Exchange arbitrage, is it worth digging into? - page 4

You have been told that the big uncles won't let themselves get ripped off. How do you imagine breaking the owner in his house?
I'll tell you more than that. The big guys aren't interested in you at all. If you think otherwise, you have delusions of grandeur. Possibly compounded by delusions of persecution. And all this talk of big men is utter nonsense.

Open an account with your passport, put your money in the account and trade, then tell me if it worked or not.


The "big guys" in the context of this forum thread are brokers and banks, in this case, not big players, lest someone else twist these words around.

If you want to try it, please open an account with your passport, put your money in the account and trade, then tell me whether you succeeded or failed.

I'm telling you, in manual mode on forex (on my passport :) I get ~0.5% daily from the transaction (not from my forex). While mastering, yes, it's interesting, but then, when everything works out - it's boring to sit and stare at the monitor for hours - not my thing. The machines don't work - they don't make money, but they don't drain either - what they successfully work off is the broker's commission.

Since 2008, from the very beginning, there has been no deposit drain. I even paid taxes, a few thousand roubles each. But I also work irregularly.


because a few thousand each paid taxes..... the tax is 13 % so it is not hard to calculate your profit and the amount of your deposit.

you have made very little since 2008 if you have paid a few thousand in tax


that's because you paid a few thousand in taxes, so they didn't touch..... The tax is 13 % so it's not hard to calculate your profit and the amount of the deposit.

You've made very little since 2008 if you've paid a few thousand in tax.

Yes, not much, as I work very irregularly. But some thou a day is quite normal (at FORTS). And it's quite realistic (but very boring :).

There are some principles of work.

1. so that no one sees you. Keep your head down.

2. No stops, unless emergency stops (in case of malfunctions and hiccups) are very far away.

3. Work only on the market, better in the spread - execution is instant, only HF traders see you. Open trades are of no interest to anyone (they are not visible), unlike orders. Well, more precisely visible only as a total number of futures, but that's nothing. Try to put an order above or below the buy or sell price - it will be executed instantly, and you have a few points in the pocket.

All you need for this kind of work is meditation at the monitor.


A suggestion for everyone to unite and create a profitable algorithm or algorithms.

I mean trading from 2 minutes and up for short-term transactions. ideally, it would be medium and long term.


There is a suggestion for everyone to unite and create a profitable algorithm or algorithms to honestly trade and make money, rather than screwing over the "big guys".

I mean trading from 2 minutes and up for short-term transactions.

Yes, this is exactly the kind of algorithm that works, provided that the market is continuously monitored.

But, unfortunately, your proposal (to unite and create a profitable algorithm ) is in principle (IMHO) unrealizable. We can create a non-declining algorithm, which feeds the broker and earns a little (I have one). But no one needs it - such a game is not worth the effort. And it is impossible to create an algorithm that earns money on a regular basis.

This happens because the market and its characteristics are constantly changing, and the algorithm that makes money today is useless tomorrow (or in a month or two).

I once tried to resurrect an old once good algorithm - complete failure. Not under any conditions.

In principle, the Grail is possible, but only for a short period of time. Everything depends on how quickly the algorithm is developed-modified.

I listened to the reports of HF traders at the conference. So it's a constant, continuous modification of algorithms.

SZZ. Collective algorithm violates the first principle - keep a low profile. :)


I agree to team up. no problem. message me if you're interested.


... to trade honestly and make money rather than screwing over the "big guys" ....

What makes you think that arbitrage trading is unfair? The broker himself gives those quotes and it's up to everyone to trade on them or not. All the talk about arbitrage being criminally or administratively prosecuted is nonsense.

In fact it is the other way round. If there is an opportunity to trade arbitrage with a broker, it is a sign that the broker himself is not honest and one has to leave it. The broker knows that he is not clean, by arbitrage you show the broker that you know he is not clean and you beat him. You get blacklisted, not because you're bad, but because you're too smart. The broker is trying to steal from you and you know his moves one step ahead and quietly clean him out on his own turf. The broker will end up resenting you and ignoring you and not paying you back. You could probably try suing him, especially if he's licensed.


you cannot sue anyone through the court system.....