Oil - perspectives, expectations, opinions. - page 5

The market has long since played out (there are insiders in America too)
So should we go our separate ways)

I have no doubt that the dollar index will be above a hundred by the end of the year.

The most likely scenario, sales on the dollar have not yet picked up as well as buys on the euro.

Your doubt about the strength of the dollar is of course worthy of attention, but for the quid index to be above a hundred by the end of the year I think you need good reasons - for example two rate hikes before the end of the year, i.e. tomorrow and in December. Tomorrow we will see the outlook for the dollar and oil.
Your doubt about the strength of the dollar is certainly noteworthy, but for the quid index to be above a hundred by the end of the year I think you need a good reason - like two rate hikes before the end of the year, i.e. tomorrow and in December. Tomorrow we will see the outlook for the dollar and oil.

I usually don't pay much attention to what is "drawn" on the price chart, candles, "patterns", "TA patterns" and other nonsense)

But if you look, you can see, in my opinion, a clear support below which the price was not allowed to go?


I usually don't pay much attention to what is "drawn" on the price chart, candles, "patterns", "TA patterns" and other nonsense)

But if you look, you can see, in my opinion, a clear support below which the price was not allowed to fall?

I personally see on this picture almost classical GP, where the green neckline, when it is broken through it, means movement to the levels of 87.

And here is the insider information on tomorrow's FOMC meeting


Tongue-in-cheek support for the dollar at meetings is running out of steam. It is about time they showed some action, and there is no basis for it.

Everyone sees what his fantasy suggests - in this picture, I personally see almost a classic GP, where the green neckline, its breach, according to the classics, means the movement to the levels of 87.

And here is the insider information on tomorrow's FOMC meeting


There you go, and I can see the positions of the bidders.
Alexander Laur:

I don't think oil will rise much in the long term. But it could easily go to 35-40 quid a barrel. So, if we buy oil, we should buy it at levels lower than the current ones.

But all the same, all these opinions are just guessing by "coffee grounds". The situation in the Middle East is very tense and could explode at any moment and then oil will fly up.

So here's a concrete picture, what are the guesses?)


So here's a concrete picture for you, what kind of fortune-telling?)

It's still only a guess. Probably bearable.
Uladzimir Izerski:
This is still only speculation. Probably bearable.
You tell me - how do you trade with that mindset?)
Alexander Laur:
Just like you, only unlike you we understand that it's a guessing game. :)

My son, everything in our life is a guessing game, you step on a pedestrian crossing and there's a tram)))

But seriously, you cannot treat trading as a guessing game, nothing good will come of it, study real data on futures, derivatives trading and follow the actions of central banks and you will be happy, otherwise you won't.