How do you measure noise? - page 6

Олег avtomat:

The red line on the top graph is the "signal". As such, the "noise" on the graph is not marked as being unnecessary, but it is used to calculate the dispersion, in other words, the bandwidth, the propagation tube of the signal.

Look at my picture on page 2. How do you think this can be done?

Promised to post a picture of the noise track over the indicator picture on the 2-page thread tonight.

Noise in points.

I must say the result is a bit unexpected for me. I had expected something different.

The noise does not exceed 30 points. It may well be handled.


I've read the topic - I've even lifted it out of the basement, sincerely trying to understand its underlying essence.

The presence of a signal implies the presence of its source, at the very least. Then we can talk about semantics and all that.

Question to connoisseurs: whose signal are you persistently looking for in Forex quotes - the radio operator Kat?

Алексей Тарабанов:

Question to connoisseurs: whose signal are you persistently looking for in Forex quotes - radio girl Kat?

Well, you already found it, 150 days ago. There's nothing to look for now. Everything was stolen before you.
Алексей Тарабанов:
Noise or no noise... the only stupid radio operators left on the subject. And all the stupid electricians were electrocuted. I'm the only one who survived.
You're dealing with low-voltage. That's why it didn't kill you.
All smart radio operators are "on vacation", that's why they are not in this thread. But electricians are still on the run, some are killed by lightning and others make a small lightning rod and run in the hope that they will get through.))))
Dreaming that at least one smart radio operator will come back to the stupid electricians and fix the perpetually shorted circuits and burnt-out wiring.)))))
Yuriy Asaulenko:

Promised to post a picture of the noise track over the indicator picture on the 2-page thread tonight.

Noise in points.

I must say the result is a bit unexpected for me. I had expected something different.

The noise does not exceed 30 points. It may well be handled.

I don't understand it, though. Please, explain the picture. What is the difference on the basement chart made of?
Good afternoon, the market has Movement - Direction - Target , Movement - opening price D and closing price "almost coincide" ( that's the noise ) , closing price - what the market was aiming at ( target ) . Identification of noise by signs.
It's not clear, though. Explain the figure please. What is the difference on the basement chart made of?

The difference between the closing price and the curve. see p.2.

Unfortunately all other prices are nothing.

Veniamin Skrepkov:
Afternoon, the market has Movement - Direction - Target , Movement - opening price D and closing price "almost coincide" ( that's the noise ) , closing price - what the market was aiming for (target) . Noise identification by signs.

opening price, closing price - these are all prices about nothing. No more than sampling points.

What the market is aiming for is unknown to the market itself.