange topic - programming in Russian. English-speaking people write programs in their native language, while there is no such practice among Russian-speaking programmers. But the native language is always clearer and more convenient. The language we use in a program inevitably influences the development quality and even if a person might not notice it but once he or she tries to write in his or her native language there is no wish to return to English. Readability of the code is the most important factor when working with a program, in this case - why the practice of programming in English has become so common, even where there is no international programming teams and everyone writes for himself? Why everyone must follow this rule a priori and what will happen if we break this stereotype?
Many years ago I worked at school - I taught programming from 5th grade in Pascal (7.0) and the environment was changed to support Russian identifiers + coordinate and vector graphics packages were rewritten in Russian + quite strict requirements to the naming of variables according to their purpose. The result - a multiple acceleration of the initial learning of basic programming techniques. That is, where there is a barrier of language understanding, use of native language for the initial training is quite admissible, but at higher level there is no need in it. For example 1C - programming in Russian, was originally positioned as "each accountant can adapt the program himself", with growth of system complexity russification became senseless, because complexity of constructions considerably exceeds complexity of adaptation to language.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

1.I haven't checked in MQ, but in PHP the longer the variable names, the longer and dumber the code works, i.e. the shorter the variable name, the faster the code works and consumes less CPU time.

2. If about variables in native language, it is disgusting to even look for an error in such code - it is unreadable outrageously.

1. I checked this question in MQL. A long time ago. The length of variables does not affect the speed of a program. Too long variables are simply not accepted by the compiler.

2. Do you have any experience of programming in Russian? Show me please, there will be something to discuss...

Yury Kirillov:
Many years ago I worked at a school - I taught programming from the 5th grade in Pascal (7.0), the environment was rewritten to understand Russian identifiers + coordinate and vector graphics package was rewritten in Russian + there were rather strict requirements to variable naming in accordance with their purpose. The result - a multiple acceleration of the initial learning of basic programming techniques. That is, where there is a barrier of language understanding, use of native language for the initial training is quite admissible, but at higher level there is no need in it. For example 1C - programming in Russian, was originally positioned as "every accountant will be able to adapt the program himself", with growing complexity of the system, russification became a nonsense, because the complexity of constructions greatly exceeds the complexity of language adaptation.
You see, you have confirmed that there is an acceleration in learning programming if there is no language barrier. Only I assure you that this acceleration doesn't disappear when you develop further in your native language. You just have to go further and not be afraid. My program is about one megabyte of code written in Russian. Without OOP. How can I develop it if the code is "fuzzy as hell"? How do I understand what's what, if it is a total chaos of Russian words mixed up with English defines? The answer is simple: when you read your program in the native language, the order comes up by itself.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

In the 19th century, programmes would have been written in French.) And the flame's not bad, people got carried away at the weekend)))

What does that mean?
Реter Konow:
Dear programmers I would like to discuss a rather strange topic with you - programming in Russian. English-speaking people write programs in their native language but there are no such practices among Russian-speaking programmers. But the native language is always clearer and more convenient. The language we use in a program inevitably influences the development quality and even if a person might not notice it but once he or she tries to write in his or her native language there is no wish to return to English. Readability of the code is the most important factor when working with a program, in this case - why the practice of programming in English has become so common, even where there is no international programming teams and everyone writes for himself? Why must everyone follow this rule a priori and what happens if we break this stereotype?

English is the language of biorobots, the language of analysis, the colonisers have skinned and skinned it so that it is completely devoid of contradiction. It is the language of reasoned formal logic. Russian language is a human language, it is the language of reason, the language of synthesis, it is originally dialectical, and the game with contradictions is its basis, such language is not quite effective to use as a programming language. And even in the nearest foreseeable future, after the collapse and complete destruction of the Anglo-Saxon empire together with its speakers, English on the planet will remain only in programming for a colossally long period of time in the manner of Latin.

In short, since everyone on this forum is Russian-speaking and programs in a language other than their own, - hence they use crutches. I program in my native language, hence I don't use crutches. It's a simple and logical conclusion. (No offence to anyone).
Nikolay Kositsin:

English is the language of biorobots, the language of analysis, the colonisers have skinned and coddled it so that it is completely devoid of contradiction. It is the language of reasoned formal logic. Russian language is a human language, it is the language of reason, the language of synthesis, it is originally dialectical, and the game with contradictions is its basis, such language is not quite effective to use as a programming language. And even in the nearest foreseeable future, after the collapse and complete destruction of the Anglo-Saxon empire together with its speakers English will remain on the planet only in programming for colossally long period of time in the manner of Latin.

I agree in everything, except your conclusion - " such a language is not really effective to use as a programming language". I have three years of experience with programming in Russian. I haven't gotten anything but pluses from this practice so far.
Реter Konow:
I agree with everything, except your conclusion - " such a language is not really effective as a programming language". I have three years of experience in programming in Russian. I haven't received anything but pluses from this practice so far.
It depends on what market to target and for what purposes, if there are no plans and need to go further than the RF, then writing in your native language is quite normal.