The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 84

Nikolay Kositsin:

EU buries dollar - Russia invited to wake


Source: Pravdinform

Author of the publication: Vadim Danilov

Another fantastic article from the category of"well, America is about to collapse".

The site's name is particularly endearing - Pravdyinform, ehhhh, so true... reliable source at a hundred ))))))))

Igor Makanu:

I think you read everything on the internet and believe it ))))

if you want to find the truth, look for reports on the volume of currencies traded on the exchange (CME Daily Bulletin, COT reports ... any statistics from the exchange ... if you see that this statistic really changed the data at least 10%-20% ... that's it... the sunset of the dollar!!!

the collapse of the dollar is inevitable! but i think that if there is no global war, then we will enjoy the $$$ for another 100 years


I think we're not talking more about the "collapse" of the dollar per se, but, its prospects of losing its status as the "reserve world currency" per se...
That's closer to our discussion.
What's the point of staring at the volumes traded on exchanges when the prospect of de-dollarization is on the agenda for the next decade...
Trends are not born in numbers... The numbers only confirm them.
When the states largest partners (allies!) openly ignore the sanctions regime, the emergence of this trend is confirmed.
As a rule, there will already be passengers on that train who got on much earlier than you did.
And you will try to jump on the footboard of the last carriage as you look at the changed numbers...

... The European Commission on Wednesday unveiled plans to reduce dependence on the US dollar, especially in the energy sector. The EU intends to continue trade with Iran despite US sanctions. The project pursues the EU's long-term goal of combating the use of the US dollar as the currency base for the global economy; plans are to launch euro-denominated energy contracts and oil benchmarks. Back in March, China launched yuan-denominated oil futures trading when the trade conflict with the US was just heating up...

... Given that China and the EU are the world's biggest oil importers, any move to commodity contracts not denominated in dollars would have a significant impact on demand for the US currency. If we add to this the plans of leading central banks to reallocate their baskets in favour of the euro at the expense of the dollar (in response to US President Donald Trump's aggressive foreign policy and rhetoric), it is easy to see why the dollar could be at risk...

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

Trends are not born in numbers... The numbers only confirm them.
When the states biggest partners (allies!) openly ignore the sanctions regime, the incipient trend is confirmed.

Alas, this is politics that determines economic trends, I do not want to talk about politics, although I believe that the USSR was destroyed by a bought spy living in Germany, everything is bought and sold, I do not remember exactly, but someone wrote: no one takes no money, you need to know how much someone is worth, and so is the crash of the dollar, or maybe it is supposed to look away, we will see.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

it's easy to see why the dollar might be in danger of collapse.

What collapse? The U.S. economy is working, science is flourishing, people are multiplying, they took gold for safekeeping

And if the dollar collapses, imho it will be another write-off of the US debt, but practice shows that they write off debts at other people's expense.

Ok, it is all bullshit, as they say: "money for money", the dollar will fall, but those who have big money will not suffer in any way, even in the USA ))))

История. Как Шарль де Голль доллар с небес на землю спустил
В июле 1944 года произошло одно из ключевых событий XX века. По инициативе высших финансовых кругов США в американском курортном городке Бреттон-Вудсе была создана система международных валютных расчетов (Бреттон-Вудская система), основанная на приоритете американского доллара, которая сменила финансовую систему, основанную на золотом...

Now about the U.S. economy. It is known to suffer from the following chronic diseases - a) a trade deficit; b) a budget deficit; c) a growing national debt; d) a rapidly aging population.
Each of these diseases on its own is not fatal, nor are they fatal in combination, as long as there is an oxygen cushion in the form of the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency. But if that cushion stops working, irreparable things can happen.

In a bit more detail, the U.S. trade deficit. Each year, America buys $700 billion more goods abroad than it sells abroad, in other words, it borrows imported goods and has been doing so for more than 40 years. The U.S. pays off
indirectly through the sale of debt, and through the widespread use of the dollar in trade and investment around the world, i.e. through the status of the dollar.

US budget deficits. The government has systematically, over the years, spent far more than it collects in taxes. For example, in 2018 the deficit was almost $800 billion, in 2019 it will be close to a trillion dollars. The main idea is to boost the economy while the cost of debt servicing is low. And it is small because of the dollar's status as a reserve currency. In general the idea makes sense - who would give me a trillion quid at 1% per annum! But what happens if the cost of servicing the debt goes up dramatically?

Growing national debt. Because of chronic budget deficits and various economic stimulus programs, the U.S. national debt has reached astronomical levels of over $21 trillion and continues to grow. According to forecasts in about 6-9 years the national debt will exceed
If the cost of servicing it rises sharply, it will become a big problem - it is one thing to spend 1-2% of $20 trillion and quite another to spend 7-8% of $30 trillion.

A rapidly aging population. The US population is aging rapidly, and this is due to medical advances, and demographics and the trend towards childlessness. This is a separate very painful and significant problem for the government. The growing number of pensioners reduces the tax revenue, increases the burden on social and medical programmes and most importantly accelerates the growth of the yield on the state securities. That's because around 40% of US public debt is managed by various pension funds. That is, the government borrowed money from future pensioners and when they retire it must pay them back. As long as the dollar is the world's reserve currency, it is not that critical, but once the throne begins to wobble, problems begin to mount like an avalanche.

Ugh! Tired of writing. To be continued in future episodes...

it feels like the internet is switched off and there is only kissel tv:структура%20инвестиций%20сша&clid=2270455&banerid=6301000000%3A59bd2e3a570847001b77cf62&win=298&lr=193

second position from the search:

something else from the same search, came to mind "so that's what sanctions are - to pile quid on trillions":

sanctions they are

From wiki:

The structure of the US economy is distinctlypost-industrial. The largest partof the AmericanGDP(79.4% in 2004) is created in theservice sector, which includes mainlyeducation,health care,science, finance, trade, various professional and personal services, transport and communication, and governmental services.Material production(agriculture, forestry and fisheries, extractive and manufacturing industries, construction), therefore, account for 20.6% of GDP.Agriculture generates about 0.9 per cent of GDP, whileindustry generates less than 20 per cent.

For a long time, the United States was one of the leaders in industrial development among the developed countries of the world. However, in the late 1980s, the industrial sector shrank both as a resultof outsourcing of overseas production to US companies and due to increased competition from countries with cheaper labour[source not shown 1029 days]. The US has overtaken theNetherlands andIsrael on the share of the services sector in the structure of GDP production. Due to existing competitive advantages, the US specializes on services, yielding onlyto Hong Kong(86% share of the services sector). However, Hong Kong is not an independent state, it is just a special economic regionof China, where the share of services is less than 45%.

The general pattern of sectoral shifts is that the share of raw materials and agriculture in the economy has declined markedly. Among the branches of the material sphere, industry remains the most important and still provides a high level of technical development of other economic spheres. It is in this sector that the latest advancesin science and technology are being accumulated.

The US has one of the most highly efficient economies in the world. A distinctive feature of its economy is its focus on STI and advanced technology. It leads in putting the results of science and technology into production, in exporting licenses for its discoveries, inventions and cutting-edge developments. All this often leads to the dependence of other countries on the US in the field of science and technology[18].


The USA is a global investor and technology landlord with the ability to protect its investments. Simply put, 80% of the US economy lives off the rest of the world as an investor and if the US dollar is suddenly withdrawn or zeroed out, the investor's share of the world economy is not zeroed out in any way. The last thing the US needs as the world's biggest investor is World War 3 because it will not invest in the global economy and the external public debt will remain.

Крупнейшие реципиенты американских инвестиций – Великобритания, Канада ... Доля развивающихся стран составляет 26,5% всех зарубежных инвестиций США. Крупнейшие реципиенты американских инвестиций – Великобритания, Канада, Нидерланды, Австралия, Германия, Япония и Швейцария. На страны Европейского Союза приходится 1123 миллиардов долларов, или...

So when will the dollar die?

The death of the dollar

Alexandr Saprykin:

So when will the dollar die?

Never ;)
The collapse of the dollar
Igor Makanu:

... The US economy is working, science is booming, people are fecund, they have taken the gold skillfully into their custody ...

Science is booming...? Then how are they lagging behind in military and space industries...?
People are proliferating...? According to figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the birth rate in the US has reached a 40-year low...
Gold, in the US...? Who's to say they've got that gold now? They won't let the inspectors into Fort Knox...

I'll say it again. The dollar as such will probably remain. But it will lose its reserve currency status.
And with that status, the exchange rate will inevitably slide down.

Another fantastic"this is about to be America's undoing" article.

Especially the site's name - truthdinform, yeehawwww... reliable source at all times ))))))))

I also immediately noticed the source..... without comment, just a smile))
Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

Science is booming...? Then how come they're behind in military and space industries...?
People are proliferating...? According to figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the birth rate in the US has reached a 40-year low...
Gold, in the US...? Who's to say they've got that gold now? They won't let the inspectors into Fort Knox...

I'll say it again. The dollar as such will probably remain. But it will lose its status as a reserve currency.

Who needs the military industry and why? An awesome achievement of course. Who needs it? What is there to be proud of? People were engaged in creation, and occupying one's head with means of destruction is the worst thing to do.

What makes you think the US is lagging behind in the space industry? So far, it is the results of the US space industry that the whole world uses - GPS - the system is developed, implemented and operated by the US Department of Defense.

And the UK is also ready to implement theOneWeb system- Internet from anywhere in the world. But there is one problem, or should I say a plug, guess where it is.