Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 15


Participants can already post compiled FF functions as *.ex5 libraries here to start training, so to speak.

The FF library should have two functions to be called:

double FF(double &array []);
int ParamCount();

ParamCount() is used to find out how many parameters should be optimized.

Exactly these two functions will be in the championship FF.

Andrey Dik:
This is what the championship is all about - finding the maximum of an unknown function with between 100 and 500 variables (roots) in any way and in any language. Read the rules.
Then I guess I'll take part. Thank you.
Andrey Dik:

Easy? Great!

How do you check "faster" and "more accurately" if the algorithms are in the hands of the participants? How do you check that a participant has found a solution in fewer steps than a complete brute force?

A complete brute force may take forever. He's no competition for us.

"Faster" means faster. You, here, at the agreed time, give us the equation. We solve it. Whoever's first is supposed to have the best algorithm.

As for "more accurate". In the example.

Find the roots of the equation: 34a+43b+16c+30d+23e=6268; Solutions are integers a=26, b=12, c=111, d=100, e=4

If the contestant finds these numbers then the accuracy is -100%

Alexey Burnakov:
Then I'm in, I guess. Thank you.
Should I sign up?
It's a challenge to try and solve a brute force problem in the most optimal way possible in polynomial time. Someone might just get lucky if their algorithm initially falls close to the optimum. It takes a few problems, unequivocally!
Andrey Dik:
Do you want me to write it down?
Yes, please.
Yuri Evseenkov:

A complete overkill could take forever. He's no competition for us.

"Faster" means faster. You, here, at the agreed time, give us the equation. We solve it. Whoever's first is supposed to have the best algorithm.

As for "more accurate". In the example.

Find the roots of the equation: 34a+43b+16c+30d+23e=6268; Solutions are integers a=26, b=12, c=111, d=100, e=4

If the contestant finds these numbers then the accuracy is -100%

No, it doesn't work like that. You understand that someone will do a complete search and then say he/she found the solution in 27 steps. We are not so naive people (though traders) that would believe in such noodles.
Alexey Burnakov:
Yes, please.
Andrey Dik
Retrog Konow
Igor Volodin
Dmitry Fedoseev
Sergey Chalyshev
Ghenadie Tumco
Alexey Burnakov
Alexey Burnakov:
It's a challenge to try and solve a brute force problem in the most optimal way possible in polynomial time. Someone might just get lucky if their algorithm initially falls close to the optimum. Need multiple problems, unequivocally!
Don't forget that for statistically significant results there will be multiple runs of the algorithm, not 1. The average result will be the answer. So the maximum result a contestant with a completely random search can expect is about 50% of the maximum.
What is the connection between the clear surface analogy and the equation example given? In what ways do they converge?