FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1281

The main thing is not to panic.
Movlat Baghiyev:
Sorry, I don't think so... Just work in a triangle... They made triangles and flip back and forth ... Or a lot of dangling or no money...

Personally, I'm expecting a lot of volatility tomorrow.

We'll probably be moving towards the centre of today's afternoon candles.

Renat Akhtyamov:
Personally, I expect not weak volatility tomorrow.
Volatility I agree, but without a definite trend...Well, a triangle is just for throwing from corner to corner.
Movlat Baghiyev:
I think he's been unbound since 2008.

Wrong. Most of the assets are in third countries.

It may not have as much influence as Europe, but it does.


Wrong. Most of the assets are in third countries.

Maybe not as much influence as Europe, but there is.

And why do you think if there are assets, they are in raw materials?)))) and not just say the production of anything...
Movlat Baghiyev:
And why do you think if there are assets it's in raw materials?))) And not just say the production of anything...

I didn't write that in the raw material. Perhaps it was misunderstood.

In third country assets.)

It's specific to the British economy.


I didn't write that in the raw material. Perhaps it was misunderstood.

In third country assets.)

That's the specifics of Britain's economy.


The pound is bloodied by a lot of commodities. He's been drawn to them so far.)

Movlat Baghiyev:

Poundik is bloodied by many of the raw materials. He's been drawn to them so far).


Not for the value of raw materials, but for what is invested in the companies of those states.

There is no direct correlation to the value of a particular commodity.


I don't know who's behind the nickname, but you're too smart to be a bitch))
Movlat Baghiyev:
I don't know who's behind the nickname, but you're too smart to be a bitch))