How to sell your products, signals and services - page 12

Vladimir Pastushak:
I'm just sharing their experiences, thoughts, maybe someone will say something sensible ...

I take it, correct me if I'm wrong, that from your experience your website has not significantly increased the number of sales of your products?

Sergey Golubev:

Here on social media I would like to add ...


I also think that before there will be some benefit to spend time on the promotion profile, group in kontakte or his page in sots. net.

Vitalii Ananev:

I understand, correct me if I'm wrong, that based on your experience your website has not significantly increased the number of sales of your products?

I also think that before there will be some benefit to spend time on the promotion profile, group in contact or your page in the social.

Site brings a lot of problems and expenses, (then works then does not work, the scripts need to integrate, the engine to buy, advertising site is very expensive)

For example, advertising in Google by the word "open an account" costs 2500-3000 rubles per click (in which the fact that people do not open an account). I fell off my chair when I saw it...

Vladimir Pastushak:

The site brings a lot of problems and expenses, (then works, then does not work, then scripts need to integrate, then the engine to buy, the advertising site is very expensive).

For example, advertising in Google by the word "open an account" costs 2500-3000 rubles per click (which does not mean that people open an account). When I saw it, I fell off my chair.

It is possible that the search query "open an account" is too popular because it costs so much. I think it's possible to open an account not only with a Forex broker, but also with a bank. The most likely reason for the search query may be that it's coming from a person who wants to open a bank account. In SEO there is such a thing as search query frequency. For high-frequency queries is too much competition from here and the cost. Try to promote the beginning of the site for low-frequency queries. Write articles on these topics. Frequency (popularity) queries can be seen on yandex vordstat.

The problem works / does not work is necessary hosting provider to change. The engine for the site can be found for free. As an option, give up advertising and engage in promotion articles. If you can not write yourself try to compare the cost of advertising with the cost of buying (ordering) a unique article on the content exchange. In general, for everything you need to spend time. And the result will not come soon. Typically, new sites whose domain age is less than six months, search engines are not too highly ranked in SERP.

Vitalii Ananev:

It is possible that the search query "open an account" is too popular, which is why it costs so much. You can open an account not only with a Forex broker but also with a bank. I think it's more likely that most of these search queries are coming from people wanting to open a bank account. In SEO there is such a thing as search query frequency. For high-frequency queries is too much competition from here and the cost. Try to promote the beginning of the site for low-frequency queries. Write articles on these topics. Frequency (popularity) queries can be seen on yandex vordstat.

The problem works / does not work is necessary hosting provider to change. The engine for the site can be found for free. As an option, give up advertising and engage in promotion articles. If you can not write yourself try to compare the cost of advertising with the cost of buying (ordering) a unique article on the content exchange. In general, for everything you need to spend time. And the result will not come soon. Typically, new sites whose domain age is less than six months, search engines are not too highly ranked in SERP.

Articles written to order immediately get disability of the first group. The meaning of these articles in a few words "watery water is watery water", that is about nothing at all .....

Vladimir Pastushak:

Articles written to order are immediately handicapped in the first group... The meaning of such articles is in a few words "watery water happens to be watery water", i.e. nothing at all ....

:) You don't have to pay for such articles. It's like a freelance service, the customer is always right.
Vitalii Ananev:
:) You don't have to pay for articles like this. It's like a freelance service, the customer is always right.
Try ....

It's not easy to promote a website, you can't promote it with articles alone.

It's a very complicated process. IMHO.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

It's not easy to promote a website, you can't promote it with articles alone.

It's a very complicated process. IMHO.

A very good option is one post (or article) a day. But it's unrealistic to keep up that pace yourself.
Karputov Vladimir:
A very good option is one post (or article) per day. But it is unrealistic to maintain such a pace.

I'll tell you even more, being involved in programming, i.e. orders, as well as developing your own software - even 1 article a month is very difficult to write.

There are people who just write articles, they do not do anything else but write articles and earn money on affiliate links.

They do not do anything but write articles and hang in the forum - it's unrealistic for one person to combine orders, develop their own software and write articles.

I spend 12 hours a day at my computer. I have only one article a month, and it's hard to do that... Hardly.

Yes, and then must still take into account that the article should be unique, write about what has long been - the search engine will not understand, and people are a bum to read it.

People in general is something to read the bum.


There are already two people who have websites but don't have time to promote them. If they joined forces, it would be easier for the two of them to promote one site.