Yandex Direct - who is advertising? Moderator rejection. Documents for authorship. - page 15

Artyom Trishkin:
No, it clearly states that you and I and other colleagues, not being a representative of a dealer company, have no right to use the word 'forex' in the name of a good company. The word Metaquotes is not derived from the word forex. No need to make it up ;)

Metaquotes and MetaTraderis the property ofMetaquotes and cannot be used in advertising without the right to use it, it was not my idea, that's how maill ru explain it... All these advertising platforms that Yandex and Mail ru are regularly smoking mushrooms, because their explanations in the refusal, even a sick person in a madhouse would not come to mind ...

I was refused by because the word MetaTrader was in the adverts, rules do not allow an adequate explanation, you have to deposit balance with 3540 and only then we will decide whether to launch an advertising campaign or not ...

Artyom Trishkin:
You can write it that way. It is not against the law. It is not the name of the company. If only the moderators understood it.
But it would be better to specify: making advisors for financial markets.

do not forget about the "common sense" of moderators )

they are just the doers.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Don't forget about the "common sense" of moderators )

they're just the enforcers.

Of someone else's stupid will?
Looked at the whole thing... Looks like an April Fool's joke, but for some reason it took too long... And really, it's April 2nd! All jokes aside! Will this really pay extra dividends for anyone? And who, finally?! I hope it's not forbidden to speculate about it! I suggest that it is not forbidden to advertise, but to condemn, and not something that is forbidden to mention! That's the kind of "you can't make it up on purpose"! ;))
Artyom Trishkin:
Someone's stupid will?

Put yourself in their shoes.

You were told to take out the forex ads (you need a licence for that).

how will you turn off the ads?

very simple: filter by the word forex, if there is the word forex in the ad, then forex ads.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Put yourself in their shoes.

You were told to take out the forex ads (you need a licence for that).

how will you turn off the ads?

Very simple: filter by the word forex, if there is the word forex in the ad, then forex ads.

"Looking for and prosecuting maniacs and murderers" ---> filter by "maniac" and "murderer" ---> "Hello, police, I found the maniac"


Finish from Yandex. It has buried all advertising through them ( So don't get too excited about still being spun in ads, it may soon be over ((((.

Благодарим Вас за ожидание.

Resolving your issue required contacting the legal department. Currently, due to changes in Russian legislation (amendments to the Law on the Securities Market), we can accept Forex advertising, including informational articles, blogs, software, training to earn money, etc. in the Forex market only if a copy of the certificate of membership in the self-regulated organization of Forex dealers and a professional securities market participant license to operate a Forex dealer or brokerage license.

We hope for understanding.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

Finish from Yandex. It has buried all advertising through them ( So don't get too excited about still being spun in ads, it may soon be over ((((

I'm telling you, they're smoking something ...
Alexandr Gavrilin:

Finish from Yandex. It has buried all advertising through them ( So don't get too excited about advertising, it may soon be over ((((.

Well, there's also promotion through search, which I hope they won't block.

I worked for 6 years without advertising, 3 years with the people's site )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

The company is also promoting through search, which I hope they won't block.

I've been working for 6 years without advertising and for 3 years with a website from people.)

The company's main goal is to promote the forex market, and to make sure that they are able to do so in a timely manner, and that they will not block it.

You know, people, who advertise through google.adwords, how are things with forex there?