Please explain what could be wrong with this function? - page 6

Alexey Viktorov:
I understand that your interest in confirming the error is nil. So you can't do anything on your own... I don't have to, I'm not going to prove it to you. What's in it for me? Nothing...
I'm trying to tell you, but you're taking it all in stride. Why are you doing this?
Karputov Vladimir:
I'm trying to advise you, and you're holding back everything and saber rattling. Why so?

Thanks for trying, but I can figure out how to make crutches. The question was raised because mql5 function is not working as it should be... First of all. And secondly SD's attitude towards bug reports. And instead of discussing problems, you personally moved the question to a separate thread and renamed it so that I'm like a fool and can't make crutches...

The second stupidity mistake was raised and you don`t want to respond to it...

That is where I stop discussing ways to circumvent the problem. If you want to continue the discussion of why the mql5 function doesn't work, I'm ready to continue...

Alexey Viktorov:

Thanks for trying, but I can figure out how to make crutches. The question was raised because mql5 function is not working as it should be... First of all. And secondly SD's attitude towards bug reports. And instead of discussing problems, you personally moved the question to a separate thread and renamed it so I'm like a fool and can't make crutches...

The second stupid error has been raised, and you do not want to react to it at all...

At this point I am terminating the discussion of possible workarounds to the problem. If you want to continue the discussion of why the mql5 function does not work, I'm ready to continue...

Ds you stubbornly refuse to listen. Here's an option:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Please explain what can be wrong with this function?

Karputov Vladimir, 2016.06.27 13:36


Or you can use CopyRates() instead of copying series, you can just request


Last quote time


and use this time to determine whether it is a new day or a new hour... In this case, instead of copying the series, you simply poll the terminal and perform a simple time analysis. You can also use the more informativeSymbolInfoTick.

I suspect that I'm not the first one to point to such a code writing - but you stubbornly refuse to understand that you are working on one timeframe, while trying to obtain data from another one.

Karputov Vladimir:

Ds you stubbornly refuse to listen. Here's an option:

I suspect I'm not the first person to point you to this particular code writing - but you stubbornly refuse to understand that you are working on one timeframe and trying to get data from someone else's timeframe.

Vladimir, changes in the code of that Expert Advisor have been made a long time ago. The crutches are working.

It's YOU who stubbornly refuses to understand that it's not a question of proper writing, but that if the function calls someone else's symbol and period, it should do so without crutches as it is in the language documentation, without jerking the cat... Exactly as it is described in the documentation. Where am I wrong???

Alexey Viktorov:

Vladimir, changes were made to the code of that EA a long time ago. The crutches work.

It's YOU who stubbornly refuses to understand that it's not a question of correct spelling, but that if the function involves accessing someone else's symbol and period, it should do so without crutches as it is in the language documentation, without jerking the cat... Exactly as it is described in the documentation. Where am I wrong???

It's all been said above about what you need to do to work with someone else's timeframe.

And there is no need to fantasize - it's very interesting, where did you see the black and white mention of working on someone else's timeframe? Exactly the mention, and not your speculations and conjectures about how the function ALLEGEDLY SHOULD work?

Alexey Viktorov:

If you want to continue discussing why the mql5 function doesn't work I'm ready to continue...

No, it only makes sense to discuss it in the CA. If they don't answer, just forget it.

If they get it, they will do it, if not - we'll use crutches.

Karputov Vladimir:

It's all been said above about what you need to do to work with someone else's timeframe.

And there's no need to fantasise - it's very interesting, where did you see the black and white mention of working on someone else's timeframe? Did it mention, and not your speculations and conjectures about how the function ALLEGEDLY SHOULD work?

Right here. It clearly says character, period and identifier.

long  SeriesInfoInteger(
   string                     symbol_name,     // имя символа
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES            timeframe,       // период
   ENUM_SERIES_INFO_INTEGER   prop_id,         // идентификатор свойства

And here is the identifier of the requested property, the value of SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE enumeration Time of last bar opening by symbol-period. And nowhere does it say that this will only work when the cat is yanked by the causal place... What is my speculation or fantasy???

I just want to hear the answer to a simple question: Why at one and the same time, on one and the same bar, for one EA the function says that the last bar is PERIOD_D1 26.06.2016 and another is 27.06.2016 and which hand should jerk the cat for this function to work as suggested in the documentation?



Returns information about the status of historical data. There are 2 versions of the function.

Returned value

Value of long type for the first callback variant.

The reference to the identifier is given just above.

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

No, it only makes sense to discuss it in the SR. And if there is no answer, just forget it.

If they get there, they'll do it, if not, we'll have to walk on crutches.

Thanks for the kind word. I'm getting close to it, but it seems unlikely that they will. In order to get there you have to understand that there is a problem. And in this case, normal people say something like, "Well, yes, there is a problem. Unfortunately there is no way to fix it yet. Put up with crutches..." or "... please use other functions." And these people just set up a drummer to vent or he volunteered to move the problem from the thread about SD to a separate one, and with a name that is inappropriate for the problem.
Have you read in full the documentation about organising data access?
Have you read in full the documentation about arranging the access to data?

Are you saying that no function in this section guarantees actual data without paging? So you can expect any miracles in mql5? Is it in a program that works with money?

It seems to be the same in other sections as well...