Yandex Direct - who is advertising? Moderator rejection. Documents for authorship. - page 10

I am still being asked to provide supporting documents for the rejected advertisement(.
I was still asked to provide supporting documents on the rejected ad.( I complained to the directorate and they sent my complaint to a senior moderator who approved it.
I hit out at direct and they sent my complaint to a senior moderator, who approved it...
Vladimir Pastushak:
I had a go at direct and they sent my complaint to a senior moderator, who approved it...

Two days passed and they rejected my previously approved ad.

Yandex lawyers are inadequate, what else can I say...

So far so good.
Vladimir Pastushak:

Two days passed and they rejected my previously approved ad.

Yandex lawyers are inadequate, what more can be said...

I wrote to them 2 days ago too, they unblocked and removed the request for documents. Today they want the documents again. Maybe different changes of moderators... and today's moderators are out of the picture.
I wrote to them 2 days ago too, they unblocked and removed the request for documents. Today they want the documents again. Maybe there's a different change of moderators... and today's are out of the picture.

Make a fool pray to God... Or: every dropper makes an enema out of himself...

Somewhere on the edge of my brain I heard that forex brokers are not allowed... Well, they put programmers under one roof (license). And they're so proud. #debilib**d (c) Lavrov S.V.

Soon the forex trader-programmer-mql flats and houses will start being broken into like an underground casino ))))
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What's the connection between silent computers and forex?

Straight. Money likes silence ;)


In general, when Yandex Direct and its representatives see/hear/feel the words Forex, dealer and currency, they immediately block and ban everything.

Here is an excerpt from the law, which so far Yandex lawyers cannot make out and distinguish between a Forex dealer and a private programmer.

"Article 4.1. Activity of a forex dealer

(1) The activity of a forex dealer shall be deemed to be the activity to conclude on its own behalf and at its own expense with individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, not engaged in organised trading:contracts, which are derivative financial instruments, the obligation of the parties thereunder depending on the movements of the relevant currency and/or currency pairs and for which the forex dealer shall enable an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur, to undertake the obligation

The more claims you make, the sooner the problem will be resolved.


Moderation on Yandex ads periodically flies off.

After the last moderation, the campaign ran for about a month. and rejected again.

Who has what intervals?