The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 86

Andrey Dik:

Buy (or sell). In silence. Tell us about the results in 5-10 years.

In confidence, this is the forum of the metaquotes platform, where they buy/sell some cfd type stuff, etc., that stuff reflects the real dollar exchange rate. If you take the 10 year cycle of turmoil, the dollar is stronger now in 2018 compared to 2008. The price charts show just the opposite, with currencies collapsing against the dollar faster than they are strengthening against it. We need to pass or collapse 10,000 points against the dollar before discussing potential demise. And without the snotty tragedy of earning on this move.


Secretly, this is the forum of the metaquotes platform, where they buy/sell some cfd etc stuff, which reflects the real exchange rate of the dollar. If you take the 10 year cycle of turmoil, the dollar is stronger now in 2018 compared to 2008. The price charts show just the opposite, with currencies collapsing against the dollar faster than they are strengthening against it. We need to pass or collapse 10,000 points against the dollar before discussing potential demise. And without the snotty tragedy of earning on that move.

Similar reasoning was used by those who shopped for tulip bulbs in the shaggy year of 1637... You must be one of those who bought 20k worth of bats?

ZS It's funny to see now lures like "Earn on bitcoin fall!" on ref-links...))). well...

Andrey Dik:
Such was the reasoning of those who bought tulip bulbs back in 1637... You must be one of those people who bought 20k worth of bits?

The volume of world GDP in 1637 and how relevant is that today? By the way, back then the earth was still standing on three elephants and elephants on a turtle - how relevant is it today is also a question. I am one of those who in summer 14 said that I get 50p for $, posreots gave a shit (only 1 called for 55p and congratulated, although before that summer his emotions flew in anger to half the office). You can hand over the dollars you hate to me, so to speak, I will relieve you from mental anguish and for free.

Andrey Dik:

Similar reasoning was used by those who bought tulip bulbs in the shaggy year 1637... You must be one of those who have bought 20k worth of bats?

SZZ it's funny to see your lures now like "Make money on bitcoin crash!" on referral links...))). well, well...

Are you among those who have been selling the dollar for decades waiting for it to collapse?

It's funny to see your lures about a collapse) well, well...

It is a little premature to talk about the fate of the world's currencies in terms of waiting for the demise of the dollar...
Of course, everything comes to an end at some point, but before that there must be preconditions, expediency and a way,
as an alternative system to replace not only the dollar, but the market mechanisms that are tied to it.
I too have political and ideological biases and prejudices about the US, but for the sake of objectivity, I will refrain from them.
It's not about the US being good or bad, it's about the fact that the US has created a powerful and so far no-regret way
to manipulate the market, which has useful qualities otherwise this dollar mechanism would not be in such demand.
For example: the preamble to super-consumption as the driver of NTP and the economy.
You can reproach the US for manipulation and cheating, but it is thanks to their over-consumption and debt mechanism that markets and NTP are growing and developing.
Where, for example, will China or the EU sell their surplus goods and services? This is almost 1 trillion dollars worth of goods that have no real market
market other than the debt market... Who is ready to service such a colossal debt besides the USA?
And what will happen to the economies of these countries if this debt market closes?
I do not think that the world market is ready for such shocks and the regression of their economies into medieval self-production.
And we should probably separate the reasons for some kind of irritation with the global dollar system...

It is not so much the system itself that irritates, but the fact that the U.S. solely uses it as an instrument of political pressure.

Returning to the question of the topic, I give the following opinion...
I am not sure if the world's currencies will survive without the dollar.

The volume of world GDP in 1637 and how relevant is that today? By the way, back then the earth was still standing on three elephants and elephants on a turtle - how relevant is it today is also a question. I am one of those who in summer 14 said that I get 50p for $, cops gave a shit (only 1 called for 55p and congratulated, although before the summer his emotions flew in anger to the room). You can hand over the dollars you hate to me, so to speak, I will save you the heartache and for free.

Why do you think I hate dollars?))) Don't make me laugh, please. it is the same commodity as the rouble to me, no more and no less.
Taras Slobodyanik:

are you one of those who have been selling the dollar for decades waiting for it to collapse?

It's funny to see your lures about a collapse) well, well...

I personally do not care what happens to the dollar, I try to look with an open mind even to those things that are unbelievable, but there is no other way to succeed in the market.

Secretly, this is the forum of the metaquotes platform, where they buy/sell some cfd etc stuff, which reflects the real exchange rate of the dollar. If you take the 10 year cycle of turmoil, the dollar is stronger now in 2018 compared to 2008. The price charts show just the opposite, with currencies collapsing against the dollar faster than strengthening against it. We need to pass or collapse 10,000 points against the dollar before discussing potential demise. And without the snotty tragedy of earning on that move.

Well, if it goes down, we sell.

Traders don't care what happens to it.

Of course, everything comes to an end at some point, but the prerequisites, expediency and method must first emerge for that to happen,
as an alternative system to replace not only the dollar, but also the market mechanisms that are tied to it...

Do you think there are no prerequisites? No feasibility? No means?
Ha-ha. That's funny.

If the dollar rises again, it will be its last strengthening.
After Trump or even before, the dollar will embark on a global long term downtrend. Right now it only feels buying because of trade friction with China. But banks have already started replacing the quid with other currencies. And the dollar-bypassing calculations are ALREADY taking place.