Writing code in Russian. Pros and cons of such a programme. - page 5

Alexey Viktorov:

Have you seen any decompiled code in these three years?

I'm afraid the index chains will be as hard to read as the decompiled variables.

And if the kernel is created in an interface, in a table for example? Each index will be given a name of a corresponding function. For example, we create string two-dimensional array[][] where we write the function name in one column and the call number (index) in the opposite one. The rest is simple...
Alexey Viktorov:
And prints and alerts? And comments on input variables.
What's the problem with making a call index for the Alert function? Wrap it in a wrapper for another function and assign a call index. Then we write this index in one of the logical chains in the kernel.
Реter Konow:
//Записываем атрибуты окна.---------------------
Установить_номер_вызываемого_окна_для_кнопки_таскбара(Свободная_кнопка_справа + 1, ОКНО);
Установить_текст_подсказки_для_кнопки_таскбара(ОКНО,Свободная_кнопка_справа + 1);

Don't you think your code is hard to read with all these words?

The idea is really nonsense, as already noted here. If you write the source code purely for yourself, then of course you can write it however you want, even in Chinese characters. Otherwise, be gracious enough to meet the standards accepted in the community. No one is likely to bend to your standards.

Is learning English such an impossible task for you? It's an unforgivable disadvantage for a programmer, imho.


Who still has not learnt English and is trying to write programs in Russian:Questions on learning English.

Alexey Navoykov:

Don't you think your code is hard to read with all these words?

The idea is really nonsense, as already noted here. If you write the source code purely for yourself, then of course you can write it however you want, even in Chinese characters. Otherwise, be gracious enough to meet the standards accepted in the community. No one is likely to bend to your standards.

Is learning English such an impossible task for you? It's an unforgivable disadvantage for a programmer, imho.

There is no problem for me to write in English. I know english, and I can speak it very well. This topic is not about bringing some revolution into programming practice, it's about bringing some new idea to peoples minds.

Many people used to their old ways. They don't want anything in their life that bring some new order into it. It's not bad, but sometimes we should see further and look ahead. That's the nature of progress, and we are making it now.

In general, it's clear that no one likes the topic... At least it's clear that it's not worth writing an article on the subject...) OK, I'll use my own method, enjoying its advantages and putting up with its disadvantages. )
Реter Konow:

There is no problem for me to write in English. I know english, and I can speak it very well. This topic is not about bringing some revolution into programming practice, it's about bringing some new idea to peoples minds.

Many people used to their old ways. They don't want anything in their life that bring some new order into it. It's not bad, but sometimes we should see further and look ahead. That's the nature of progress, and we are making it now.

OK, so there is no problem with language skills... Then you may be diagnosed with a tendency to over-philosophizing and a problem with concise formulation of thoughts. As a consequence - the variable names in English are even longer than in Russian )) So something like this

Set_the_number_of_calling_window_for_a_button_of_taskbar (Free_button_on_the_right + 1, THE_WINDOW)

Right? ))

Alexey Navoykov:

OK, so there is no problem with language skills... Then you may be diagnosed with a tendency to over-philosophizing and a problem with concise formulation of thoughts. As a consequence - the names of variables in English are even longer than in Russian )) So something like this:

Right? ))

You get the point... My program is a coherent and cohesive mechanism built without OOP. Therefore the names of functions and variables must be expanded and explain their meaning otherwise you might forget what they refer to. Long variable names are compensated by humanizing the program language and absence of OOP avoids unnecessary syntax. In this organization of a program, I strive and achieve maximum efficiency of the result and expand the potential for its further development. In addition I reduce the number of functions to a minimum by forming versatile function blocks which perform many tasks.

I add that I organize variables in a single global array. This is the easiest to access.

Реter Konow:
Dear programmers, I want to discuss with you a rather strange topic - programming in Russian. English-speaking people write programs in their native language but there are no such practices among Russian-speaking programmers. But the native language is always clearer and more convenient. The language we use in a program inevitably influences the development quality and even if a person might not notice it but once he or she tries to write in his or her native language there is no wish to return to English. Readability of the code is the most important factor when working with a program, in this case - why the practice of programming in English has become so common, even where there is no international programming teams and everyone writes for himself? Why must everyone follow this rule a priori and what happens if we break this stereotype?

Write for your audience and look no further. English is understood by about a billion people.

Alexey Navoykov:

Right?) ))
