A high-tech SME scam. Trader = victim? - page 10

Yuriy Zaytsev:

there is a method to avoid showing thin, slim and successful people, it creates a negative image, and that is exactly what is happening now. It's true that I have not watched TV for almost 10 years, but I doubt that anything has changed in television.

It is the same in the United States - not many people there know anything about Russia, just as we do about them. Once I was on a train with 3 American citizens, one of them was very sociable and we chatted for a few hours - he was very surprised, and I made some discoveries too.

( all three were quite thin by the way )

Even to finish, they were ordinary teachers, they had a very budget itinerary that went to the U.S. Europe Russia China Mongolia Japan U.S.

Can you imagine our - ordinary - teachers travelling around the world like that?

The point is that there is a shift in values in the world compared to the U.S. With their teacher's salary in other countries, you will live like a king (figuratively), while in the U.S. on a teacher's salary, I do not think there is much room for improvement. So traveling as an American is no indicator that their teachers live better than ours. But due to the shift in values, or rather prices in different countries, they manage to travel around the world on their meager teacher's salary in the United States as a whole. IMHO

Реter Konow:

What is going on there, dear traders?

Several years ago, I was fascinated by watching the price of corn futures on the CME market, and I began to notice many strange things, which I could not find an explanation for.

I have been making observations on IB's TWS platform for several months.

I studied the history and the current dynamics of trading sessions, trying to catch some regularities in the charts. I managed to catch some regularities and even earned some profit.

However, the main thing I have understood is that the market is controlled by some program, which suddenly and periodically interferes and takes the "cream", creating an incredibly abrupt and unreasonable movement, breaking any price formation.

There have been movements, which break all the concepts of technical analysis and establish new rules of the game, the main of which is: "at any moment, there can be a super-fast mega price movement, which will wipe all the stops first at the top and then at the bottom (or vice versa), and will do it in a split second".

It is impossible to predict this movement, but thanks to my careful study of the trading sessions history and its patterns, it became clear that most often the movement occurs in the first and last minute of the session. Also every month - month and a half, exactly at 12:00 p.m. (American session) there was super-duper mega-movement, going up or down by hundreds of pips. At 12:00 sharp (you can check it if you do not think so). At the same time, the session itself could be quiet and low-volatile. Interestingly, these movements were also seen in other commodity futures - for example soybeans and wheat. I underline - it was at this time.

The super move at 12.00 was different from other smaller super moves, not only in size but also in internal tick structure, which is recorded in the TWS tick history. The smaller moves were multi tick and chaotic, while the super move, was low tick and orderly. Its bar was simply going up or down without committing unnecessary oscillations.


If you look at the glass throughout the session, you see a lot of limiters. You'd think that thousands of traders are sitting in the market waiting for something. The price can move very slowly. Then it becomes clear that with such amount of Limits, to move the price at least by one pip, you really need thousands of traders. But they are missing. Why not? - You can see it on the chart. Prices are moved by trades with volume of hundreds of contracts. Other deals are in tens of contracts and then some, but they do not move the price. Who trades on a low-volatility market with hundreds of contracts every minute? Why does the corridor continue? Why are there hundreds of Limit orders in the market, if it is obvious that the session is very weak? Who puts them there and why?

My conclusion is simple - if there are few traders in the market, but there is someone who puts hundreds of limiters in the cup, then he simply closes for them any opportunity to move the price at least a point. At the same time, if he makes deals on hundreds of contracts (at least with himself), he will move the price against those who opened their positions and just waiting for the movement in their direction.

Obviously, this scheme exists, the question is, who owns it?

Have not you realized that the market at this stage of development is a 100% fraud. Who is going to open hundreds of deals in one direction? For a trader to trade successfully, the conditions have to be equal to those at which the broker trades. Otherwise, the broker will ruin you. If they go so far as to change the brokers' conditions, then your profit decreases by decimal number. What to say about other scams.

Реter Konow:

What's going on there, dear traders?

A few years ago, I got interested in watching the price of corn futures on the CME market, and I began to notice many strange things, which I could not find an explanation for.

I have been making observations on IB's TWS platform for several months.

I studied the history and the current dynamics of trading sessions, trying to catch some regularities in the charts. I managed to catch some regularities and even earned some profit.

However, the main thing I have understood is that the market is controlled by some program, which suddenly and periodically interferes and takes the "cream", creating an incredibly sharp and unreasonable movement, breaking any price formation.

There have been movements, which break all the concepts of technical analysis and establish new rules of the game, the main of which is: "at any moment, there can be a super-fast mega price movement, which will wipe all the stops first at the top and then at the bottom (or vice versa), and do it in a split second".

It is impossible to predict this movement, but thanks to my careful study of the trading sessions history and its patterns, it became clear that most often the movement occurs in the first and last minute of the session. Also every month - month and a half, exactly at 12:00 p.m. (American session) there was super-duper mega-movement, going up or down by hundreds of pips. At 12:00 sharp (you can check it if you do not think so). At the same time, the session itself could be quiet and low-volatile. Interestingly, these movements were also seen in other commodity futures - for example soybeans and wheat. I underline - it was at this time.

The super move at 12.00 was different from other smaller super moves, not only in size but also in internal tick structure, which is recorded in the TWS tick history. The smaller moves were multi tick and chaotic, while the super move, was low tick and orderly. Its bar was simply going up or down without committing unnecessary oscillations.


If you look at the glass throughout the session, you see a lot of limiters. You'd think that thousands of traders are sitting in the market waiting for something. The price can move very slowly. Then it becomes clear that with such amount of Limits, to move the price at least by one pip, you really need thousands of traders. But they are missing. Why not? - You can see it on the chart. Prices are moved by trades with volume of hundreds of contracts. Other deals are in tens of contracts and then some, but they do not move the price. Who trades on a low-volatility market with hundreds of contracts every minute? Why does the corridor continue? Why are there hundreds of limits in the market, if it is obvious that the session is very weak? Who puts them there and why?

My conclusion is simple - if there are few traders in the market, but there is someone who puts hundreds of limiters in the cup, then he simply closes for them any opportunity to move the price at least a point. At the same time, if he will make deals on hundreds of contracts (at least with himself), he will move the price against those who have opened their positions and are just waiting for the movement in their direction.

Obviously, this scheme exists, the question is, who owns it?

Policies are determined by market makers of various calibres. In Forex they are liquidity providers if there is no netting. Naturally, the advisor programs work, each with their own flock. Supplying liquidity, i.e. going against the market, they do not want to make a loss as a result, they use the strategy of making no profit at least, or even profit. So, the most sleepy or greedy among us will lose. They have different strategies on low-liquid instruments than on liquid ones.