Questions on OOP in MQL5 - page 59

Aleksey Mavrin:

I agree). I also think that one's attitude... let's say to patterns... is usually best expressed by one's psychologist )))

Yeah, and your opinion on who should express what too, that's where it's best to express it.

Igor Makanu:


I'm sorry if I offended, I didn't mean to, but that's how the discussion turned into a total hullabaloo.


No problem, just don't forget to take your nose out between your buttocks because you stuck it so deep when you tried to lick it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

No problem, just remember to take your nose out between your buttocks, because you stuck it so deep when you tried to lick it.

♪ quit drinking ♪

♪ but if it's not alcohol, you're in trouble ♪

Dmitry Fedoseev:

No problem, just remember to take your nose out from between my buttocks, because you stuck it so deep when you tried to lick it.

Who raised you?
Aleksei Beliakov:
Who brought you up?


Aleksei Beliakov:
Who brought you up?
In the depths of Runet, a boy raised by the Metakwots was found.)
Igor Makanu:

hello again!

this question, there is an enum , we need either an array enum or a list enum or a container enum - something where to store 7 enum , but the appetite grows, maybe 70 enum

where to ?

As for me I prefer if the enum for the whole project, then them in a separate file. If for example for a particular class, in the class file, I do not merge them into containers. I always begin names with

enum ENUM_ XXX_XX {      };

I never counted how many of them I use, but I haven't had any problems yet.

Konstantin Nikitin:

As for me, I prefer if the enum is for the whole project, then they are in a separate file.

that's exactly what was originally done

a separate package with all the enum and struct types

I thought, maybe someone will suggest some other variants, and we'll see

Konstantin Nikitin:

I always start the titles with

Why so cumbersome? You could start with E_XXX
Alexey Navoykov:
Why so cumbersome? You can do it with E_XXX.

Pencils differ by taste and colour