Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 58

Andrei, isn't it clear, respect for the competitors and between competitors is the key to a championship? You should not ignore the uncultured behaviour of your fellow competitors.
Реter Konow:
Andrew, isn't it clear, respect for the participants and between participants is the key to a championship? You should not ignore the uncultured behaviour of your fellow competitors.

Do you want to punish me? Go ahead. What do I have to do? Self-banned for a week or something? Or get suspended from the championship?

Why don't you go back to my question and think about it? I could self-ban for a week so as not to rock the boat and give you an opportunity to reflect in peace... on the actual issue at hand, not the importance of the persona itself.

So be a man and self-ban yourself like you said.
Реter Konow:
Andrey, is it not clear, respect for the participants and between the participants is the key to the championship? You should not ignore the uncultured behaviour of your fellow competitors.

I do not have moderator rights in this thread.

However, I do declare in writing:

Dear registered participants, potential participants and simply spectators at the blue screen monitors (as well as coloured ones) and those who came just to fluff!

Convincing request - behave decently, do not swear using obscene words and show the utmost respect to interlocutors.

Thank you for understanding.

For one day, at least (as punishment for unreasonable rudeness).
Реter Konow:
For one day, at least. (as punishment for unreasonable rudeness).

That's enough already. I'm still alive and you'll survive.

You'll be fine.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Here are the code examples on page 50 and I didn't find anything there. In general, from this long-awaited point onwards (providing code examples) all that was said was that this has already been, and will continue to be. Where was it, when will it be, and who's chiseling somewhere after that?

We have to look carefully:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing of trading strategies

Algorithm Optimization Championship.

Andrey Dik, 2016.06.21 19:13

Example very simple FF, 2 parameters.

You can already test your algorithms on this simple function.

#property library
#property strict

int  countRuns    = 0;

int GetParamCountFF () export
  return (2);

double FF (double &array []) export

  int sizeArray = ArraySize (array); 
  if(sizeArray != 2) 
    return (-DBL_MAX); 
  return (-(pow (2.4 + array [0], 2.0) + pow (array [1] - 2.3, 2.0))+3.1415926);

int GetCountRunsFF () export
  return (countRuns);

Maximum value you can get:3.1415926

Focus on 1000 runs, no more than that.

The championship will be FF with 500 parameters, not more than 1000 runs, the FF will accept parameters in the range from -10.0 to 10.0 with increments of 0.1, above the range the parameters will be cut off to these limits (in the example above there is no cutting off). Dear participants, keep that in mind.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

Optimization Algorithms Championship.

Andrey Dik, 2016.06.21 09:40

Very good!

But, although we won't know what's inside the FF, there are still restrictions for parameters (done for reasons of protection of participants' algorithms, i.e. there should be restrictions for practical application). Parameter values can be from -10.0 to 10.0 in increments of 0.1.

You can save these restrictions into the algorithm or not, it is up to your discretion, but FF will cut off all numbers in this range. Therefore, the task is simpler than you imagined.

I highlighted in bold with green and blue tint even, and still it's hard to see...)))

Чемпионат Алгоритмов Оптимизации.
Чемпионат Алгоритмов Оптимизации.
Чемпионат алгоритмов оптимизации задуман как соревнование для людей ищущих, любознательных, для которых стоять на месте означает движение назад...

OK, I'm off, stay do-mi, in your quiet do-mi world. Cross me off the panel.

I'll explain, of course, to everyone here with armour balls. In the second version of the script, you do not need to import FF(), because the member function is also imported there, and with this import, FF() will not be visible in the member function. The FF() function must be imported in the member library. Even an example of such trivial bullshit is presented incorrectly. I know, I know, you'll say it's clear. But if it's so clear, why isn't the correct example provided? With a look like I'm an idiot here.


Andrey Dik:

Take a good look:




Highlighted in bold with a green and blue tint even, and still badly visible apparently...))

Instead of the uninformative "here" copy and paste posts through your pocket.
Yes Andrei, come on. I'm just against rudeness. Let Dimitri participate. But rudeness is not allowed to anyone! If I snap, I'll ban myself. You have my word.