Oil - perspectives, expectations, opinions. - page 6

You tell me - how do you trade with that kind of thinking?)

It is not enough to have a single TA or FA for successful trading. You have to look wider and without thinking :).

I don't know how to trade withoutthinking (I am too lazy to think ).

Uladzimir Izerski:
It is not enough to have a single TA or FA for successful trading. You have to look wider and without thinking:).
I tell you, I don't use either TA or FA, only real trading data, how much was sold/bought/closed. That's it.
I tell you, I don't use TA or FA, just real trading data, how much was sold/bought/closed. That's it.
On the previous page your forecast looks like TA. Let's not get into an argument, let's get into thinking about the possible outcomes of the situation. If you are interested.
Uladzimir Izerski:
On the previous page, your prediction is similar to TA's. Let's not have an argument, but rather a reflection on how the situation might develop. If you're interested.
So I'm all for it, I'll be there on Sunday.

My son, everything in our life is a guessing game, you step on a pedestrian crossing and there's a tram)))

But seriously, you cannot treat trading as a guessing game, nothing good will come of it, study real data on futures, derivatives trading and follow the actions of central banks and you will be happy, there is no other way.

I absolutely agree with you, let's follow the actions of central banks in general and the major central bank of the world in particular, especially now, we have to wait a little longer. On Thursday morning it will be clear what will go where and how much.
Absolutely agree with you, let's follow the actions of central banks in general and the world's major central bank in particular, especially since we don't have long to wait. It will be clear by Thursday morning what will go where and to what extent.

Come on)


Alexander Laur:

I hope you will not deny that the Fed's rate decision can have a significant impact on oil prices.

If the rate is raised the dollar will go up and oil will go down, but if the rate is left unchanged the dollar will go down and oil will go up. And how does your buy/sell/close analysis help you know what decision the Fed will make?

It can't, no rate decision is going to make the mm reset their positions, it will jerk a few pips back and forth yes, but the underlying direction down will not change.
Can't, no rate decision is going to make the mm reset their positions, a couple of pips back and forth yes, but the main direction down is not going to change.

Blessed is the believer.

We'll see.

so ? refinancing a loan of some kind

Let me tell you one thing. Traders can be compared to a herd of sheep, and the whip is the news, the bets, the leaders' statements.

There are actually prevailing conditions in which you need the whip to drive the sheep into the right enclosure.

Tomorrow you will see the result.