The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 91

Dmitry Fedoseev #:
...and what's interesting is that talk of the demise of the dollar usually intensifies with every catastrophic ruble collapse. So it is now)))

That's for sure. Ruble aggravation superimposed on the spring one...)

Dmitry Fedoseev #:
...And interestingly, talk of the demise of the dollar usually intensifies with every catastrophic ruble collapse. And now)))

It's like that joke about the homemade rocket: "If it's blown up like that, Paris is dead").

Believe to the last in the land of elves and the disaster of ... er... not elves!
What are you smoking...
Dmitry Fedoseev #:
...and interestingly enough, talk of the death of the dollar usually intensifies with every catastrophic ruble collapse. And now...))

Actually, there are many other reasons)))

Andrey Dik #:

Actually, there are many other reasons)))

Do these same reasons not work for other currencies?

Yevhenii Levchenko #:

Do these same reasons not work for other currencies?

They do.

Aleksey Nikolayev British pound did in its time.

But if you really want to wait for disasters in the USA, you can switch to waiting for some revolution, war with Mexico and Canada or the explosion of Yellowstone.)

I've been thinking about Yellowstone... Doesn't look like it's going to blow up in our lifetime. But a revolution in the States is much more realistic. It seems to me that the USA will end badly, in the sense that they themselves will fall to pieces. Some states have declared such intentions. Besides, who would like to kiss the boots of niggers. Not everybody would do that. There are many other negative things that can be remembered for their integrity. I agree with the view that if they don't replace fiat with crypto, the greenback will simply fade into the background, as in the case of the pound, but will continue to exist as just a national currency. The transition to other means of payment can't be quick. So we will all have time to prepare for the change. We live in a time of redistribution. Global. It's very interesting to watch. It is even more interesting to observe how corrupt politicians of various countries, when lying down to Washington, lose their sovereignty, pump their minds with nonsense and, in general, accept immigrants who will give them cancer. The time of "Sleepy Joe" was the beginning of the end of the United States itself, what with the end of the dollar. It should not be forgotten that Americans have an enormous amount of guns on their hands. And as you know, the gun on the wall will go off one day. In short, watch carefully, we will understand everything.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:
...And what's interesting is that talk of the end of the dollar usually intensifies with every catastrophic ruble collapse. And now)))

It's okay, guys...!)
Is this a collapse...? So we went down to 150 roubles per dollar. So to speak 'checked' the nerves.))
When the dollar and the yen went up sharply, my colleagues at work started buying currency at high prices. I warned them that they were wrong and that they should have done the opposite (buying up the cheap currency). They laughed like idiots. Then there was a pullback to the 90s zone. They stopped laughing. They all lost. Each in his own way. The result was the same for everyone. It was fun to watch... Little kids, man.


23.02.2022 the rate was 80.82, today it's 98.25... no, no, it's fine, it's not a collapse...