Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 6


Voted today to scrap this law on EOI, although this is unlikely to help, as the law was clearly commissioned by the Chekist clan...

If you are not already sitting, it's not your merit, it's our fault.Фе olix_edmundovich_dzerzhinsky

Феликс Эдмундович Дзержинский — Викицитатник
Фе́ликс Эдму́ндович Дзержи́нский (польск. ; прозвища Желе́зный Фе́ликс, ФД; 1877 — 1926) — революционер, по происхождению польский дворянин, советский государственный деятель, глава ряда наркоматов, основатель ВЧК. Из предсмертной речи, 20 июля 1926: Чтобы государство не обанкротилось, необходимо разрешить проблему госаппаратов. Неудержимое...
Yuriy Asaulenko:

If you are not already sitting, it's not your merit, it's our fault.Фе Felix_Edmundovich_Dzerzhinsky

Either saints or scoundrels can serve in the agencies.

Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky

Either saints or scoundrels can serve in the organs. Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky

A close-knit team.
To put it mildly, I am surprised that this issue has gone public. It is my profound belief that always and everywhere the intelligence services have collected data on everyone, and have not asked anyone's permission. Since the advent of mobile communications, just like landlines, we have all been paying not only for communications, but also for wiretaps of ourselves. And no government, neither in our country nor in the USA, will ask people's opinion on this subject. The opinion of the lamb does not interest the cook.
As for tariff increases, you can think of any number of reasons, even the global crisis, even sunspots - no one is going to catch telecom operators by the hand. It is just a very convenient time - there is a suitable law :)

Who in the US released the wiretapping information? Snowden, if I am not mistaken, there was a huge scandal.

The second question is economic. Russia introduced COPM to connect to internet traffic a long time ago. But there the wiretapping and storage was done by the Chekists themselves and there was almost no burden on the ISPs. Now the technical questions have not been solved yet but there is a strong possibility that these enormous expenses will be taken care of by mobile communication and Internet providers. Consequently, tariffs will go up and many large families living below the poverty line will not have access to internet and communications...

I still hope that the financial issue will be handled correctly and that no part of the funds will be dispersed.

By the way there were already 800 angry comments on Gictimes this morning and a signature collection has been opened.

Vladimir Suschenko:
As for the data storage problem, that is a very, very exaggerated problem. Can you do the math? Let me give you an example - I have 5 mailboxes in Yandex alone. Not counting unlimited volume of mailboxes, each of them comes with YandexDisk - cloud data storage, each with 10 GB. Please note - it's free. How many years of phone calls can you save? Similar cloud (free) storage is offered by many other services.

Yes, I guess you're right, I did jump to conclusions. Now with my fingers, it's not that much, considering that you can compress the sound very much, because high quality is not required there. And operators probably made calculations based on uncompressed storage )

That's funny. Grown-up people, but so naive. They're bugging these phones now, and they don't ask anyone's permission.

Wait, what do you mean? The data is transmitted encrypted and without knowing the keys how can you decrypt it? If you have real evidence (not speculation) of such facts, please provide references in a personal note.

Not much data is sent by one person over the internet. Three emails a day, and a couple of forum posts. That's a pittance. They won't write all the traffic along with all the download requests. So, you can safely continue to watch porn, no one will know about it)).
Alexey Volchanskiy:

...but there is a strong possibility that these huge costs will be borne by cellular and internet providers.

That's the way it's supposed to be. The operators are supposed to organise, maintain and pay for everything themselves.

And the worst thing is that this data will be stored almost in the public domain and anyone can get access to it. It will be exactly the same leak as with the telephone subscriber databases.Obviously, you can't steal that much data, but you don't need to. They will work for a specific customer. Let's say some random guy wanted to get to know you better, paid a little money and got your entire phone history for six months. Is that OK?


They also eat babies and drink the blood of virgins.

That's right...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And who in the states made the wiretapping information public. Snowden, if I'm not mistaken, was a huge scandal.

The second question is economic. Russia introduced COPM to connect to internet traffic a long time ago. But there wiretapping and storage was done by the Chekists themselves.


By the way, there were 800 indignant comments on Giktaims already in the morning and collection of signatures was opened.

Well, there was a scandal, so what changed? The NSA said it was necessary for the security of the country and that they would continue to collect data. Or was it different?

Regarding SORM - I think it is necessary to ask who knows the accounting system of mobile communication companies, but I doubt that the special services were responsible for these expenses. The same is most likely true when the special services are obligated to buy and maintain special equipment.

I voted for abolishing the law. At least my conscience is clear - I did what I could.
Artyom Trishkin:

They also eat babies and drink the blood of virgins.

That's right...

preserved blood