Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 47

Реter Konow:
The conclusion that you clearly understand that almost no one has a chance, I made from your post, where you bluntly said that you are not preparing and just waiting for the championship. To me, that's 100% confidence in your abilities. Like a champion waiting for the start of a race, with a handicap. That's just my opinion.

he said from the beginning that in case of a cash prize -- he refuses to participate or his participation is unrated.

But in any competition, the strongest wins -- and you are now saying that the weakest player should have a chance to win (how is that?).

It is clear that in school, students participate in the Olympiad, and the teacher does not.

But the topicstarter did not take the role of teaching anyone on this topic - on the contrary, he just said - I posted the books, told as I could, sort it out, if you don't like it, go to the garden, you can all at once, or one by one - if I am the only one, I will be the happiest and unbeaten.


Yuri Evseenkov:
1. Функция будет генерироваться случайным образом или будет известна только жюри? 

2. it will be given by formula or matrix, array[] ?

1. this has already been mentioned. Participants will not know what is inside the FF. Neither will the jury. The MQ administrator will generate the FF and compile the library with the FF and pass it on to the championship.

2. How the function is described inside is irrelevant. You can only get the value of FF by passing an array of numbers (parameters to be optimized) into it:

double FF (double &array[]); 
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

he said from the beginning that in case of a cash prize -- he refuses to participate or his participation is unrated.

But in any competition, the strongest wins -- and you are now saying that the weakest player should have a chance to win (how is that?).

It is clear that in school, students participate in the Olympiad, and the teacher does not.

But the main author didn't teach anyone on this subject -- on the contrary, he just said -- I posted books, told him how I could, go to school, if you don't like it, go away, you can all at once, or one by one -- if I am left alone, I will be the happiest and unbeaten player in the world

Well, that's about it, yeah.

Any competent fighter knows his strengths. His weight class. And knows what kind of martial arts he is good at. Personally, I know that very well. You have invited fighters of different martial arts and weight categories to the competition, and you almost equalise their chances in words, glossing over the fact that the best masters of the sport will come out against them in this martial art. This is the essence of the illusion being created.
Реter Konow:
Any competent fighter knows his strengths. His weight class. And knows what kind of martial arts he is good at. Personally, I know that very well. You have invited fighters of different martial arts and weight categories to the competition, and you almost equalise their chances in words, glossing over the fact that the best masters of the sport will come out against them in this martial art. This is the essence of the illusion.
Weaker competitors will benefit more from the competition. You can only learn something from someone who is better at something than you are. That's the point of competitions. Including this one. After the event, there will be a debriefing and professional discussion on why the champions are champions. This is an invaluable experience, especially for beginners.
Реter Konow:
Any competent fighter knows his strengths. His weight class. And knows what kind of martial arts he is good at. Personally, I know that very well. You have invited fighters of different martial arts and weight classes to a competition, and you almost equalise their chances in words, glossing over the fact that the best masters of the sport will come out against them in this martial art. This is the essence of the illusion being created.

You can write a search algorithm based solely on the GCF. It will give 50% of what is possible in principle. You have to try harder to get worse results. That's why, and I've said this before, among those who use search strategies using only RNG is not the worst option.

At least you have a very good chance to be in the middle of the championship table. And that's not a bad thing.

There is no illusion. I'm speaking openly - in case the FF is not known, the GCF is a very good choice for the task at hand. I'm being serious. And you have to try very hard to get better than 50% results, I'm not sure I can get more than that.

I'll even give you a head start - I'll use the full limit of the allowed number of FF runs to be at the bottom of the table (whoever makes fewer runs will have the advantage), if that gives you confidence.

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Weaker competitors will benefit more from the competition. You can only learn something from someone who is better at something than you are. That's the point of competitions. Including this one. After the event, there will be a debriefing and professional discussion on why the champions are champions. This is an invaluable experience, especially for beginners.

Yes, that's right. It would be very difficult to say it better.

Besides, this branch is not going anywhere, it will remain and there will always be a possibility to come to it, download examples and samples, it's very useful for orientation in your developments... Who would have invited me to such a championship 6 years ago... I would have jumped for joy and happiness.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. There is a difference, and a very big one.

2. This transformation has nothing to do with the need to represent multidimensional spaces, or not. And in any case there is no need for such representation. Wrote about it here. Representation at the level of three-dimensional space is sufficient: x, y and z values.

How is the contingent of this form different from the community once on the 4th forum? There people were looking for an opportunity and here they are looking for why something cannot be done.

That's what's interesting, you're not thinking why I did it, but you immediately began to assert your opinion.

Yes, I did. I don't understand the difference between searching for solutions of the equation 34a+43b+16c+30d+23e=6268; and searching for the minimum MathAbs(34a+43b+16c+30d+23e-6268);

MathAbs(34a+43b+16c+30d+23e-6268)=0 when the roots a, b, c, d, e of the original equation are found. Or am I what ? Fundamentally stupid?

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Weaker competitors will benefit more from the competition. You can only learn something from someone who is better at something than you are. That's the point of competitions. That's the point of competitions. After the competition, there will be a debriefing and a professional discussion of why champions are champions. This is an invaluable experience, especially for beginners.
Yuri Evseenkov:

Yeah got me thinking. I don't understand the difference between looking for solutions of equation 34a+43b+16c+30d+23e=6268; and looking for minimum MathAbs(34a+43b+16c+30d+23e-6268);

MathAbs(34a+43b+16c+30d+23e-6268)=0 when the roots a, b, c, d, e of the original equation are found. Or am I what ? Fundamentally stupid?

The difference is the method of solving this equation.

To solve an equation like this using the method of finding the maximum, it has to be converted into a function. With this method you can solve any equation without the use of symbolic maths packages, because it becomes unimportant what the original equation is (you may not even know what the equation is at all, which is the way things are in real life). This is the cheapest and fastest way when the equation is not known in part or in full.