Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 2


As Richard Stallman said, just because you have nothing to hide doesn't mean you have to be watched.

Yes, Russia will not be able to handle that much data. And most foreign IT companies will send them away.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

What do you mean, a total wiretap? Just records of conversations will be kept and, if necessary, they can be lifted to prove crimes. But who needs you anyway, don't be so dramatic. They won't raise prices, they just made a fuss because they are too greedy to spend their money and effort. I do not see anything wrong ... for those who abide by the law and moral norms :)

and stop sending out all kinds of worthless SMS messages with contests and bonuses, like win a million, pay 12 rubles a day (megaphone), and fool people, and return normal rates without prepayment. Otherwise, you pay a certain prepayment every month, and you don't pay as much

Prices for mobile phones and the Internet will go up as well, as the state has transferred the purchase of equipment to service providers. At least by 4 times. And anyone can be imprisoned here, the law is like a stick in the tiller. Now there will be a reason.
Igor Konyashin:
Well, what's wrong with that? The real patriots are happy and excited. I remember one thread where they were drowning in the benefits of moving the storage of personal data to Russian servers. And these laws are just a logical step in the same direction... Only where are they now, fellow warriors, why aren't they rejoicing? It's not clear...
it's not yet evening
Alexandr Saprykin:
I don't care. I'm not breaking anything, I'm not plotting.....
You'll get it done for you and they'll say it was you and you can't prove it.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
1- так как государство переложило приобретение оборудования на опсосов.

2-Minimum of four times. And anyone can be imprisoned here, the law is like a stick in the ointment. Now there will be a reason.

1-You don't have to spread your opinion about yourself to everyone.

2-Somewhere you can also get shot.

People are strange... For some reason, it is normal to reveal all of your personal information to foreign intelligence services and simply to Internet dealers, but it is taboo for your state (and on grounds that they are trying to regulate by some, perhaps imperfect, but law).
Wake up - you have no privacy online. Google, Billy, Twitter, Instagram, Skype, etc., etc., etc. know everything about you, dig into your e-mails, track your location and movements, control audio and video traffic.
And, by the way, public control is advantageous in this respect, just because it has norms and rules established by law.

P.S. Maybe someone will be surprised by my story. At the end of 80s I helped a friend to carry out commissioning work on the installation of quasi-electronic PBX (complex of Baltic production, I think from Riga). So this PBX came with a special module for listening and recording conversations. Everything was recorded on the Hungarian-made multi-channel reel-to-reel tape recorders. And even at that time (it would have seemed almost "stone age" in electronics) there was a device for recognizing "markers" - certain words and phrases. When the device was triggered by such a "marker", the telephone conversation was switched over to be listened to by the operator on duty.
Vladimir Suschenko:
People are strange... For some reason, it is normal to reveal all your personal information to foreign intelligence services and simply to Internet dealers, but it is taboo for your own country (and on grounds that they are trying to regulate with at least some imperfect law).
Can I ask you a question? A philosophical one, so to speak... Do you distinguish between 'voluntary' and 'compulsory'?
Another shithole branch with a sweat lodge for a select few.
Igor Konyashin:
Can I ask you a question? A philosophical question... Do you distinguish between "voluntarily" and "involuntarily"?

Have you seen, so to speak, any voluntary solutions to such issues in world practice?

At least here, everything is done honestly and in-house, rather than quietly for years and years at a time.


Have you seen anywhere, so to speak, a voluntary solution to such issues in world practice?

At least here, everything is done honestly and in house, not quietly for years and years and years with everyone.

You were not the question.

Everything is already clear with you.

(By the way, you also erase your posts afterwards ).