Writing code in Russian. Pros and cons of such a programme. - page 2

Реter Konow:
1С? What is it?

Where is Russia?

Outside the Moscow Ring Road.

Alexander Puzanov:
A bright future for the English alone is a double standard, no question. But it is embarrassing that the Chinese and Japanese will also break the stereotype... I guess nobody is asking you for source code?

About the alternative approach - I wonder what it's about. Are you not allowed to write an article?

I haven't heard back yet, so I don't know. Maybe they will, but maybe not. Of course you can't break the stereotype right away, but gradually... I just find it strange that no one tries to write in their own language. As if it's indecent...

You cannot reject OOP at once but you may try to invent other approaches. So I've come up with one.

Vitalii Ananev:

And you're talking about writing the names of custom functions and variables in Russian. No one writes them that way.

In 1C, everything is written entirely in Russian. For example function () ..... endfunctions. loop ... end of loop if ... end if. etc. etc.

I understand that no one writes it that way, that's why I wonder...

About 1C - at least one program has broken the stereotype).

Реter Konow:

... Inefficiency is seen all over the place. Even OOP (invented by someone) is never questioned. Can't there be a better and more efficient approach? I am confident that there is a better and more efficient approach and that programming in a native language is much more convenient. It's all been verified by my three years of practice and proven by my success in programming.


Can you be more specific?

Which approach is better than OOP?

SZZ I tried once to write prog in Russian, then gave it up. Didn't like it. IMHO The program becomes unreadable. You lose an understanding of the interconnections.

Реter Konow:

I realise that no one writes like that, which is why I wonder...

About 1C - at least one programme has broken out of the stereotype).

Read my answer above as to why no one writes it that way.
Vitalii Ananev:

And you're talking about writing the names of custom functions and variables in Russian. No one writes them that way. A long time ago programmers developed certain rules of etiquette. How to properly format the source code so that it was easy to read not only for you but for others as well. It is like the rules of etiquette in society.

In 1C, on the other hand, everything is written entirely in Russian. For example function () ..... endfunction. loop ... end of cycle if ... end if. etc. etc.

So it's about etiquette? For example, what does the machine (computer) care about our etiquette? Isn't it efficiency that rules in technology, but etiquette? If I can write a program in Russian better than in English, because I am a Russian speaker, why should I bend to "etiquette" and write a program in a language that I don't understand? An unspoken rule?
Nikolay Demko:

Can you be more specific?

Which approach is better than OOP?

I once tried to write software in Russian, then gave it up. I didn't like it. IMHO The program becomes unreadable. You lose an understanding of the interconnections.

Presumably, there may be a better approach to OOP. I think I've found it. Actually it starts with following two main rules:

1. Write the program in native language if it is more convenient (regardless of etiquette).

2. cut off unnecessary program and syntactic entities (so abundantly sprouted in OOP).

Реter Konow:
So it's about etiquette? What, for example, does the machine (computer) care about our etiquette? Isn't efficiency rules in technology, but etiquette? If I can write a programme in Russian better than in English because I am a Russian speaker, why should I bend to "etiquette" and write a programme in a language I don't understand? An unspoken rule?
No one is forcing you to adhere to etiquette, it's purely a voluntary matter. The compiler really doesn't care how you write. I mean, as I said above, someone who will read your code after you will have a hard time making sense of it. If you're writing it only for yourself and don't intend to show it to anyone, write it however you like.
Реter Konow:

Presumably there may be a better approach than OOP. I think I've found it. It actually starts with following two basic rules:

1. Write the program in your native language, if it is more convenient (regardless of etiquette).

2. cut off unnecessary program and syntactic entities (so abundantly sprouted in OOP).

Well, you can also write in Russian in OOP.

What is the essence of rejecting OOP?

The essence of OOP is that the programmer can set the scope of variables. If you ignore this, what do you gain?

You constantly have to use new counters, and new variables, because you no longer control the scope.

Names have to be written longer with suffixes and prefixes.

You lose the ability to reuse code (one of the pillars of OOP).

That's not all of course, but in brief.

Which approach do you prefer?

And by the way, if you're developing a program rather than just typing in text, the ability to transform is important. With OOP, you only have to rewrite one bible. With other approaches, you have to modify the entire program.

Look at advanced C++. It feels like this programming language has already acquired its own slang... There is probably no other language that has such a clutter of entities. If you do some research and leave only the essentials in it, it will shrink by several times. Consequently, it would become more understandable and accessible to most people. However, I have the feeling that someone doesn't want this language to become understandable and accessible to everyone and therefore complicates it immensely...