I divide traders into three categories. 1- Beginners (schoolchildren and oligarchs can be there). 2- The smart (programmers and technicians). 3- Fools (the rich looking to make a fortune).


And I think there's only one category for almost everyone - 3 and without what's in brackets. This stage is the last one..............

Scratch everything in brackets - that's the way to 3rd. If you get off the road in 1st or 2nd, it's not 3rd. But if you have skipped stage 3 and have already got to stage 4, i.e. you have earned it, then that is really not bad.

But the most cautious are the third ones.
And I think there's only one category for all - 3 and without what's in brackets.
I don't quite understand the question, why does the second category have to include programmers and technicians?

I am a good mql4-mql5 programmer--- that alone does not make me a good trader...
as a rule, the best traders are those who sell software on the market?
shorter mess .....

I have no doubts that all traders are smart, because I am a smart trader and my trading robot is too smart to compete with them.

but I like this one. And it's kind of sophisticated without sounding rude - 3-boys))))

"or else - wrong, sit 2!"

Nah. 3's better! )

Alexander Ivanov:

Hi all!

I am one of the two. Are you?

You can't praise yourself...
I don't quite understand the question, why does the second category have to include programmers and technicians?

I am a good mql4-mql5 programmer--- that alone does not make me a good trader...
as a rule, the best traders are those who sell software on the market?
shorter mess .....

For the second category are people who do not waste time on metamatic wisdom (this is the lot of suckers), and take a simple moving average or even a pencil and ruler and make money ...
then you're either in first or third.

but I like this one. And it's kind of sophisticated without sounding rude - 3-boys))))

"or else - wrong, sit 2!"

Nah. 3's better! )

hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe))))))))))))))))) nice. got a good laugh out of it.
Alexander Ivanov:
come on, until you pass the 3rd, ie, do not understand that it is cooler than 1 and 2, and to the 4th - no way ) no, really, 100%