
How does metaquotes decide how many activations an indication can have . I bought one indicator with 100 activations allowed and another one only allows 5 .

The sellers are deciding it about how many activations.
It is from the Rules -

The Buyer purchases the right to activate a Product as many times as specified by the Seller at the moment of purchasing or renting this Product. For example, if a Product allows 20 activations at the moment of its purchase, the Buyers can install it on 20 different hardware + OS configurations even if the Seller will decrease this number afterwards.

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How does metaquotes decide how many activations an indication can have . I bought one indicator with 100 activations allowed and another one only allows 5 .

The minimum number of activations allowed is 5, the maximum has no limit.

The indicator i bought with 5 activations was causing my pc to freeze , so i deleted from the navigator 4 times , before I learnt what the 5 activations meant . I contacted the seller and explained what happened , and he told me the number of activations is determined by metaquotes , which sounded like bs , thats why i have asked on the forum . Thanks guys .
xerof33 #: The indicator i bought with 5 activations was causing my pc to freeze , so i deleted from the navigator 4 times , before I learnt what the 5 activations meant . I contacted the seller and explained what happened , and he told me the number of activations is determined by metaquotes , which sounded like bs , thats why i have asked on the forum . Thanks guys .

No, it is not totally BS. The author sets the maximum number of activations for ALL users, but the control of the activations is done by MetaQuotes.

If you burnt out all of your activations, then the author can't do anything for you. He sets the limit for ALL users and not each user individually, so he will be unable to increase activations just for you. If he increases the limit it will be available for ALL users, not just you.

So, it is unfair for you to request for the author to increase that limit, when it was your ignorance about it that caused your problem. The author is not at fault about the activations.

As for the Indicator freezing your terminal, that is another matter. Whether that be the Indicator's fault or your setup problem that caused it, we do not know.