Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 3

Igor Konyashin:
Can I ask you a question? A philosophical question... Do you distinguish between "voluntarily" and "involuntarily"?
There's more than one question, if you like.
I distinguish between "voluntarily" and "involuntarily".
I distinguish between "democracy" and "permissiveness".
Distinguish between "freedom" and "impunity".

I have a story to tell. If it seems out of place here, then let us assume that it is, and we will not chew it up. Either it clicks in your brain and you know what I mean, or it doesn't click... Well, relatively recently I have seen a report on the net: a Saudi sheikh had his beloved daughter drowned before his eyes. He could not save her himself because he cannot swim and he did not allow the professional rescuers who were there to save her so that his daughter would not be "defiled" by the touch of an "infidel" .....
if it were a son...
Vladimir Suschenko:

I distinguish between "voluntarily" and "forcibly".

That's a good thing. It's good that there are some feats compared to the previous post:

Vladimir Suschenko:
Strange how people are... For some reason, to reveal all their bodily details, to provide full access to their personal information to foreign intelligence services and simply to Internet dealers - is normal, but for their own state (and on the grounds which they try to regulate at least some, maybe imperfect, but the law) - is taboo.

Vladimir Suschenko:


So, relatively recently I saw a report on the net: some Saudi sheikh had his beloved daughter drowned in front of him. He could not save her himself as he does not know how to swim and he did not allow the professional rescuers who were around to rescue her so that his daughter would not be "defiled" by the touch of an "infidel" .....

You are telling about "Kursk" submarine? Don`t, I`m aware of those events...
Igor Konyashin:

That's a good thing. It's good that there are some feats compared to the previous post:

You're telling me about the Kursk submarine? Don't, I'm aware of those events...

It's clear with you now too, when you have nothing to respond to, you start making fun of your interlocutor.

Then why bother if you know you're going to screw up... Masochist.


Now everything is clear with you too, when you have nothing to parry with, you start making fun of your interlocutor.

I don't get it - "parry" - what's that about? Are we having an argument here? I personally am here (in this thread) only for research purposes.

I study, so to speak, the thinking of people in the post-Soviet space and the behaviour of the conditional "crowd". There's a lot of colorful material here... I need it for my, sorry, personal financial interests, to make decisions.

Igor Konyashin:

That's a good thing. It's good that there are some feats compared to the previous post:

To equate "voluntarily" with the mayhem that goes on online? Reminds me of the situation with the anecdote about the doctor's cardinal precepts (an old joke about 1st year medical students). So, focusing on "the second commandment", one should not ignore "the first commandment".

Igor Konyashin:

Are you telling me about "Kursk" submarine? Don't, I'm aware of those events...

Another anecdote brought to mind about the super-sneaky... A secretary at the comment of her boss: "It is dark outside, like at **** !" exclaims: "Oh, Fyodor Vasilyevich, you know everything, you've been everywhere!..."

Vladimir Suschenko:


Another anecdote brought to mind about the super-sneaky guy.... To the remark of her boss: "It's dark outside, like at ****!", the secretary exclaims: "Oh, Fyodor Vasilyevich, you know everything, you've been everywhere!"...

It was originally a joke about Petka and Vasily Ivanovich, but not the point.

The associative connection works, I see. But there is still room for improvement. Improvement is just around the corner.

Igor Konyashin:

It was originally a joke about Petka and Vasil Ivanovich, but not the point.

The associative conjunction works, I see. But there is still room for improvement. Improvements are just around the corner.

You are the only ones who can talk rubbish, that's all you expect. There's been no improvement.
spring package

Well, obviously we'll switch to internet calls (Skype, Viber and so on). It's even better, it saves money. It's true that cunning operators may jack up prices on mobile internet too. And internet is not stable everywhere. But we shall see, the operators themselves will be logically interested in reducing the number of phone calls and shifting to the Internet in order to spare themselves the extra hassle.

In general, of course the level of stupidity of our officials is just off the scale. In my opinion, nowhere in the world there is such an absurdity as storing all calls. Everywhere heuristic algorithms are used to detect suspicious conversations on the fly. But our stupid officials do not understand it. Apparently, their next step will be saving all Internet traffic :)

p.s. By the way, in the article mentioned by the topicstarter, at the very end there is a link to a vote against this law: Let's all help in the forum.

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Госдума приняла так называемый «антитеррористический пакет», существенная часть которого посвящена интернету. Согласно документу операторы связи и «организаторы распространения информации» должны в течение полугода хранить вообще всю переданную информацию, то есть и записи телефонных звонков, и содержание смс-сообщений. В течение трех лет они...