A high-tech SME scam. Trader = victim? - page 9

Реter Konow:
Well, America is the land of opportunity. Even very stupid opportunities...))
Don't be ridiculous, what opportunities are there. The population is as fat as pigs. When America isn't on TV, it's just hogs that can't fit on the screen.
Alexey Busygin:
Don't be ridiculous, what opportunities they have there. The population is as fat as pigs. Whenever America isn't on, it's all hogs that won't fit on the screen.
Do you understand sarcasm?
Реter Konow:
Do you understand sarcasm?
Not today.
Реter Konow:
Well, America is a land of opportunity. Even very stupid opportunities...)))

That's what sets it apart from those countries with"smart laws".


:-) programmers, in general, are such creatures - who - everything is questioned! And with the accumulated experience doubts grow more and more.

And the more experience, the more doubts, the more options in which sarcasm arises.

But often when one sees and understands that the problem-solver does not comprehend what he is trying to grasp with a mind that has not passed through "experience is the son of hard errors" , one must simply write what is asked!

It is necessary to bypass their accumulated knowledge, shove the experience and sarcasm, and just follow the whims of the customer according to terms of reference, but this is if the order is well paid.

But sometimes work, "experience is the son of hard errors," leads to paradoxes!

(Not about forex - at work, when I see a stupid problem set - I don't improve it, I don't try to explain that it can be done better, I don't make adjustments. Especially if the task has been given by a person whose position at work is higher than mine.

it's because of experience - after trying to improve it, it almost never led to positive results, and when I did - as the author, remained far away, including financially, the question and why then ? ,

i.e. there is no financial incentive - because now everybody saves, and the copyright is in .... the copyright is in such a place that it is indecent to say so)

Реter Konow:

Read the quotes more carefully. Transactions are made against the exchange. This is the essence of the novation principle.

Bringing the participants together is much more labour-intensive and is fraught with many risks, delays and poor trading organisation.

This is what the textbook talks about. (Almost directly).

Read it more carefully. In my post I have purposely put in bold what is in the source text. But you found it convenient to throw out those words, replacing them with your own wording, thus distorting the meaning. What else is there to discuss?
Alexey Busygin:
Don't be ridiculous, what opportunities they have there. The population is as fat as pigs. Whenever America isn't on, it's all hogs that can't fit on the screen.
You obviously have some kind of logical thinking problem.
Alexey Navoykov:
It is you who read the attention. In my post, I specifically bolded what is contained in the original text. But you found it convenient to throw those words out, replacing them with your own wording, thereby distorting the meaning. What else is there to discuss?
There is nothing more to discuss.
Alexey Busygin:
Don't be ridiculous, what opportunities they have there. The population is as fat as pigs. Every time America isn't on TV, it' s just hogs that can't fit on the screen.

There is an approach to avoid showing thin, slim and successful people, it creates a negative image, and I have no hope that anything has changed. It's true that I stopped watching TV 10 years ago, but I doubt it.

It is the same in the United States - not many people there know anything about Russia, just as we do about them. Once I was on a train with 3 American citizens, one of them was very sociable and we chatted for a few hours - he was very surprised, and I made some discoveries too.

( all three were quite thin by the way )

Even to finish, they were ordinary teachers, they had a very budget itinerary that went to the U.S. Europe Russia China Mongolia Japan U.S.

Can you imagine our - ordinary - teachers travelling around the world like that?

Alexey Navoykov:
You clearly have some kind of problem with logical thinking.
Or you have a problem with mim thinking