invalid book transaction - page 5


Good news

Support Team 2018.07.23 19:39
Спасибо за сообщение и информацию. Ошибка исправлена. Исправление будет доступно в следующем билде.

К сожалению его дата пока неизвестна.

Good news.

The main thing is to have faith in MQs, and to push them into action a bit!

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

The main thing is to have faith in MQs, and to push them into action a bit!



What the hell is going on?

2018.08.21 10:58:43.027 Books   invalid book item[Si-9.18,buy,67461.00000,-3]

I did not sign up for any of the bets on Si.

I've got glitches in the terminal as well, order is on the market but i don't see its volume,

Just like in forex (and i get errors):

2018.08.21 10:58:55.819 Books   invalid book transaction [CL-9.18,buy,65.43000,0]
Sergey Chalyshev:

What the hell is going on?

I did not sign up for any of the bets on Si.

I also got glitches in the terminal, order is on the market but i don't see its volume,

Just like in forex (and it gives errors):

This is what I got today:

FS      2       12:55:12.219    Books   invalid book transaction [Si-9.18,buy,67477.00000,0]
GK      2       12:55:12.511    Books   invalid book item[RTS-9.18,buy,105950.00000,-2]
FM      2       12:55:14.820    Books   invalid book transaction [SBRF-9.18,buy,19147.00000,0]
Sergey Chalyshev:

What the hell is going on?

I did not sign up for any of the bets on Si.

I've got glitches in the terminal as well, order is on the market but i don't see its volume,

Just like in forex (and i get errors):

What does it mean?

Real Opening.

Sergey Chalyshev:
What does it mean?

It means that you have put a limit on the spread.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

It means you've put a limit on the spread.

Yes, I did,

but where's the volume? Stuck on the server?

Sergey Chalyshev:

Yes, I did,

Where's the volume? Stuck on a server?

Isn't it a demo?

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Isn't that a demo?

The real one, of course!