FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 904
Петиция, "Барабашка", окончание сбора подписей 11.10.2016
Петиция, "Барабашка", окончание сбора подписей 11.10.2016
  • reviews: 8
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The drum clearly didn't please someone On the Change they usually collect petitions - Medvedev... Shuvalov... Karputov

The euro will rise until the last call is sucked out.

In other words, until there is an oversupply of buyers.

So you think this scenario I drew won't happen?

he gives indicators to the masses.

graphical interfaces))) buttons /crumbles.

And how do you trade on them? Well, the same thing)))

The secret of the quotes is revealed to the man. No one will tell the masses, because the handicap is lost.

So you think this scenario I drew will not happen?

I know that Euro/doll is now in the decline phase from the high of 1.1324

There are 2 spots to watch - 1.1170 and 1.1101

tuma_news 2016.09.09 12:53 RU

I expect a descent to 1.1170/80

So who wanted to write something in the *.cvs file, add to this file and read from the file? Or is it no longer necessary?
Karputov Vladimir:
So who wanted to write something in the *.cvs file, add to this file and read from the file? Or is it no longer necessary?
Of course you do, show me.

I know that the Euro/Doll is now in a decline phase from the high of 1.1324

There are 2 observation points- 1.1170 and 1.1101

So about the same vision of the situation, let's see how it goes...
Of course you do, show me.
So what is there to show? I asked what should be read and written down?

Euro sell pairs will look the most promising next week.