Why is trading without stop-loss considered absurd for many! - page 23

To which market "directly"?
No need to spam and send the same message twice in less than half an hour, I will answer everyone in turn, I do not have 10 monitors or 100 hands

You had/have a seat on the New York Stock Exchange?????????

Are you a US resident?

We are the owners , or co-owners or whatever it is called of one of the brokers, and when there is such authority, there is access to any market
Oxana Tambur:
We are the owners , or co-owners or whatever it is called of one of the brokers, and when you have that authority, you have access to any market
You are a co-owner of an American brokerage company that owns a seat on the New York Stock Exchange????
You are a co-owner of an American brokerage company that owns a seat on the NYSE????
No not American, you want to communicate about something like that, alas, not here, as more than a couple of minutes later the moderator will clear all your questions, as it is strictly forbidden to discuss on the forum, and off-topic
Oxana Tambur:
No, not American.
You are lying - only a US resident company can own a seat on the New York Stock Exchange (one of 1,366 seats)
You are lying - only a US resident company can own a seat on the NYSE (one of 1366 seats)
Alas, what you don't know, you don't know, lol (less information from the internet, more real savvy acquaintances around the world).
With the means, access is open everywhere!!!
If you get banned, don't be offended, it's not my fault.
Oxana Tambur:
Alas, what you don't know, you don't know, lol

Once again, only a US resident company can own a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. This is federal law. There are a total of 1,366 seats on the exchange. The price per seat in the early 2000s was about $3 million.

So what's the name of the company? The list is open - amaze me, "co-owner".


Once again, only a US resident company can own a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. This is federal law. There are a total of 1,366 seats on the exchange. The price per seat in the early 2000s was about $3 million.

So what's the name of the company? The list is open - wow me, "co-owner".

What does the name of the broker have to do with my trading? I only wrote to you that for those who have the opportunity ( for example co-owners of a brokerage company), the doors are open almost everywhere. And for the sake of your unreasonable whim or fancy, I will not spam here and annoy the moderators. You want to appear to be smarter - go ahead, but not at my expense and not in my thread about "trading without stop loss".
Oxana Tambur:
What does the name of the broker have to do with my trading? I only wrote to you that those who have the opportunity (for example, co-owners of a brokerage company), the doors are open almost everywhere.
;) No, you wrote that you have "direct access" to the NYSE.
;) No, you wrote that you have "direct access" to the New York Stock Exchange.
Yes, and? And further explained how, read carefully.