FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 798

I understand that we're dealing with a highly advanced machine...

the machine is a what. the program is a YES!

however, it is a man-made program.

read the PCB trace algorithm)

I think that's exactly the same principle as the puppet.


What can't this algorithm handle?

Now at 1,1130 there is a buy signal on the request that I asked to be coded.

Up to 1.1250 there is a buy signal somewhere.

A precision start, did you learn how to conjure?
A precision start, did you learn how to conjure?
It won't go there until we see 1.1090 and then it may go higher at 1.1325
Precision start, did you learn how to conjure?
everything comes from the data!!!
What can not be processed by this algorithm?

it works with a 99% probability of PCB layout and will not be able to connect the pins if there is already no space on the PCB for a printed conductor

in this case you add another printed layer, then it's 100%.

So the more currency pairs you trade, the greater the risk

An exact start, did you learn how to do magic?
Roman Busarov:
everything comes from the data!!!

only it got off to an early start. The vendors haven't recruited a cart...

That's odd.

One buy strategy said, and the other ( with sellers) was silent. Actually there was an overweight, but not AH-ah-ah as big as before the fall.

Roman Busarov:
everything comes from the data!!!


Did you salt the moon?


Look where it's coming from)))

The upper picture is my own know-how. It's a one line match there too( it's smallin the picture, but I can see it well in the terminal).

The bottom one is you know what it is)))

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия (Эпизод № 42: Ноябрь 2014) Продолжение следует... (pako) - MQL4 форум - Страница 184
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия (Эпизод № 42: Ноябрь 2014) Продолжение следует... (pako) - MQL4 форум - Страница 184
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия (Эпизод № 42: Ноябрь 2014) Продолжение следует... (pako) - MQL4 форум - Страница 184

Do you think everything is even individual?