Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 27

Alexey Burnakov:

Einstein is already here. By the way, this scientist's achievements are greatly questioned by many.

There's a lot of morons. Naturally, they question it.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
God, what nonsense... Do you have any idea what science does?
Well, you seem to have a very good idea of what science does. Very well. Please tell me.
Реter Konow:

He proved his theories. Not only mathematically, but also physically. For example, during a solar eclipse, he proved that a beam of light can be bent by gravity.

I don't think Einstein would have allowed himself to make bold statements about multiple spatial dimensions. He was limiting physicists' ideas rather than expanding them.

For example, he proved that nothing can move faster than the speed of light. That when it reaches this speed, matter turns into light.

O proved interrelation of time and space and said that time can be bent under the action of gravitation. However, in my opinion this theory remains unproven.

A lot of science-fiction theories were based on his work. Like the warp of space, time tunnels, superluminal speed, etc...

Einstein himself did not claim to be the final truth, but he showed us what a real scientific approach is.

Alexey Burnakov:

I read the thread and it makes me laugh. Any technical endeavour starts to become encrusted with such a cultural layer. )

Einstein is already here. By the way, this scientist's achievements are greatly questioned by many. From the fact that he borrowed others' achievements without citation to the dubiousness of the experiments performed.

Another batch of nonsense. Einstein is a theoretical scientist. Experiments based on his theory were performed by other scientists. Reading you may think that a scientist first makes up a theory and then does experiments to prove it. What nonsense.

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Another batch of nonsense. Einstein was a theoretical scientist. Experiments based on his theory were performed by other scientists.
I understand that you are well acquainted with Einstein's biography, theories and experiments. I would be happy to hear specific facts from you. (The word "nonsense", I can write too.)
Хочу Вам напомнить, что представления о Земле и звездах, о законах небесной механики, формировались веками именно на основе эмпирического метода исследования (наблюдения и измерения).
And where are these representations now? Modern cosmology is based on purely mathematical models developed in the last hundred years.
Vasiliy Sokolov:

Another batch of nonsense. Einstein was a theoretical scientist. Experiments based on his theory were performed by other scientists. Reading you one can get the impression that a scientist first makes up a theory and then does experiments to prove it. What nonsense.

Actually that's what happened. Read about the physics experiments that post factum proved that light does not travel in a straight line around a massive body. This was the main proof of Einstein's THEORY.

You are not fully aware of this issue.


Andrei, I am in favour of holding the championship according to the already established rules.

I have sorted out what is meant by FF and what exactly is being sought.

Personally, I don't like the analogy with multidimensional space, but I have decided for myself to represent the problem in the field of some mathematical abstraction.

The rest is not a matter of principle.

Alexey Burnakov:

Actually, it did. Read the physics experiments which post factum proved that light does not travel in a straight line around a massive body. That was the main proof of Einstein's THEORY.

You are not fully aware of this issue.

A theory does not have to have a proof. It just has to not contradict observations. Strictly, no theory can be proven. Study the scientific method. With your level of knowledge there is no point in even discussing anything.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
A theory does not have to have proof. It only has to be consistent with observations. Strictly speaking, no theory can be proven. Study the scientific method. With your level of knowledge there is no point in even discussing anything.
A request to you personally from me. Don't get personal and no insults please. There will be no more of that here.
Реter Konow:
A request to you personally from me. No personal attacks and no insults please. There will be no more of that here.
Where did I offend someone and get personal? I said that you write nonsense, but it is not an insult. And finally stop writing in bold, it hurts your eyes.