Stable MTS - page 10

Oleg Shenker:

And then, a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics, even at Moscow State University, does not mean a superhuman. ...

Firstly, if a person has made a profitable TS, it does not mean that he must be superhuman.

Secondly, they do not tell you that all graduates of the Mechmata have made profitable TS.

And thirdly (my personal opinion), to make a profitable TS you do not need to have a higher education. In history there are cases when talented people became doctors of sciences without higher education. So the MSU mechmate has nothing to do with it at all. Although, having such an education, of course, it is easier to study Forex. But whether the result will depend on the abilities of the person. All the graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics may have very different abilities. There may be some who are only suitable for the role of school teacher, and someone will be able to create a new direction in science.

Oleg Shenker:
That's not the right approach. How much will you make on your hard-earned money?! And when it comes to millions of dollars and a small fund, it's a different story.
You think someone's just gonna give you a million dollars for a shady business? It's all the same equation; by the time you are looking for such an investor, the Expert Advisor will have earned half of it. If it's a good advisor.

Dumb, what kind of maths is that - can you explain, please?

Or are we talking about your yield of 2500% per annum?




There are several alternatives.

1st, to put money in the bank at 0.5% per annum.

2nd alternative is to try to earn at least 10-15% per annum on the financial market. But the risks have to be reasonable, that is, acceptable drawdown should not exceed 10% (better still less). The recovery period is a few months.

Alexey Busygin:
Do you think that someone will just give you a million for a dubious occupation? It's all the same, by the time you look for such an investor, the advisor will have earned half of it. If it's a good advisor.
I'm not looking for an investor, I'm looking for a way to make money. There is already an investor.
Oleg Shenker:
And I'm not looking for an investor, I'm looking for a way to make money. There is already an investor.
If there is an investor, why shouldn't it be a way of making money. And you don't have to look for anything

Firstly, if a person has made a profitable TS, it does not mean that he must be superhuman.

Secondly, they do not tell you that all graduates of the Mechmata have made profitable TS.

And thirdly (my personal opinion), to make a profitable TS you do not need to have a higher education. In history there are cases when talented people became doctors of sciences without higher education. So the MSU mechmate has nothing to do with it at all. Although, having such an education, of course, it is easier to study Forex. But whether the result will depend on the abilities of the person. All the graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics may have very different abilities. There may be some who are only suitable for the role of school teacher and others who will be able to create a new direction in science.

Strange logic. I said: "Just because a person is a graduate of a mechmath doesn't mean he is capable of making a profitable TS". You contradict me - if he has made a profitable TC, it does not mean he is superhuman. The thesis and antithesis are not the same. I am saying that the title of a graduate of a Mechmate does not guarantee the ability to create a TC. You claim - creating a profitable TC does not imply superhuman ability. Don't you find that both statements can be true at the same time?!

That is, on the first point I absolutely agree with you.

With the "second" I don't know what to make of it at all. I said: IF the title of a graduate of MECHMAT meant the AUTOMATIC ability to create profitable TS, ALL graduates would do it. That was my assertion. And what do you cite as an objection? That I wasn't told they made them either. That is, and on the second point I absolutely agree with you!

And on the "third point" I agree with you as well. I was just trying to argue against the thesis that there are no good TCs here, and that only the graduates of the Mechmate have them, who keep them a secret. It is quite possible that in the code base lies a diamond, written by a talented left-handed man, which we have not seen. It is lying there waiting to be discovered.

I've been asking since the beginning: Has anyone here seen a good algorithm? No one seems to have.

Alexey Busygin:
If there is an investor, why shouldn't it be a way of making money. And you don't have to look for anything
Explain! Are you suggesting that I should rip off an investor?
Yuriy Asaulenko:

I am not aware of this.)

Tell me, what's the point of posting the results of some test of a system that's already working? To measure...? With what?

A good test we'll draw for you tomorrow.) Well, the day after tomorrow. 100-160% annual return will suit you? No problem, I assure you. That does not mean that anyone would want to do it and waste time on it.

Exactly here everyone is posting results to sell the system. You can also post the results to attract investors. You don't have to post them; you can show them privately, as an exchange of experience, or to attract an investor or sell the system.
Yuriy Asaulenko:

You asked if there are any people who have seen such people? I replied.

There is no point in discussing this topic, imho. When you will be able to pay at least the costs of the Ltd. out of your profits, then we will talk).

Then introduce me to your graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics, and I will have a business proposition for them.
Oleg Shenker:
Explain! Are you suggesting that I should rip off an investor?
Well, why rip him off? He is willing to pay himself, he is an investor, and in fact, what is an investor for if not to invest in a bad project?