How to sell your products, signals and services - page 18

Karputov Vladimir:
So, anyone interested in trying to create their own advertising pages/posts? Hosting is available. Space is available.
Vladimir, please explain. What kind of hosting? Is it an offer from you or on MQ's servers? Is it possible to put Joomla there, I know it well?
By the way, if you go to our English part of the forum - it functions as an international forum (if for example all forums are removed and the English one remains - everything will be fine as it was) - there are very few native English speakers among users.

All somehow ... with Google ... or whatever ... No one is not "ashamed" for it (it's considered bad form to reprimand a user for not knowing English there in the English part) ... and that's the difference between international forums ... that is the difference between international forums and americans...

Almost all the forex forums that are in the top (and there are many) are international (ie - English you can use a dictionary / google).
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Vladimir, clarify please. What kind of hosting? Is it an offer from you or on MQ servers? Is it possible to put Joomla there, I know it well?

Third-party hosting where authors are more free to advertise (with descriptions, with videos and the like) their products from the Market.

I am developing the following concept: several highly specialised specialists gather on (a site, blog, forum). All can write (posts, pages) about their products. What happens: several people create content faster than one person. Search engines love it, the site will be well indexed -> it means in search engine results this site will be higher in the ranking of results -> it means to each participant will be more potential buyers.

Karputov Vladimir:

Third-party hosting where authors are more free to advertise (with descriptions, with videos and the like) their products from the Market.

I am developing the following concept: several highly specialised specialists gather on (a site, blog, forum). All can write (posts, pages) about their products. What happens: several people create content faster than one person. Search engines love this, the site will be well indexed -> so this site will be higher in search engine results -> so there will be more potential referrals from customers to each participant.

I've signed up, need to think about the sections, I'll post later.
Sergey Golubev:
By the way, if you go to our English part of the forum - it functions as an international forum (if for example all forums are removed and the English one remains - everything will be fine as it was) - there are very few native English speakers among users.

All somehow ... with Google ... or whatever ... No one is not "ashamed" for it (it's considered bad form to reprimand a user for not knowing English there in the English part) ... and that's the difference between international forums ... that is the difference between international forums and americans...

Almost all the forex forums that are in the top (and there are many) are international (ie - English you can use a dictionary Googling).
I talk to a girl from Pakistan once in Skype, she was sitting at some brokerage company like an administrator, I do not know the exact duties. Her English was so...Pakistani, but we understood each other well )). She proudly told me she could add, subtract and would soon learn the multiplication table.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
I once Skypeed with a girl from Pakistan, she was on some DC like an administrator, I don't know the exact duties. Her English was so...Pakistani, but we understood each other well.) She was proud to tell me that she could add, subtract and would soon learn the multiplication table.
Skype? Skype is gone (there is no Skype for us anymore, for work I mean) ... The last time I was on Skype was a few years ago... and that person was wondering what happened to my family...
I know what you mean ... But no one bothers with English ... no one in the world (whatever) ... As they can talk/post, so they post ... It's 2016 I'm sorry ...
A 'girl from Pakistan' sounds brave :)

I have worked with Iranians, with Afghans, with Americans, with ... с ...

No problems at all ...

Never use your lack of knowledge of English as a reason not to do something!
Have you seen the countries? (my post where you can see where Metatrader is more popular?)
Do they speak Russian or English well? They don't know anything...
It's just that nobody cares ... (does not dwell on it).

Sergey Golubev:
A 'girl from Pakistan' sounds brave :)

I've worked with Iranians, with Afghans, with Americans, with... с ...

No problems at all...

Never put your ignorance of the English language as an excuse not to do something!
Have you seen the countries? (my post where you can see where Metatrader is more popular?)
Do they speak Russian or English well? They don't know anything...
It's just that nobody cares ... (does not dwell on it).

Mm-mm, did I offend anyone with my little story? It went like this. I chat in Skype all the time, she knocked on my door and asked for advice on forex. I gave her my forex advisor and let her test it. I am irreligious myself, she is a Muslim, so what? I respect all religions without a TNT belt, I have my own perception of the world and I'm not closed-minded.

She really didn't know how to multiply and divide, she said they only get a passport after marriage, and in the meantime she's trading on her brother's account. I don't understand a damn thing about the Muslim world, but treated her like a human being, she was about to get married. I told her about Russia, I gave her my programs. She told me about her life.

Why did it bother you, as a moderator? I'm curious.

Vitalii Ananev:

I know that. But the difference is that, for example, the same Yandex Direct, the number of characters in an ad is limited. Here, however, your site is highly specialised (i.e. articles only on forex or near forex). And the ability to post full-fledged articles. Use all legal SEO methods (internal linking, keyword optimization, etc.).

There are still sites (various article directories, etc.) where you can post articles for a fee, but they (the sites) do not usually have a narrow thematic focus.

If you give visitors to the resource the opportunity to post advertising articles, and even with the use of SEO, it is a direct route to the GS, because this site will simply zasamytut. Because the advertisers immediately begin to get rid of and for their articles on the site is very difficult to find useful information. A site visitors do not need advertising, but only need the information that interests them.

Therefore, I had to add a paragraph in the rules of my site that hidden, much less open advertising in the body posts is strictly prohibited. However, users are allowed to place advertising links or even horizontal banners in the signature, which is a kind of "fee" for their useful activity. But if a user actively clutters the resource with meaningless messages for the sake of advertisement reproduction in the signature he will get a ban from the moderator and all his activities in that direction will be in vain, i.e. subject to ruthless deletion.

Restrictions or even a complete ban on advertising on sites - it is not a whim of administrators, and the measure with which you can save a resource from the mess. Take, for example, free ads boards, where advertising, as they say, the state is supposed to place. Say, Avito or Slando. And there is also very strict restrictions and requirements, and otherwise advertisers so zamamyat all and riddled, that such a board no one except the very advertisers do not want to go.

This does not mean that all advertisers are corrupt bastards, who do not want to admit anything but personal mercantile interests. In fact, even among them there are very competent professionals who competently placed their ads on other resources, and even so that it is difficult to refuse, while not violating any rules. But such, unfortunately, in the minority. Because to master the craft of advertising, as in any other case, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. Most people find this approach superfluous and try to win by numbers, i.e. by spamming rather than by cleverness.

Yury Reshetov:

If you allow visitors to the resource to place advertising articles, and even with the use of SEO, then this is a direct path to the GS, because this site is simply spammed. Because the advertisers will immediately begin to get rid of and for their articles on the site will be very difficult to find useful information. A site visitors do not need advertising, but only want the information that interests them.

Therefore, I had to add a paragraph in the rules of my site that hidden, much less open advertising in the body posts is strictly prohibited. However, users are allowed to place advertising links or even horizontal banners in the signature, which is a kind of "fee" for their useful activity. But if a user actively clutters the resource with meaningless messages for the sake of advertisement reproduction in the signature he will get a ban from the moderator and all his activities in that direction will be in vain, i.e. subject to ruthless deletion.

Restrictions or even a complete ban on advertising on sites - it is not a whim of administrators, and the measure with which you can save a resource from the mess. Take, for example, free ads boards, where advertising, as they say, the state is supposed to place. Say, Avito or Slando. And there is also very strict restrictions and requirements, and otherwise advertisers so zasamyat all and bury, that on such a board no one except the very advertisers do not want to go.

This does not mean that all advertisers are corrupt bastards, who do not want to admit anything but personal mercantile interests. In fact, even among them there are very competent professionals who competently placed their ads on other resources, and even so that it is difficult to refuse, while not violating any rules. But such, unfortunately, in the minority. Because to master the craft of advertising, as in any other case, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. Most people find this approach superfluous and try to win by numbers, i.e. by spamming rather than by cleverness.

If you have read this blog from the beginning (in particular my posts), then you should have realized that in this context, we were talking about publishing advertising articles not by all, but a limited range of people who decided to jointly promote their products on one site. And these promotional articles should be "diluted" with regular non-promotional articles.